Chapter 1 199 Demon Race Supreme Talent

Zhao Fang this side.

In addition to Zhao Fang, there are two Tier-4 Middle Stage peaks and three Tier-4 Late Stages.

And a Tier-4 Late Stage cow Demon King.

Eagle in the sky.

There are two Tier-4 Late Stage Eagles and eight other Tier-4 Powerhouses.

In terms of quantity, the eagle is dominant.

In terms of quality, Zhao Fang is even better.


Zhao Fang, the Powerhouse, almost came out.

And the eagle is long, just take two out at random.

Really want to life and death fight, frost giant wolf family, and Thunder Eagle Clan, free to send one or two Powerhouse, it is enough to reverse the advantage of Zhao Fang.

‘Unfortunately, Little Zi can’t show up in order to avoid the Thunder Eagle Clan and hide the Rising Firmament Palace. Otherwise, I can add another Powerhouse here. ‘

Zhao Fang vision flickered.

With swords drawn and bows bent, outside the Wan Yao Mountain, suddenly a powerful beast of sound beasted.

The sound and the earthquake are nine, and the birth and earth phenomenon produced by the two sides will give the earthquake a smash.


Four powerful aura, such as the flood that opened the gate, vented to the Wan Yao Mountain.

“ha ha… I almost missed a good show. It seems that my cologne is really a time.”

A fierce voice filled with dragon roar sings, from the outside of the Wan Yao Mountain, many of the Demon Race’s eyes turned white and fainted on the spot.

A body shape touches about three meters, and it is full of strength, and it looks like a dragon elephant. It is full of terrifying aura man, with a ** follower, stepping into Wan Yaoshan.

He laughed as he walked, terrifying laughter, shaking the Wanxue Mountains.

“Hey, the dragon elephant elder brother is really mighty, and Si Qing likes the dragon-like elder brother, a powerful man.”

A fascinating bone marrow, just heard, makes the soft hair of the girl’s hair, from the side of the ancient dragon elephant.


A white dress wins the snow, the style is versatile, the appearance is holy, and the beautiful and alluring women of the inside of the fox are appearing in the field.

This women’s side appeared, a strange strange smell, they were introduced into the field, and the demon smelled, all of them were intoxicated, revealing the expression of color and soul.

“Hey, dogs and men, and then show off in front of the grandfather, believe that the grandfather will strip you away in minutes, let you experience the feeling of flying.”

An evil looking youth, silently appearing, the body of a thin and thin, revealing a domineering swallow heaven and earth, cold eyes, but also reveals a strong pride and superiority.

It is strange that.

His pride and superiority will not cause people’s resentment, as if he should have been like this, full of aura.


Ancient dragon like complexion micro cold looks at evil looking youth.

Siqing’s charming face, that is enough for any ruthless and unintentional man to melt away the charm, but also disappeared without a shadow, gradually appeared a cold and chill.

“ha ha…not satisfied? You bite me Ah!”

Evil looking youth does not care, cold with said with a laugh.

“Come on, I will kill you!”

A colder voice suddenly came from the evil looking youth behind.

A handsome figure, twin Tony Ponytail, a cute and innocent young girl like a young girl next door, but holding a big knife that is completely inconsistent with its figure, with a cold and baleful qi, walked into the field.

Seeing this weird scene, no one dared to laugh.

Many Demon Races seem to think of something, and their faces are full of fear.

A repressed feeling of incompetence, with the appearance of this sick girl, is shrouded in all Demon Race minds.

Even Gu Longxiang saw this woman, and the expression of hegemony was gradually becoming solem.

“Tiger, don’t be so fierce, be careful, can’t get married later?”

Evil looking youth, a mixed look, said with a grin.

Wen Yan.

Even the cologne that has always been evil looking youth extremely despising, can not help but admire the fate of this fellow, dare to play Demon Race famous tigress!

The young girl complexion is cold, slightly lifted, and sweeps the evil looking youth.

next moment.

Evil looking youth complexion Sudden changes, figure like a wind, instantly drifting back hundreds of meters.

In the all of a sudden, the slash of his sharpness appeared in his original position.

Knife mans hollowed out, kneeling on the earth above.

Extremely hard Wanxue Mountain, also by this sharpness knife, a huge gully about 100 meters long.

All see Demon Race, dumbstruck.

No one thought that this seemingly cute sick girl, really so ruthless, and so powerful.

In a word, pull out the knife!

“Fuck, you This is going to kill Grandpa Ah!”

Evil looking youth

“Heaven demon, if you can’t control your mouth, Grandma doesn’t mind picking it down to feed the dog.” Cute young girl with a cold voice.

“I’ll go uncle.” Evil looking youth, squatting and running, where there is the slightest now.

After seeing Demon Race, they are all speechless!

Cute young girl eyes reveals cold glow, but did not pay attention, the eyes turned to the confrontation of Zhao Fang and the eagle sky.

In the end, it fell on Zhao Fang.

“Is it you, killing my Ninth Elder from Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan?”

Cute young girl has a serious face and a cold voice.

Obviously, it is asking, but it makes people seriously.

Only Zhao Fang, who is caught by his gaze, can feel that under the serious face of the young girl, it has accumulated to the apex, which is a highly suppressed terrifying imposing manner.

His expression is unchanged, indifferently said, “is me!”

The audience is stunned.

No one thought of it.

Zhao Fang was so daring to dare to kill the Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan Powerhouse.

I didn’t even think that Zhao Fang was so slick and admitted in public!

“Very good! Kill me Dark Tiger Clan two Powerhouses, I will slap you two knives, if you can take it, the grudges will be written off!”

The cute young girl said, it is necessary to slash.

The eagle in the sky swayed with a hand and a golden sword in his hand. “Tiger, you are a bit too much, he is mine!”

“Can you say that again!”

Cute young girl complexion gloomy looks at eagle long sky.


The eagle long sky coldly snorted, but did not say, look out, he also has great wariness on this sick girl.

Scythe young girl is nothing to say, take out two knives, straight eagle long sky.

The eagle’s face was a trace of annoyance.

He did not expect that the female Supreme Talent of the violent Tiger Clan would not take the cards as usual and take action on himself.

of course.

As a Thunder Eagle Clan Supreme Talent, he is not a vegetarian.

In the aller a sudden, the young girl slashed his sword.




Golden Sword Qi and the golden knives, like an eagle and a tiger, fight endlessly!

Wherever it goes, terrifying’s destruction aura stirs up all directions.


The golden tiger’s tiger has to drop the head of the golden eagle.

Before the eagle dies, the sharp minions scratch the lower abdomen of the golden dragon.

Looks like both sides suffer.

In fact, it is the golden dragon’s tiger that has the greatest advantage.


The golden knives fell, the ground vibration, dozens of times before, but also terrifying a few times the crack, appeared in front of all Demon Race.

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