Chapter 121

Zhao Fang gave him a squint.

The expression seems to be saying, “Do you have the ability to hide behind the women and try?”

Although not stated.

But Chu Zhongtian seems to understand the expression, complexion suddenly becomes difficult to look.

to him.

This expression is not awkward to beat him.

It is a mockery of him and disdain!

Chu Zhongtian expression gloomy, complexion staring at Zhao Fang.

From the expression of his cannibalism.

It is not difficult to see that he has climbed to the top of Zhao Fang’s despising and killing intent.

“Chu Zhongtian, you can go out!”

Nan Gongling was in a bad mood because of Alchemist’s failure.

Now seeing this scene, suddenly is more annoying.

Chu Zhongtian complexion shaking, but still some will willingly, he looked at Zhao Fang, said solemnly: “brat, there is a kind of gamble with me once, whether it is Alchemist or Martial Dao, whoever loses, leaving Ling’er Far away.”

For this boring gambling.

Zhao Fang was originally insisted on rejecting.

Until DD


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, inspires the gambling Task.”

“Task Objective: Win the gamble.”

“Task difficulty :b (Task difficulty is divided into c, b, a, s, ss, sss for respectively representing dual, difficult, elite, nightmare, Hell, War God).”

“Task Reward: 1000000Experience Value, 100000True Force Value Points, 100000Divine Grade Proficiency, charm + 4.”

When I heard the Task Reward, it actually contained the charm.

Zhao Fang slightly startled,ududly laughed. “Okay, how is it?”

Zhao Fang’s refreshing promise, beyond everyone’s expectations.

Includes Nan Gongling.

At this moment, she is brows slightly wrinkle, some do not understand, why Zhao Fang will take it.

after all.

Seen from the bright side.

Zhao Fang Martial Dao cultivation base is not as good as Chu Zhongtian.

Needless to say, Alchemist.

You know, Chu Zhongtian although is unbearable.

But the ability is still there.

In the Royal Capital.

His Alchemist natural talent is second only to Nan Gongling.

Chu Zhongtian is also a reaction.

He had prepared a sigh of words, and after hearing the words of Zhao Fang, suddenly lost his role.

But then, he chuckled.

“Time is within a month. It’s the same as you, whether it’s Alchemist or Martial Dao, you can spend less.”

When saying this.

He didn’t have a superfluous expression, just raised his head slightly, his face filled with pride and triumph.

“I don’t bully you, then Alchemist.”

Zhao Fang smiled lightly.

Chu Zhongtian nod, but soon reacted, complexion is a bit weird, “Are you sure to compare me with Alchemist?”

“Yes what’s the matter?”

Zhao Fang voice fell.

Everyone around me is also a dumbfounded look at Zhao Fang, that expression is no different from watching Idiot.

Ha ha ~

Chu Zhongtian ha ha The size is up.

“It’s really an overnight one’s capabilities. The young master Tian is the Eon Level Low-Grade Alchemist Master. In the entire Royal Capital, only Young Lady can regulate. You don’t know where the country is, and you are in the middle of the young master Tian. Competing Alchemist? It’s silly and poor!”

A shrill sneering sounded beside.

It’s not someone else who said this, it’s Nan Gongling’s maidservant Xiao Bi.


Nan Gongling did not swear at her.

Just frowning at Zhao Fang.

Through this 2 days contact, she can be sure and sure that Zhao Fang does not understand Alchemist.

That problem is coming.

A layman who doesn’t understand Alchemist, but vowed to compete with Alchemist Master for a small Alchemist Master?

Is he crazy, or is World crazy?

The answer is very simple.

Zhao Fang is crazy!

She sighed slightly in her heart, and in the moment, placed Zhao Fang in the class of overestimate one’s capabilities.

Chu Zhongtian glanced at Nan Gongling and saw her expression so happy.

Big said with a laugh : “brat, don’t blame this little remind you, Alchemy Technique, that’s my strength, not at all like you.”

“It will be more interesting to beat you like that.” Zhao Fang expressionless, smiled softly.

Chu Zhongtian Wen Yan, sneer, “Since you act recklessly, then I will fulfill you, anyway, go to Royal Capital, the road is far away, just to relieve the boring. Just don’t know, how long do you want me to wait?”

“That depends, how much gambling you can get.”

Zhao Fang thin smile.

When you heard this, everyone’s expression was even more weird.

They originally thought that the gambling between two people.

It is a joke, when it is not true.

But now it seems that things are not like that.

“Gambling money?” Chu Zhongtian untied the storage bag at the waist and shook it in front of Zhao Fang. “As long as you can win me, this storage bag, including the things inside, is yours.”

“However, if you lose, what? If you are here, there is nothing I can look at.”

Chu Zhongtian banquet said with a laugh.

“If you lose, or live or die, dispose of you.” Zhao Fang thin smile.

Chu Zhongtian eyes are stunned.

Then laughed loudly, “Good! All the presenters are notaries, I believe, you will not regret it.”

“The game that must win, why should I repent?” Zhao Fang asked.

I heard this.

Chu Zhongtian’s eyes cold light flashed, and quickly resumed the banter, said with a laugh: “If this is the case, then half a month later, you and I Pill Contest! Just ask Ling’er as a notary?”

Zhao Fang casual nod.

Two people at the same time look at Nan Gongling.

Nan Gongling was not willing to step in.

But seeing this posture, slightly frowned, I also agreed.

Upon seeing it, Chu Zhongtian smiled more and more, cared for a few words from Nan Gongling, and left with a bald old man.

When I left, my eyes looked at the maidservant Xiao Bi.

After Chu Zhongtian two people left.

There are still four people left in the inner compartment.

“You two go out.”

Nan Gongling looked at 4-Star Martial Ancestor, and Xiao Bi, indifferently said.

4-Star Martial Ancestor respects nod and turns to exit.

Xiao Bi is somewhat reluctant.

She just already received the instructions of Chu Zhongtian, to monitor the two people, how can it be free to leave.

Just at the moment of twisting and pinching.

She saw the cold eyes cast by Nan Gongling.

That gaze has never been seen since she served Nan Gongling.

At that moment.

Xiao Bi knows that he is getting lighter and younger in Nan Gongling’s mind.

Even if the heart is unwilling, he does not dare to hesitate.

Complexion respectfully, bowed out of the inner compartment.

After Xiao Bi left, Zhao Fang and Nan Gongling two people were left in the inner compartment.

Two people No one talks.

The atmosphere between the venues is very silent and also awkward.

“You are not Alchemist Master?”

Nan Gongling did not ask Zhao Fang why he had no nutrition problems with Chu Zhongtian.

She hit the nail on the head and went straight into the center of gravity.

“Not before, now…”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth slightly raise.

“Isn’t it?” Nan Gongling couldn’t help but look at Zhao Fang. “Can I understand that you are at most Desolate Level Alchemist Master?”

“Yes.” Zhao Fang nod.

“Then you fight with Chu Zhongtian? Chu Zhongtian although the character is unbearable, but it is the authentic Eon Level Low-Grade. You want to win him, at least to reach the level of Eon Level Middle Grade. Half a month. Half a month of Time, you can’t upgrade Alchemy Technique from Desolate Level to Eon Level.”

Nan Gongling stares at Zhao Fang, said solemnly.

“Is this not you?” Zhao Fang laughed.

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