The first thousand two hundred and fourteen chapters old Demon Emperor plot

Divine sense is more difficult to upgrade than cultivation base.

There are too few treasures for Upgrade divine sense. If it is a simple sitting nurturing divine sense, I don’t know how to wait for more youngsters.

The devil’s divine sense, but opened a convenient door for Zhao Fang.

Let him only have God King divine sense, but in just one month, the divine sense is upgraded to the extent of the Divine Emperor Initial Stage Powerhouse.

Zhao Fang is very satisfied with this trip!

the more important thing is.

Through the memory of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, he knows that the goal of this trip is where the demon emperor is placed.

“The second level of Tuoba family Fight for Succession is to enter the Demon Race to find the heart of Life that will last for the Tuoba family’s old Patriarch, and the heart of Life is Demon Emperor heart.”

“Now, Demon Emperor heart is still unrecognizable, conversely found a rare hundred times more demon emperor heart than Demon Emperor heart!”

Zhao Fang laughed. “This King is really awesome!”

While speaking, Zhao Fang looks at the dozens of coffin in the corner of Main Hall.

A big hand wave.



Under the sound of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, all the unforcible coffin, between the waving of Zhao Fang, smashed open, turned into endless dust.

This does not mean that Zhao Fang is better than the Emperor.

But Zhao Fang mastered the method of destroying it through the memory of the Emperor.

The dust gathers and Zhao Fang refines with Secret Art.

A weird scene appeared.

Originally just the dust of the ordinary, but after the refining, slowly turned into red, faintly revealing a bloody flavor.

As Time goes on.

The red dust slowly condenses into a human-sized blood crystal.

The crystal is transparent, and there are countless blood vessels on the surface. The purple particles inside it are like blood, which is slowly flowing.


The bloody crystal completely coalesced, suddenly jumped, and then moved, seemingly heartbeat, really like a thunder.


“dōng dōng -!”

The beating speed of the blood-colored crystal speeds up, just like a dying person, suddenly alive.

Zhao Fang stared at the bloody crystal and felt the surse blood Essence Qi inside it. The lips showed a trace smile, “The demon heart!”

He will be the demon emperor heart, with the demon emperor Secret Art, sealed in the sacred demon.

The sacred deity is placed in the Heavenspan Tower.

Let Yu Xi, Xiongba, Sword Slave, Tian Peng, Xu Feng Nian and others, refining the power of the divine’s residual divine sense.

“Now, it’s time to go out.”

Zhao Fang blinks and turns, turning away from the road.

Not long after he left.

The domineering Domineering Temple, also in the Boom loud noise, completely collapsed and became a ruin.


“hēi hēi, finally close to the body of a half-corpse, blood gas is suppressed more pure, this is the natural taste.”

Somewhere in Demon Emperor, there was a haze.

An old, weak, white man with an old man, squatting on his body, looks at the four hanging pictures in front of his eyes.

In those four pictures.

There is a protagonist.

It is the four people like Gu Longxiang.

They are madly refining the corpse in the tomb of Demon Emperor, their faces are gray and full of morbidity.

But the eyelids are mad and unrelenting, it seems to be crazy.

With the increase of the corpse, the four people within the body’s qi and blood power, suppressed extremely pure, vaguely reveal a trace of meat.

White hair old man eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

Void Hand grabs it.


The picture of the ancient dragon elephant is broken.

next moment.

White hair old man In the thin palm of his hand, clutching a body full of corpses, there are already some sensible fellows.

It is the ancient dragon elephant!

“The ancient gods, the blood is the most vigorous, in this one month, the emperor is polishing you from time to time, making you more delicious, more delicious, you do not let the emperor disappointed!”

The white-haired old man, at the same time, screams at the same time, and catches the Gulong elephant who is fighting with instinct.

Kā cā !

Kā cā !

The white-haired old man chewed, and the sound in his mouth seemed to be broken and crushed.

His corner of the mouth, hidden a trace of blood oozing.

The white-haired old man is closed with his eyes closed.

After eating, the white hair of the old man’s skinny body, seems to be injected into a clear spring, the body has a full image, such as the dim light in the eyes, it is also revealing the silk!

“This five-family Supreme Talent, the power of qi and blood, is indeed different!”

“Well, after refining them all, the Emperor really has the possibility to extend his life for a hundred years, and this law continues to continue.”

“The only pity is Sun Wukong, that fellow can kill the Eagle King, there must be Rare Treasure, but now, it is cheaper Sir!”

The old Demon Emperor is a bit sorry.

When he thought about it, he explored it again and grabbed the picture of Little Marten.

So Little Marten’s thin body, which disappeared in the hands of the old Demon Emperor, was directly thrown into it.

After a while.

Old Demon Emperor opened his eyes and shook his head slightly. “The natural talent Divine Ability is not bad, but in terms of qi and blood, it is not as good as the ancient gods.”

It’s a catch.

Si Qing’s picture is broken.

The body is full of charm, with a charming face, full of seductive posture, Si Qing, the volley is suspended in front of the old Demon Emperor.

The corpse and blood gas, in her with the body, made her painful, the body is like a snake, and the mouth is unconscious.

Extremely horrible!

“This year’s nine-tailed fox, I don’t know if there is a sense of success!”

The old Demon Emperor sullenly gaze, wandering around the sensitive part of Si Qing body, flashing a different flavor in the eyes.

If you have Nine Tailed Fox Clan Powerhouse, hear the old Demon Emperor.

Certainly scared.

Si Meitian, that is Nine Tailed Fox Clan, the most outstanding Patriarch of natural talent, but a hundred years ago, the accident disappeared, and the whereabouts became a mystery.

The old Demon Emperor waved, and Si Qing’s clothes burst suddenly, and a seductive body that allowed the gods to fall into the dust was presented in front of the old Demon Emperor.

The broken corner of the clothes, wrapped in bloody wind, formed a bloody ball of light, shrouded him and Si Qing.


There was a burst of sorghum and repression in the bloody ball of light.

The touch lasted for half an hour.

The bloody light ball burst, and the old Demon Emperor came out, and the spirit was rejuvenated. The dragon was fierce. As for Siqing, it was gone.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

The old Demon Emperor looked at the Dark Moon of the Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan, licking his lips and revealing a touch of color in the eyes.

Waiting for him to prepare for the ‘Dark Moon’ –

“tch tch, the world is in the wind, the people are not old, I did not expect that you actually do this kind of work!”

A ridiculous voice suddenly sounded in this silent Space. The old Demon Emperor was like a cat that was stepped on the tail, turned sharply, with a look of vigilance and wariness.

“who is it?”

His eyes turned and looked at all around. ‘There can only be close to the emperor, and only Demon Emperor ranked existence. But in this Demon Emperor mausoleum, there is no other Demon Emperor except this emperor? ‘

When the doubts were puzzled, footsteps came from the darkness.

When the man emerged from the darkness and revealed his true feelings, the old Demon Emperor was shocked. “How is you, you are not already ready to enter the imperial abyss, by the Sir…”

Having said that, his voice stopped short.

On the other side, he felt the familiar and terrifying aura, the moment of the micro-condensation of the eyes, immediately stumbled, respectfully said: “Old Hongjun pays respect to the demon emperor Sir!”

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