The first thousand two hundred and thirty-five chapters were revealed

Zhao Fang is shocked by the amazing divine sense of these Remnant Spirits.

Suddenly heard the words ‘Tuo Yu Di Hong’, can not help but startled.

“Is this not the name of the Tuoba family contemporary patriarch?”

“It is reported that Tuoba’s first half of life, very mediocre, life essence, is only able to break through God King, then participate in Fight for Succession, battle fame, win the first place for Fight for Succession, enter Tuoba family Blossom Soul Palace , accept Inheritance.”

“After leaving the Blossom Soul Palace, Tuoba Dihong has changed dramatically. Strength is climbing up. In a hundred years, from 1-Star God King, Upgrade to Divine Emperor Realm, it is a metamorphosis!”

Thinking of the Tuoba family’s news about the old Patriarch Tuoba, and seeing the eccentric look of this group of Remnant Spirit, Zhao Fang faintly guessed one kind of possibility, but it was somewhat uncertain.

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

“No, he is not a bloodline seed of my Tuoba family.”

A Remnant Spirit with a divine sense of intensity reaching Divine Emperor Realm suddenly screamed.

Other Remnant Spirit startled, have mobilized the force of the divine sense to view.

“how can it be! This fellow is really not my Tuoba family clansman!”

The Remnant Spirit is incredible.

“brat, how did you get in?”

The Remnant Spirit stared at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, showing a cold and cruel look.

Zhao Fang is about to answer.


Not far away, a Remnant Spirit with a purple awning came from far away.

It is a faceless old woman.

Old women holding a cane, one step three shakes to Zhao Fang not far away.


In the moment of seeing this old women, Zhao Fang complexion is furious!


The strength of this old women’s divine sense, actually reached the extremely amazing Divine Emperor Late Stage!

“Hold the grass!”

Zhao Fang is even messy.

Old women glared at the eyes and carefully looked at Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang immediately felt that all his secrets were in front of the old women.

He doesn’t like this feeling very much.

“Who are you? How come in?”

“Tuoba family old Patriarch let me in!”

Zhao Fang’s words immediately caused a heated discussion among the Remnant Spirits. “How can it be, you are not the person of our Tuoba family, the fellow is crazy, send you in?”

Zhao Fang simply ignores other Remnant Spirits.

His eyes were fixed on the old women. In this strange place, only the old women made her wariness.

“Don’t ask senior how to call it?”

“Old body Tuo Di Di!”

Hearing this name, Zhao Fang both eyes slightly, “Tuoba family first generation Patriarch Tuoba Dihong senior daughter?”

“it’s me!”

After being confirmed, Zhao Fang was shaking, this is Sir.

Once the second generation of the Tuoba family Patriarch, the Tuoba family’s famous Supreme Talent, led the Tuoba family to rise and dominate.

In the history of the Tuoba family, she still retains her great achievements.


It was such a character, Outer World thought she was dead, but she did not expect that she was still alive.

Although Remnant Spirit is detained in this place, it is equivalent to death.

But it is undeniable that she is not dead yet!

“It turned out to be the emperor senior! Junior Touba Lei Feng met senior!” Zhao Fang slightly owed his body to show respect.

The Tudor emperor is very prestigious among this group of people. As soon as she appears, the argument is suddenly weakened.

“Tuo Yu Dihong, why sent you here?”

“I took the Fight for Succession and won the first!”

Baklyly fell, there are a lot of Remnant Spirit sneer, “brat, you are all three-year-old children, can’t see your real Strength? Trivial 3-Star Divine Monarch, cannon fodder-like Strength, also captures Fight for Succession First, who are you cheating?”

Remnant Spirit has expressed their disbelief.

“If this is not the case, then the column thinks, why did the Dihong senior send me here?”

This statement came out, the audience was dumb!

“We were once the best group of Tuoba family. After Fleshy Body collapsed, divine sense Immortal, here. This place is reserved for my father, originally for the powerful Tuoba family Strength, to help enter the Tuoba family Supreme here. Talent, get our life experience…”

Tuoba Emperor suddenly said.

“Our group of people, at the beginning, also planned this way, to prosper the Tuoba family with their last residual power. But here, it is too lonely, too tormented, many peers did not hold on, burning divine Sense self-extinguishing.”

The Tudor emperor sighed. “There are also some Remnant Spirits. When the Tuoba family Supreme Talent accepts Inheritance, they take the other Fleshy Body and leave here…”

Zhao Fang both eyes Slightly condensed, deep looking at the Tuo Di Emperor.

“You know now, is there something here?” Tuo Di Di Goddess is bitter, old-looking, with a trace of deep tiredness.

On other Remnant Spirit faces, they also showed pain and helplessness, even a crazy look.

“Prison!” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Tuoba’s emperor looks even more bitter.

“These are all history. From now on, you will all return to freedom!”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

“Di Hong, the little fellow, can let you in, you must make a great contribution to my Tuoba family, otherwise, he will not let you an outsider, come here!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang I thought of the conversation in the Main Hall with the Tuoba Emperor Hong, the Tuoba family, the old Patriarch, and the strange look that appeared several times.

He didn’t think there was anything at the time.

At this moment, I heard the words of Tuo’s emperor, and then combined, there is a few comprehend and understand.

‘I am afraid that at the Main Hall, he will see that I am not a Tuoba family clansman. If so, why should I send me here? Could it be that I am going to die? ‘

Zhao Fang raised his eyes slightly.

“I gave him a Divine Pill that delayed 1000-year!” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“No wonder!” Tuo’s emperor looked at Zhao Fang deeply.

“although you are not my Tuoba family clansman, but since I won the first prize, I also presented my Tuoba family with a Great Destiny. The Tuoba family will not be stingy.”

Said, Tuo Tuo emperor pointed at all around 50-60 distracted divine light group, indifferently said: “All Remnant Spirit here, you can choose any one, accept divine sense Inheritance, including me!”

“However, as the old body said before, everything is risky. When you accept Inheritance, you may also be annihilated by divine sense. So, you can choose not to accept it! Just let me erase your memory here. Just!”

“No need!”

Zhao Fang waved his hand.

“én?” Tuoba Emperor is puzzled.

“Since you are living so painfully, why bother to live? Let me free you!”

Zhao Fang expression Cold, when the words are exported, sip lightly: “Swallowing Spirit !”

One piece is a big mouth, almost all over the dark space.


When there are two or three remnants, they are swallowed up.

“Swallowing Spirit’s technique?” Tuoba’s emperor complexion drastically changed, “This is the secret of the invincible senior, where are you from?”

Zhao Fang raised her eyebrow slightly. “Nature is what he taught me.”


Tuoba Emperor is even more surprised.

But immediately, she laughed. “Yeah, even we can all survive the past, to the strength of Lin’s invincible senior, still alive, and what is not difficult!”

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