The first thousand one hundred and ninety-two chapters of the Five Great Emperor!

“Oh, right~”

After the eagle retreats a dozen feet, the complexion turns white and stands down.

It looks unharmed, but it is on the back of the behind’s palm, but slowly drops a drop of golden blood.

And the young girl, who is opposite him, is like a okay person, still looking at him with cold and indifferent eyes.

“Let me hear it next time, I will help you!”

Scythe young girl The sound is cold.

After that, I no longer pay attention to the complexion ugly eagle sky, but look to Zhao Fang.

“Now, it’s time to end your grievances between you and me!”

She looked indifferent and sneaked into the ultimate in the Blade Intent. The whole person was a sharpness Divine Blade.

Seeing this scene, the eagle space complexion is even more ugly.

When the young girl played against him, he did not use this Rank power at all, indicating that he was in the heart of the young girl, even worse than Zhao Fang.

Supreme Talent, Nine Tailed Fox Clan Supreme Talent, Qingly Demonic Marten Family Supreme Talent, Little Marten, is the expression solemn looks at this scene.

Even if they are, they can’t guarantee that they can be unscathed in the hands of the young girl.

Not to mention the fact that there is only a fellow of Tier-3 aura.

‘Tier-4 Middle Stage peak ? ‘Zhao Fang expression as usual.

Not too much surprise.

Take out God Slayer Spear, indifferently said, “Come on!”


At this time DD

“dōng dōng dōng ~~”

a path of the bright bells, spread throughout the Wanxue Mountain.

All the Demon Races that heard Zhong Rong were stunned and excited.

Wan Yao Conference, finally started!

as predicted.

The bells fell, and the five tyrannical terrifying aura, like the ocean, came to the audience!

All of a sudden.

Heaven and earth are lost.

The original clear sky immediately became dark.

Under this dark night sky.

A golden skin, like Heavenly God, a very handsome man, one step step into the field.

Every one of his steps fell, and the whole Wan Yaoshan was shaking, and it seemed that he could not bear his footsteps.

It seems that he is not a huge body, hiding infinite power.

“Yes, it is Ancient Divine Elephant Clan long! This is a Sir object Ah!”

All of a sudden admission to Ancient Divine Elephant Clan.

In the other four directions of Wan Yaoshan, there are four silhouettes.

Four men and one woman!

They represent the entire Demon Race.

It is the Demon Race Five Great Imperial Clan Patriarch.

Heavenly Demonic Marten Family is a white man with a white hair and looks like a die man soon man.

The all of a sudden, the admission of a terrifying aura, like a dying old man.

The dark storm Tiger Clan is long, a middle-aged man with a fierce dragon, a clean black robe, plus his aura with emits, quite one invincible!

Thunder Eagle Clan is long, looks beautiful, is a youth, looks at his appearance, and his son eagle is long, six points similar.

But more sophisticated, deeper and powerful than the eagle sky!

There is an inexplicable overbearing aura entanglement, tyrannical no match!

As for the last nine-tailed fox, Patriarch.

Out of all Demon Race’s expectations, the mysterious fellow, is a wrinkled, old-looking old woman.

If she is behind the foxtail, the Demon Race will think that she is not the wrong place.

“pays respect to Five Great!”

Five Great Imperial Clan, because of the Demon Emperor Powerhouse, each of their Patriarchs can be called the Emperor.

This is one kind, extremely high title.

With Demon Race, a path of violent drinking, most of the audience’s Demon Race, crouched on the ground, like God, respect the Great Great.

Only the Ten Great Kings Powerhouse, slightly clasped hands pasply, still standing.

Zhao Fang didn’t even have gestures clasped together politely, just holding the gun, calming the look at the sickle young girl.

The same is true of the sick girl.

The strange performance of the two people caused the Emperor’s attention, and a slight sweep, could not help but look at the Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan, and it was weird on Thursday.

The Commander family, the decisive and decisive, Strength’s extraordinary Patriarch Sir, even if it was stared by four equal emperors, was also indifferent, did not say anything, turned and walked toward the huge platform of the center of Wan Yaoshan.

I didn’t even look at Zhao Fang.

It’s like Zhao Fang’s in the eyes, like the dust on the ground, is not worth seeing.

The other four Wang Zun saw it, smiled slightly, did not speak, and turned to a huge platform.

Only Thunder Eagle Clan was long. When he left, he scanned Zhao Fang and frowned slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

On the round giant platform.

There are six seats in total.

Arrange by one and five.

The next five seats, the Patriarch of Five Great Imperial Clan, are seated on it.

As for the seat above Five Great Patriarch above, it is the only emperor left to Demon Race.

Five Great Imperial Clan Patriarch Just sat down.

The darkness that shrouded the sky, all of a sudden.

But also in the darkness of the all of a sudden, Five Great Patriarch, suddenly emits out or violent, or tyrants, or cruel, or tyrannical terrifying aura.


There is a Tier-4 tiger beast dressed as a referee, standing under the round giant, and aloud to announce the official start of the Wan Yao Conference!

Demon Races got up and stood on the side quietly, respectfully listening.

“This time you count Luck. Personal battle, goodbye!”

Scythe young girl Collapsed the giant knife, turned and left, clean and neat, no trace of muddy water.

Zhao Fang expression As usual, complexion looks at the eagle sky.

“Hey, you give this Young master a wait!”

The eagle was coldly snorted, gloomy’s face, and turned away.

The other three Demon Race Supreme Talents don’t look at Zhao Fang and leave.

Zhao Fang Collapse God Slayer Spear , complexion As usual, take a seat.

“Hey! This fellow’s Luck is really good.”

There are quite a few Demon Races that have fallen with a laugh.

But when I saw the eyes of the cow Demon King and the old prince Wang Lengbing, I immediately screamed and whispered, but the disdain in my heart was more intense.

The Tiger Beast Referee said a few words, announced the next individual combat battle against Law, and the top ten reward of the conference.

Reward and cow Demon King said that there is not much difference.

This is the case, the Inheritance that entered the Demon Emperor Palace, or in the Demon Race, caused an uproar.

Originally because of the arrival of Five Great Patriarch, the atmosphere that became quiet, and the warmth of the moment, the Demon Race, was hostile to each other.

In Demon Race, it also caused greatfluctuation.

Personal warfare, but Demon Race, who participated in personal battles, all participated.

Zhao Fang is also one of them.

Demon Race is indeed a talented person.

Just a personal battle, it is no less than 5,000 Demonic beast.

To know.

At the threshold of the Player Conference, the lowest is Tier-3 Demonic beast.

In other words.

Demon Race is free to take out 5,000 Tier-3 Demonic beast, the Divine Monarch Powerhouse.

This Rank power can sweep almost any influence of Heaven Gathering Territory!

Five thousand Demon Race gathers.

Ancient Divine Elephant Clan is long and stands up.

As he got up, a terrifying feeling of depression, like a mountain, instantly enveloped all Demon Race minds.

“The first level is very simple. Who can press the ten breaths under the pressure of this Venerable aura, you can pass the promotion.”

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