The first thousand two hundred and fifteen chapters of the old Hongjun pays respect to the demon emperor Sir!

Zhao Fang complexion is wrong.

He was in the dark, silently close to the old Demon Emperor.

I also watched a good show silently.

Combined with the memory of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, it is vaguely guessed that the old Demon Emperor is polishing the four Supreme Talents and using their qi and blood to extend their lives.

What makes Zhao Fang even more so.

Old Demon Emperor took the way of clearing the bloodline, it was a shameless deal.

“damn it, this Demon Race is different!”

Zhao looked at Zhao Fang of a live erotic palace, but I don’t want to watch the second game again.

When the old Demon Emperor was ready to start with the sick girl, he appeared!

I thought that there would be a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, the old Demon Emperor went to pay homage to himself and even shouted the sentence.

Zhao Fang is a very intelligent person, slightly addicted, probably understand.

‘damn it, it seems that this old Demon Emperor knows the weirdness of the imperial abyss, I feel that I have been defeated by the Emperor, so this is respectful to me, this is a good opportunity! ‘

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth micro-warping, expression As usual, the Sea of ​​Consciousness force Vibration, a little more than the old Demon Emperor tyrannical divine sense of force, filled the audience.

In the original heart, there is still a little hesitant old Demon Emperor, more sure of Zhao Fang identity, his head almost attached to the ground.

“The ancient demon family, the eighty-nine-generation Demon Emperor, Gu Hongjun, congratulations, the demon emperor Sir, from the dragon, the dragon and the forest, will surely lead me to the ancient demon, return to peak!”

Old Demon Emperor respectful dagger.

Zhao Fang gave him a faint look, indifferently, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

But the old Demon Emperor did not dare to have a grievance, but accompanied by a smile, humility is like a grandson.

“Stand up!”

Zhao Fang is standing on the back, and the involuntary emits are out. The imposing emperor Naha’s strong imposing manner is like a mountain, it is awesome!

“Your bloodline is exhausted. With these little fellow’s bloodline, you can only save you for a while and cannot save you forever!”

The old Demon Emperor, who had just climbed up, heard this, in ones heart trembled, softened his knees, and stumbled again. With one kind more kindly than before, he pleaded: “Please ask the Emperor Sir to give me a favor. A way of life!”

He has no doubt about Zhao Fang’s words.

For him, the words of the Emperor are the golden rule.

It is the sacred purpose, it is Heavenly Dao!

“Your chance, in the East!”


The old Demon Emperor looked up and looked at Zhao Fang. “The East of Desolate City Ancient Land is mostly occupied by Demonic Cultivator…”

Originally just Hu Wei’s Zhao Fang, I heard the Demonic Cultivator, inexplicably thought of the Blood Cultivator, his eyes were slightly moving, and he laughed. “Yes, in the Blood Cultivator, there is a chance you want!”

“Blood Cultivator !”

“Well. Blood Cultivator has a great treasure. If you take it, this Emperor is supplemented by Secret Art. Although you can’t get back to the young, you can live a thousand 1000-year, no problem.”

Wen Yan, old Demon Emperor both eyes revealing amazing mans, “Really?”

“This Emperor will lie to you?” Zhao Fang is not happy.

Old Demon Emperor quickly bowed his head, accompanied by said with a laugh: “Emperor Sir is angry, Old Servant is confused, with the power of Sir, you can’t do anything!”

“Understand it!” Zhao Fang coldly snorted.

“When are we going to take it?”


“In this case, Old Servant is now sending Demonic Cultivator, even if you are leveling the Blood Cultivator, you have to find that great treasure!”

Old Demon Emperor accompanied by said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang ignored her and looked at the picture of the young girl Dark Moon.

The old Demon Emperor is old and fine, and his eyes are turned. He immediately said: “The demon emperor Sir Wanzong Zun, there is no one girl to serve, Old Servant gives this woman to the demon emperor, what do you want, please Just send it!”

Zhao Fang gave the old Demon Emperor an appreciative look.

The old face of the old Demon Emperor, like a chrysanthemum.

Dark Moon was picked up by the old Demon Emperor and placed next to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang gave her a look and her expression was a bit strange.

The expression of the old Demon Emperor is also very weird.

“Is the corpse actually blended with her body?”

The old Demon Emperor is weird.

Other Supreme Talents, after refining the corpse into the body, the corpse became a time bomb.

You can harm yourself at any time.

Only the body of Dark Moon, after entering her body, not only did not endanger her, conversely let her cultivation base soar, from Tier-4 peak, only one step away.

Dark Moon eyelashes trembled.

next moment.

She opened her eyes and saw Zhao Fang and the old Demon Emperor at a glance.

When she saw Zhao Fang, she was as usual.

When faced with the old Demon Emperor, her in the eyes, but it is the color of hatred.

“Do you want to eat me?”

Dark Moon stared at the old Demon Emperor, without the slight revere, eyes indifferent like a knife, body tight, like a tiger waiting for an opportunity, full of tension and Explosive Power!

The old Demon Emperor expression is calm, not the slightest flaw, indifferently spoke: “This emperor supports Demon Race for many years, if it is not the existence of the emperor, my ancient demon heritage, fundamentally impossible standing in the Desolate City Ancient Land, I ate them, also to preserve Demon Race !”

“Preserving Demon Race?” Dark Moon sneered. “I see, it’s for you to live!”

While speaking, the Dark Moon has recovered a lot of power, suddenly pulled out the long blade, like a meteor, and instantly approached the old Demon Emperor, a knife fell!

The old Demon Emperor complexion is not happy.

If it is not the previous start to talk, send Dark Moon to Zhao Fang.

Just by her lower than today, the old Demon Emperor can be obliterate.

But she is Zhao Fang’s person after all.

Thinking of this, the old Demon Emperor did not take action, just looks at Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang indifferently said.

In the calm voice, it is the endless magic that is bound to the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon is shocked.

She knows that Zhao Fang is very strong, but after the big move of Strength, she is self-proclaimed to be fighting with Zhao Fang.

I never thought that Zhao Fang could restrain himself in one word.

This is the Defying the Heavens means Ah that even the old Demon Emperor can’t do!

“Powerful, good overbearing, with the words, this is definitely the Divine Emperor Late Stage, and even the secret technique that the Emperor Powerhouse controls!”

The old Demon Emperor expression is as usual, but the heart is screaming.

“From now on, you are the maid of this Emperor.”

Zhao Fang said, with a wave of his hand, Dark Moon regained his freedom.

“What do you say? This Emperor? It depends on you, what qualification is it?” Dark Moon indifferent at Zhao Fang.

“Bold! Don’t be rude to the demon Sir!”

Zhao Fang didn’t start to talk, but the old Demon Emperor was furious.

It’s even more furious than when Dark Moon yelled at himself. “You’re a little girl who is not humble, if you’re not a demon emperor, you’ve just died!”

“Demon Emperor? What kind of demon is he? I have no legacy of the ancient demon!” Dark Moon sneered.

“This Emperor is overbearing!” Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.

Turned to look at the Dark Moon, the dawn of the sun, such as the glory of the sun, the aura, such as the dragon, domineering heaven and earth, Dark Moon instantly fell to the ground by this imposing manner, full of stunned face.

“Heavenly Emperor? This, how can it be?”

Dark Moon murmured, still unbelievable!

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