Chapter 119 overestimate one’s capabilities?

Chu Zhongtian left.

Zhao Fang is left in the carriage, and Nan Gongling is the two servants.

The three people are silent with each other.

The atmosphere, suddenly picked up.

“You are recovering from injury, it is best not to move.”

After saying this, Nan Gongling entered the interior of the carriage, in a separate room.

Maidservant Xiao Bi looked at Zhao Fang, a face despising:

“I blame you, if not you, Young Lady how can it be with this young master Tian, ​​this awkward, your color embryo, a hateful color embryo, after the injury, hurry to get out!”

Do not know why.

Maidservant Xiao Bi, for Zhao Fang, has a natural despising sense of one kind.

Especially after seeing his own young lady and Chu Zhongtian, the despising of Zhao Fang is the peak of one kind.

Zhao Fang did not care about the accusation of Xiao Bi.

In his heart, he is still thinking about the scene just now.

For a moment, he sighed slightly. “It’s too short! Damn’s, blame the stupid cunt Chu Zhongtian!”

The next two days.

Zhao Fang pretends to be unhealed and does not leave in the compartment.

In fact, it is true.

After all, Mo Chi is 7-Star Martial Venerable, Full strength strike, which is so easy to pick up.

Even Zhao Fang took Yellow Springs Yang Pill.

It just recovered.

But the injury with the body did not completely heal.

In this regard, maidservant Xiao Bi, proposed Nan Gongling, throwing Zhao Fang to the roadside.

According to her words.

Zhao Fang already recoveredconsciousness.

If you can walk around yourself, even if you throw it to the roadside, there will be no danger to Life.

Nan Gongling had some intentions.

She has always liked to be close to man.

At this moment, Zhao Fang has been with her 2 days.

Let her be in a lot of ways.

But after hearing the tearing screams of Zhao Fang, she decided to leave Zhao Fang in the compartment.

To this end, maidservant Xiao Bi is indignant.

I can’t wait to kick Zhao Fang out of the car.

“There is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason. I have never provoked Xiao Bi, why is she so despising me?”

Zhao Fang was puzzled at first.

But through 2 days observations, and side knocks.

He already understands the key.

Xiao Bi likes Chu Zhongtian!

At the same time I hope that Nan Gongling can come together with Chu Zhongtian.

Therefore, for his ‘fourth party’, it is naturally extraordinarily exclusive!

Zhao Fang decided to give the little girl a lesson.

Lest she not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and then provoke herself.

“Little girl, even if you like Chu Zhongtian, like a fire pit, you shouldn’t push your Young Lady into the fire pit. The shackles like yours are in our hometown, but they are going to be sold to the village, forever. Don’t turn over.”

Zhao Fang wants to teach a little girl and scare her.

I don’t know if it was said by Zhao Fang, or if she was sold to the village, she frighten her.

Leading her complexion slightly changed, the conversation is a little nervous.

“What are you talking about? You are nonsense, I, I will kick you down the carriage!”

Looking at some little girl who is mad, Zhao Fang has a lot of fun. “What? Don’t you dare to admire, don’t you admit it?”

Little girl coldly snorted, disdained said: “Even if I admit, I like Chu Zhongtian Young Master, I like Young Lady can come together with Chu Zhongtian, then how? Follow the Chu Zhongtian Young Master this kind of youthful generation It’s better than following your poor mediocrity!”

“Xiao Bi!”

A cold voice suddenly sounded from the maidservant Xiao Bi behind.

I don’t know when, in the inner chamber Alchemist’s Nan Gongling, came out, clear heard this.

Xiao Bi body trembled, mind was blank, she didn’t think of it, and her own words were actually given to her by Young Lady.

When she saw the indistinct smile on Zhao Fang’s face.

Suddenly, I realized that I was calculated by Zhao Fang.

“You, you dare to count me?” Xiao Bi angry look at Zhao Fang, then turned around, angry face turned into a wronged color, “Young Lady, this fellow is too odious! I was designed by her. !”

“You go out!” Nan Gongling didn’t say much.

Just saying four words, I stopped paying attention to Xiao Bi and walked toward the inner compartment.

Xiao Bi had a pale face and sat down on the ground, feeling overwhelmed.

After half a day.

She returned to God and stared at Zhao Fang with hatred. “I will not let you go!”

Finish, leave the car.

Looking at the silhouette of Xiao Bi leaving, Zhao Fang corner of the mouth showed a smile, thinking that he could finally be alone with Nan Gongling.

As for the threat of Xiao Bi, he is not at all concerned.

Out of the carriage, Xiao Bi was outside and saw Chu Zhongtian waiting for him.

After Xiao Bi saw Chu Zhongtian, in the eyes flashed a bright color, and quickly walked up.

Chu Zhongtian saw Xiao Bi, his eyes flashed a disappointment and disdain, but still pretending to be a smile, a pair of very happy to see Xiao Bi.

“Central Young Master Tian!”

Xiao Bi came to Chu Zhongtian, and the surprise was suddenly turned into a grievance, tears in the eyes.

If Zhao Fang is here.

Seeing this scene, I will definitely give a thumbs up to Xiao Bi.

This acting is no one!

“Xiao Bi?what’s going on?” asked Chu Zhongtian.

“Young Lady, Young Lady, she drove me out.” Xiao Bi covered her face and cried.

“What? Impossible.” Chu Zhongtian frowns, “You and Ling’er, the name as master servant, really sister, how can she can drive you out?”

“Not because of the scoundrel. He designed to frame me, let me, in, in front of Young Lady, say like…”

Having said that, she sneaked a peek at Chu Zhongtian, whispering, “I like the young master Tian. Then I was driven out by Young Lady.”

Chu Zhongtian Wen Yan, slightly startled.

Immediately, the corner of the mouth slightly raise.

But the surface is a painful and caring color.

He pulled up Xiao Bi’s hand and said with deep affection: “I didn’t expect that because of me, you were misunderstood by Ling’er. You can rest assured that I will explain to Ling’er for you.”

“These are not really important, as long as you know it.” Bier said.

“Stupid girl, how can I not understand what you mean to me? You can rest assured that I will not disappoint you.”

Wen Yan, Xiao Bi is shy and bowed, and she is very happy.

But I didn’t notice at all that when Chu Zhongtian said this, in the eyes flashed away.

“But before this, we must first solve the trouble.”

Chu Zhongtian is indifferent and has a killing intent.


Inside the train, only Zhao Fang and Nan Gongling two people are left.

Zhao Fang wanted to improve this relationship with Nan Gongling.

Naan Gongling, but has been waiting in the inner compartment, not coming out.

Just as Zhao Fang hesitated, whether or not to break into the inner compartment.

In the inner compartment.

Suddenly a low explosion sounded.

Hear this sound, Zhao Fang slightly startled.

Immediately, the complexion slightly changed, without hesitation, directly move into the inner compartment and rushed in.

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