Chapter 126, shocked by Nan Gongling


Nan Gongling is slightly startled.

“Do you want me to play for you?”

When he said this, Nan Gongling looked much colder.

“You misunderstood. Just want to borrow this place, there are some medicinal herb use.” Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

“only these?”

“only these!”

Wen Yan, Nan Gongling Silence for a moment, and finally nod.

At the same time, the heart was slightly relieved, and there was a touch of loss that quietly climbed his heart.

She can’t figure it out.

Why do you have this strange emotion?

After borrowing a large amount of ordinary medicinal herb from Nan Gongling.

Noble Young Master Zhao started the first time Alchemist.

He threw more than a dozen medicinal herbs into one of Pill Furnace, in the case of 900True Force Value Points.

Harvested, but only full of burnt flavor.

And, that poor to the extreme 1 point Proficiency.


“Refining failed, Proficiency + 1.”

Zhao Fang has never thought that the first time Alchemist will be able to refining successfully.

He also knows that System is urinary and requires constant brushing of Proficiency.

Therefore, he is very patient.


“Refining failed, Proficiency + 1.”


“Refining failed, Proficiency + 1.”


After dozens of consecutive failures. Latest fastest update

Noble Young Master Zhao also figured out the rules.

It seems that a medicinal herb can also be Refined Pill Medicine.

After confirming this idea.

I remembered the medicinal herb consumed by before Refining, Noble Young Master Zhao suddenly.

He is not a medicinal herb.

It’s the vainly proficiency.

In the next Time.

Zhao Fang is completely large gate, the second door is not a step, the 鸠 鸠 鹊 nest, completely turn the inner compartment into its own activity area.

From day to night.

Alchemist does not stop day and night.

Nan Gongling stood outside the inner compartment and looked at the busy silhouette in the inner compartment, sighing, but did not say anything.

one day later.

A faint scent came out.

But soon, it was replaced by a sloppy flavor.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, your skill ‘Alchemy Technique ‘level up , promotes to Great Level.”

I heard this voice.

Zhao Fang grinned. “damn, it was not in vain.”

After a day of restless refining, Noble Young Master Zhao’s Alchemist level, I finally upgraded to Great Level.

Although it is only one step ahead, it has other meanings for Noble Young Master Zhao.

“You, you shouldn’t have no rest, always in Alchemist?”

Look at the hair is messy, the eyes are full of bloody Zhao Fang, Nan Gongling was shocked.

“I am energetic.” Zhao Fang smiled.

Nan Gongling frowned and was about to persuade him.

I heard Zhao Fang continue, “Do you have a Great Level medicinal herb?”

Zhao Fang used to be not Alchemist Master. For the collection of medicinal herb, it can only be described as less pitiful.

And want to upgrade Alchemy Technique level.

It takes a lot of medicinal herb to upgrade Proficiency.

At this moment, the only thing that can satisfy the conditions of Zhao Fang.

There is only Nan Gongling.

“Great Level? What do you want it to do? Even if it is for you, in just ten days, you will also be able to reach Eon Level.”

Speaking of this, she suddenly conscious of what is going.

Looking at Zhao Fang, he asked with horror, “Are you upgrading to Great Level?”

“It seems like it! I feel that Alchemist is not as troublesome as I thought.”

Noble Young Master Zhao said with a pair of clothes.

Nan Gongling is speechless and uncertain. “After a day, you entered the Great Level from the Desertate Level?”

“No. Before you reach the Great Level threshold, when Alchemist was yesterday, the heart was insights, and then refining, it seems to breakthrough.”

Zhao Fang will not tell the truth to Nan Gongling.

Because, this achievement is really crazy.

It’s not too much to describe it with shocking customs.

Even if he knows, Nan Gongling is good to himself.

But the heart of the defense is indispensable, he will not be stupid to tell the truth.

Wen Yan, Nan Gongling breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really scared just now.

Be aware that even she is known as the first Alchemist talent of Raging Flames Country.

From the Deserte Level Alchemist Master, march to the Great Level.

It also took more than three months.

If the youngster is in sight, it is really overnight, and this one step is completed.

What is it compared to him?

Strong pressure on the chaotic thoughts in my heart.

Nan Gongling takes a storage ring from the storage bag and hands it to Zhao Fang.

“This is all the Great Level medicinal herb in my body. In addition, there are some Eon Level medicinal herbs in it, I hope I can help you.”

When he spoke, Nan Gongling looked at Zhao Fang deeply.

Zhao Fang took it, and after thanking him, he walked into the inner compartment again.

The fifteen-day Time has passed away.

this day.

Chu Zhongtian wore gorgeous costumes and looked proud and came to Nan Gongling’s carriage.

He did not go in.

Instead, let maidservant Xiao Bi go in for a briefing.

I learned that Chu Zhongtian came to the door, Nan Gongling black brows slightly knit, subconscious looked at the inside of the car.

Fourteen days ago.

After Zhao Fang took the storage ring from her hand, she stayed in the inner compartment and never appeared again.

If it is not the inner box is not the outgoing Pill Medicine fluctuation.

Nan Gongling has to wonder if this fellow is dead inside.

“Young Lady, the young master Tian is always waiting outside.”

See Nan Gongling without a little reaction, Xiao Bi could not help but remind.

Nan Gongling turned her head and looked at Xiao Bi. The expression was dull. “Xiao Bi, I know you like Chu Zhongtian. I will not stop this!”

“But there is one thing, you have to tell me clearly. You are not his Chu Zhongtian now!”

Nan Gongling is kind and sympathetic, and he is very peaceful.

Rarely will be angry.

Therefore, there will be Xiao Bi, a maidservant, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

I heard the words of Nan Gongling at the moment.

Especially the indifference of Nan Gongling.

She was shocked at once, her knees were soft, she fell to the ground, her body trembled, and she dared not go to see Nan Gongling.

No matter how gentle Nan Gongling normally is, she is the master after all.

In a rage, this dignity is naturally not a character like Xiao Bi.

Look at Xiao Bi The modest look, Nan Gongling sighed a little, and my heart was not a taste.

She stayed at Xiao Bi and has always been like her younger sister.

Xiao Bi is also loyal to her.

It wasn’t until the advent of Chu Zhongtian.

She could have tolerated it, but Xiao Bi didn’t know how to converge, and Nan Gongling was very dissatisfied with her, which caused this scene.

But she finally followed her for many years, and Nan Gongling had a good thought at the end.

“Get up!”

Xiao Bi sincerely feared to be behind, then he was immersed in the side and did not dare to say anything.

And outside the train.

Chu Zhongtian waited for a long time, and no one came out.

When you are impatient.

In the carriage, someone finally got out.

A white dress, filled with Spirit Gong Qi Nan Gongling, with a respectful Xiao Bi, came out.

“How come you two? That brat? When I boasted Haikou in front of us, why don’t you dare to come out now?”

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