The first thousand two hundred and thirty-six chapter divine sense of the crystal!

Other Remnant Spirit Wen Yan, the original fierce look, has become complicated.

Tuoba’s emperor said: “In that year, my Tuoba family was inherited from Lin Lin’s invincible senior. I couldn’t repay it. Today, I have to fulfill it on his biography… ha ha… It’s really making people Ah!”

Tuoba’s emperor laughed and looked at other Remnant Spirits.

“It seems that this is our number of lives, and finally we can be free!”

As she spoke, she slammed her mouth and did not stop, and one of them was swallowed by Remnant Spirit.

In a flash.

50-60 Road Remnant Spirit, there are fewer than a dozen.

Some Remnant Spirit attempted to fight, but in front of the Zhao Fang Divine Emperor divine sense, everything was in vain.

The Tuo Di Emperor feels the intensity of Zhao Fang divine sense, somewhat surprised and somewhat gratified.

The Remnant Spirit shrouds the whole body, and the wrinkles on the top of the Tudor’s body are like the shells of the silkworm cocoon, which are like a shell that has been shed by the silkworm cocoon. It shows a face that is purple clothed and gentle.


Even with Zhao Fang’s experience, when she saw her appearance, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes.

“This is me when I was young, I want to go to silence with this body!”

The Tuo Emperor said, taking the initiative to enter the big mouth, the back is moving, but it is full of decisive.

Zhao Fang expression Complex, quiet looks at her disappearing, sigh in the heart!

The most popular Zhao Quan of the Zhao Fang wariness, automatically enters the big mouth, Zhao Fang’s biggest threat is lifted, other Remnant Spirit, even if the heart is unwilling, but under the Swallowing Spirit, it is unable to block, all swallowed.

Zhao Fang’s divine sense has already reached saturation.

He swallowed these remnants and did not incorporate their refining into their own divine sense.

Instead, it erases the negative emotions such as suffocation in the remnant god and turns it into a piece of pure divine sense.

Each piece of divine sense crystal contains a peak God King’s life-long divine sense, especially amazing.

Whether it is self-refining, or giving someone refining, you can harvest a lot!

Of course, the most amazing thing is the number of divine senses of the Tudor emperor.

Almost ten times the crystal of the ordinary peak God King divine sense, abnormal terrifying.

“The crystal of the divine sense is more likely to be refining by Xiongba and others than the divine sense of the demon.” After all, this is the power of the divine sense that is really suitable for them.”

Zhao Fang puts aside the crystal of the divine sense, looking at the dark world, and thinking of the Tuo Tuo, who is determined to go to Death, is a bit embarrassing.

After Zhao Fang returns to Main Hall.

Old Patriarch Tuoba Dihong, has been waiting for a long time, carefully looked at Zhao Fang, not a brows slightly wrinkle.

“You didn’t get Inheritance?”

Zhao Fang At the moment, there is not much difference between the aura and the Blossom Soul Palace.

Therefore, Tuoba Dihong has this question.

“They are alwaysy refined by me!”


Tuoba’s body is shaking, and it’s incredible.

Zhao Fang smiled and didn’t explain it in detail. He just said: “Patriarch sees that I am not a Tuoba family clansman. Why do I have to send me to the real Blossom Soul Palace?”

“Don’t you want me to be chosen by them and become a Tuoba family in name!”


Tuoba’s emperor is frank, but expression is bitter, “I just didn’t think it would be the result!”

Zhao Fang expression is cold, “What do you want now?”

The soul of the soul is all purified, and the Blossom Soul Palace is in name only.

Tuoba family A place of great Inheritance, it is extinct.

This is an incalculable loss for the Tuoba family.

Zhao Fang does not believe that Tuoba Dihong will easily let himself go.

Tuoba Dihong deeply looked at Zhao Fang and shook his head gently. “It’s all my sins. If I don’t have this thought, can you suffer this? It has nothing to do with you!”

Zhao Fang was a little surprised. I thought that Tuoba Dihong would kill himself.

Never thought, he had to let go of himself!

“Touba Lei Feng… I will be your son of Takuya Lei Hai. Now, Old Man solemnly invites you to stay and stay in the Tuoba family. Old Man immediately sets you up as Tuoba family Young Master and will match Feng’er Give you!”

The Feng’er in his mouth is Touba Guan Feng.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, Touba Guan Feng Although beautiful, but still not let him not be unreasonable.

The reason why he frowned was because of the reward of the Fight for Succession, and the System has not yet been sent.

“damn it, what’s going on? Do you agree to stay in the Tuoba family, Tuoba Dihong personally seal me as Young Master, reward can be implemented?”

Zhao Fang is a little depressed.

But it’s hard to go to this one step. If you give up, he will be a bit sad!

Despite knowing that Tuoba Dihong This is calculating himself, he does not want to let himself go and wants to lock him in the Warship family’s Warship above.

“I can continue to do Touba Lei Feng, but I will not stay here for too long!” Zhao Fang said.

“Yes! At any time, the Tuoba family is your backing! Old Man also hopes that if there is any difficulty in the Tuoba family in the future, you can take action!”

Tuoba’s emperor’s vision is poor.

Compared to killing a talent, he seems more willing to make friends.

Although he believes that with his own strength, killed Zhao Fang should not be difficult, but can be predicted in the middle, but he is somewhat uncertain.

‘this child can purify all the souls of the Blossom Soul Palace Inheritance to this day, and there must be some kind of magic that Old Man does not know. Since the Blossom Soul Palace has been destroyed, it is impossible to kill him. Otherwise, my Blossom Soul Palace will be ruined! ‘

It is this idea that has been saved, and Tuoba Dihong has sent an invitation to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang did not expect that Tuoba Dihong would agree so quickly.

But when I think about it, I am relieved!

“Then many thanks Patriarch!”

“ha ha, don’t be polite!”

Tuoba Emperor Hong laughed, Zhao Fang raised the at the same time, tongue spring thunder, Divine Emperor voice, immediately spread throughout the Tuoba family, and Pure Yang Mansion!

“From now on, Touba Lei Feng, for me Tuoba family Young Master !”

The sound is short, but the meaning of the contain, but the entire Tuoba family and Pure Yang Mansion boiled.

“What? The old Patriarch really set him up as Young Master?”

Many Tuoba family clansman, unbelievable.

Tuoba Yang Xiu Wen Yan, even more sneer, “trivial an outsider, how can I become my Tuoba family Young Master?”

Said, disappeared in place.

Only the Long Kun Remnant Spirit with a slightly sluggish and even awkward look.

Same as for a moment.

Pure Yang Mansion Somewhere in the Main Hall, there are several men dressed in golden armor, and they are sitting in danger, waiting for something!

“From now on, Touba Lei Feng, for me Tuoba family Young Master !”

The sound rolled and was instantly introduced into the ear of several golden armor man ears.

They raised their eyebrows slightly, but they didn’t care too much.

Soon, a God King stumbled and ran in.

“Sir, Sir, burying the Great Master, the man is in the Tuoba family, called Touba Lei Feng!”

“Touba Lei Feng ?Tuoba family Young Master ?”

The golden armor youth headed for a slight blink of an eye, arrogant and cold, with a big hand, “Go, go to the Tuoba family!”

“Sir, Tuoba family, but there is Divine Emperor Powerhouse oversee, we just go, will it be a bit too sloppy?”

“trivial Black Iron-grade influence nothing more, do you dare to compete with our War God Palace? And, I heard that the Tuoba family old Patriarch was seriously injured, will die soon! Without the old Patriarch, the Tuoba family is in front of me, is the soil Chicken dog!”

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