Chapter 120—activate Alchemy Technique

The interior of the compartment is very simple. Latest fastest update

There is no extra Artifact except for the one-of-a-kind Pill Furnace.

And at the moment.

Nan Gongling fell to the ground.

Inside Pill Furnace, black smoke was found.

See this scene.

Even Zhao Fang, the Alchemist rookie, knows that this is Alchemist’s failure.

“Ling’er girl, you are fine!”

Zhao Fang went forward and hurriedly raised Nan Gongling, and asked with concern.

Nan Gongling stood up and shook his head slightly, saying that he was fine.

But its complexion is pale.

Within the body aura, it is weak.

When the palm touched Nan Gongling.

Zhao Fang noticed that Nan Gongling was not a problem, but the Martial Dao True Force was severely consumed.


Nan Gongling looked at the black smoked Pill Medicine, the charming face was a pity.

In order to Refine the Pill Medicine, she is ready.

The state is even more unprecedented than the peak.


Still failed.

This is a big blow for the talent Alchemist Master Nan Gongling.

Her expression is awkward, her thoughts are flying, I don’t know what I am thinking.

I did not notice that my own jade hand was also caught by Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang saw this scene.

Although I don’t know Nan Gongling in Refining what Pill Medicine.

But from the fluctuation after the death of Dan, it is certainly not ordinary Pill Medicine.

“The Defensive Array is printed on the Xinzhi car. Otherwise, the impact of the previous attack is estimated to have already smashed the hood!”

Zhao Fang shouted fortunately.

Later, he looked at Nan Gongling.

The heart of this woman is really not simple, young, Alchemist level is so high.

Although these two days.

He had a long time with Nan Gongling, but he didn’t talk at all.

The main reason is that Nan Gongling stayed in the Alchemist.

But from the look of the maidservant Xiao Bi and the information revealed in the words, Zhao Fang vaguely knows that Nan Gongling is the discipline of the Royal Capital Great Influences Pill Treasure Pavilion.

Moreover, it is still an exceptionally superior disciple.

“Pill Treasure Pavilion !”

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang’s eyes suddenly brightened.

He came to Pill Furnace and looked around Pill Furnace carefully.

“Strange, why didn’t you ring?”

Zhao Fang frowns, some puzzled.

The reason he did this was to activate Alchemist skills.

Like the above-mentioned unintentional activation of Tool Refiner skills.

Just, what makes him surprised is.

The resulting System Prompt sound did not sound.

“Don’t it go wrong?” Zhao Fang touched his chin, gaze shimmers.

Alchemist Master is more fragrant than the Refining Master.

Like this popular career, Noble Young Master Zhao naturally does not want to miss it.

Moreover, he still owes System 100 million foreign debt.

If it is, but pay back with the spoils of war Exchange. Latest fastest update

Who knows where the system pit will be taken by the black heart.

and so.

Zhao Fang decided to repay the account with the Auxiliary Occupation skill, Refining weapon.

However, Tool Refiner alone is definitely not enough.

If you put Alchemist together, maybe you will have a bigger grasp.

“what happened to you?”

See Zhao Fang complexion weird, Nan Gongling could not help but ask.

“Oh, nothing, just think that Pill Furnace looks domineering out of the ordinary and can’t help but want to take a look.”

Zhao Fang explained with a smile.

Nan Gongling took a deep look at Zhao Fang and smiled without hesitation.

“damn, what the hell is wrong?”

Zhao Fang’s brow wrinkled and the palm was shot at Pill Furnace above.


“Discover Alchemist skills, Do you wish to learn?”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang was very happy.

He is waiting for this voice, how can it be rejected.


Heart Thought, in the mind, there is a lot of inexplicable information.

With the experience of the last Refining Technique.

Zhao Fang is not flustered. He knows that those are the knowledge of Alchemy Technique.

Then he opened the Skill bar.

Skills: Alchemy Technique

Rank :Desolate Level (Upgradeable, divided into god, heaven, earth, profound, yellow, universe, eternity, great, and Tier-9.)

Proficiency : 0/100

Introduction: Every time Alchemist, which consumes True Force Value 900 points, has a chance to Refining Desolate Level Pill Medicine. The higher the Proficiency, the greater the success rate and the failure of every time, which increases the 1 point of Proficiency. (With the Rank Upgrade, the True Force Value required for Refining will also follow Upgrade.)


“damn, I finally got you out.”

Zhao Fang is very excited, but the surface is quiet.

At this time, there are dense footsteps.

Soon, there were several figures and appeared in the inner compartment.

It was Chu Zhongtian and maidservant Xiao Bi, who came in with two old men.

“Ling’er, are you okay?”

Chu Zhongtian cried when he came in.

A pair of people are afraid that others will not know, he is very concerned about the way Nan Gongling looks.

When I saw Pill Furnace, who was smoking black smoke inside, Chu Zhongtian was slightly startled and suddenly recognized.

He is also Alchemist Master.

From the smell of medicine in the air, it is vaguely guessable, Nan Gongling is refining what Pill Medicine.

“Ling’er, you are a little too anxious. How can this ranked Pill Medicine be Refined here?”

Chu Zhongtian said solemnly.

After Nan Gongling Alchemist failed, he was in a bad mood.

I didn’t say much to Chu Zhongtian, it was just silence.

Upon seeing it, Chu Zhongtian stopped talking and began to comfort Nan Gongling.

But when he got out of Pill Furnace, his complexion suddenly seemed hard to look at. “I was still thinking about it. With Ling’er superb Alchemist level, how can it be Alchemist failed. It turns out that you have a brat.” ‘er heart is merciful, kindly accepts you, but you do something like the danger of Ling’er life, I can’t spare you!”

When you talk about it.

He directed the behind that bald old man said solemnly, “The old man, bring this brat to me.”

The bald old man following Chu Zhongtian behind is an Elder from the Chu family.

The status is equivalent to one of the Zhao family’s nine Great Elders.

This is also because Chu Zhongtian is the most promising of the Chu family to the Alchemist Master of the Deserte Level.

Therefore, the Chu family’s security is also extremely important.

This sent Chu Xiang, the 4-Star Martial Ancestor, to protect.

As for the other person.

It was Nan Gongling’s Elder, who was born in the Pill Treasure Pavilion and also had the Strength of 4-Star Martial Ancestor.

After hearing Chu Zhongtian’s words, he could not help but look at Nan Gongling.

But see Nan Gongling frown, unpleasant looks at Chu Zhongtian, coldly said, “Who allowed you to come in?”

Chu Xiang grabbed the palm of Zhao Fang and felt a little stiff.

However, it was not expected that Nan Gongling would be the reaction.

She also knows.

You can’t provoke Nan Gongling here.

Not to mention that Nan Gongling stands behind a ranked 4-Star Martial Ancestor.

Outside the team.

There are also two Martial Venerable Powerhouse guards.

Under this kind of protection, even if he gave him great courage, he would not dare to resist Nan Gongling.

He couldn’t help but look at his own Young Master.

But see Chu Zhongtian’s expression gloomy, waving his hand.

Subsequently, Chu Zhongtian stared at Zhao Fang, said coldly: “Are you brat a man, hiding behind the women, what is the skill?”

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