The first thousand two hundred and forty-three chapters of the sword nine days!


Zhao Fang takes a deep breath, all around spirit peak The power of the nurturing God King, all swallowed by its whales.

next moment.

The power of God King condenses into a long dragon, carrying the power of the blasting sound, blowing in the ears of everyone!

The sound of the explosion dragon, and the sword nine days of this sword, collided together, actually issued the sound of Metal friction, shocked a lot of people eardrum buzz, instantly disappeared!

Then, the whole piece of World is covered by dazzling rays of light!

The dragon and the sword burst open!

At this moment, many people feel that World seems to be quiet in an instant.

Waited for a moment.

Vanish like smoke in thin air.

The Crane King peak has turned into a ruin.

The surrounding spiral peaks of the surroundings are also more or less affected, and the defense array is torn and destroyed, and most of them are destroyed!

Everyone in the field was shocked by the amazing power displayed between the sword and the dragon, and the eyes were coming out quickly, and the words were speechless!

Tuoba Yang Xiu is even more incredible.

“How can this be it?”

“He just broke through, even if the natural talent is amazing, at most it is just a fight with the sword nine days.”

“But now…he didn’t use the weapon, even Grand Dao didn’t show it. Divine Strength alone broke the full strength of the sword.” How can it be? Deceptive?”

Tuoba Yang Xiu absolutely unacceptable.

A moment ago, he was also considered XUALX-Star Divine Monarch Zhao Fang of mole cricket and ants.

But after a while, he had terrifying Strength that he was terrified.

The original look of the sword nine days has also become solemn.

If it was before, Zhao Fang’s various performances can only make him marvel at Zhao Fang’s natural talent.

However, now he does not dare to have a slight flaw.

Think of Zhao Fang as a life and death opponent!

“Do you have this Strength?” Zhao Fang looked at the sword for nine days.

“Hey! Since you want to see my true Strength, then I will fulfill you!”

When the words fall, the sword clenches the long sword for nine days, and Sword Qi swells. The aura of Golden Grand Dao is also poured into the long sword above.

Originally, it has a blade of sharpness Sword Intent. After the gold baeful qi interest, the sharpness is better than ever!

“Golden Grand Dao is the best of all the hardships, no benefit! With Golden Da Da, the Grand Dao of the sword, the might of this sword, even I dare not pick it up!”

Tuoba Yang Xiu glared at her eyes and her eyes showed a deep wariness.

“It’s a bit interesting! It’s worth using the weapon!”

Zhao Fang smiled, Void Hand caught, God Slayer Spear in hand.


The sword nine days startled, “Isn’t you practicing Blade Grand Dao?”

“Oh, Blade Grand Dao, it’s just that I practice one kind in Grand Dao. In fact, I also cultivate Dao of Spear.”

The sword is speechless for nine days.

Everyone is speechless!

They were all shocked by the abnormal natural talent exhibited by Zhao Fang.

“First, Blade Dao, now there is a gun.”

“Plus Grand Dao of Five Elements, this fellow has cultivated seven Grand Daos!”

“Even the Grand Dao, which is cultivated by some Divine Emperor Powerhouse, is not half of him.”

“This fellow wants to fly Heaven, shoulder to shoulder with the sun?”


God Slayer Spear is in the hand, the Grand Dao aura of the gun circulates, a strand can penetrate Space Time, and all the will of the soul is transmitted from the God Slayer Spear spear shaft.

“Great Accomplishment gunway!”

The sword nine-day complexion is more and more ugly.

‘How is this fellow’s cultivation, Grand Dao, the average person, just choose one kind to cultivate, for example, I am practicing the kendo in the Grand Dao. This fellow has cultivated the Blade Dao and the gunway in the Grand Dao of the device. This is not a big deal. The two Grand Daos actually have a great Accomplishment…

I can eat through one kind of Grand Dao, and I am already proud of it.

Not to mention, the Grand Dao, which is a very different machine, is cultivated into the Great Accomplishment, which is absolutely shocking.

“I don’t want to repair the kendo, otherwise, the Grand Dao of the three kinds of devices, I have no room for backhand!”

The sword nine days secretly erased the forehead sweat, and how the heart is so bad luck, casually come to grab the individual, actually encountered this kind of hard scorpion.

But now, he has no room for regret!

“There is only one way to do it today, and that is to do it, even if it does, it must be done!”

The sword bite the clench one’s teeth nine days, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

“accept death !”

The two words shouted out of the all of a sudden, he brewed a moment of ‘golden sword Grand Dao’, and finally pulled out the first sword of the joint force.

Sword Qi able to move unhindered Wanli, a sword light Hanyao Qingyang!

Even this is the battle of the Tuoba family.

But all the Powerhouses of Pure Yang Mansion saw the sword, the terrifying scene of the landslides and the mountains and rivers.

Pure Yang Mansion Powerhouse were shocked, and they looked at the direction of the Tuoba family, and some people came here!

The nine-day sword of the sword is a deep attack.

Good attacker, move in nine days above!

Like the nine Heavenly God dragon, carrying the Divine Might under the dust, alarming heaven and earth, the edge is unmatched!

The place where sword light is located, traverses thousands of miles!

This is the sword of the sword nine days!

Compared to this sword, Zhao Fang’s counterattack is somewhat lacking.

Just the spur of the ordinary.

But this is the spur of the ordinary, all the obstacles, under the spear head, are turned into dust, no existence.


The spear head slammed into the sword light.

Terrifying the fluctuation, the immediate Vibration, sweeping the entire Tuoba family.


Spear qi Sword Qi rewind, on the field, if the cultivation base does not reach the people of God King Realm, touch any one of Sword Qi spear qi, will be immediately injured.

If at the same time is dyed by two kinds of aura, there is no chance to survive, and it will die on the spot!

Even if it is God King, it is so badly affected by the two kinds of aura that it is not like life!

Endless Sword Qi and spear qi, full of circumference thousands of miles.

Also suffering from the Tuoba family covers a very wide area, if the ordinary small clan, just the aftermath of just now, they can eliminate countless times.

Vibration and terrifying the aftermath, slowly dissipate!

The nine-day silhouette of the sword appears. At this moment, his face is white like tin foil. Although his body is quite straight, his hands holding the sword, and even the whole body, are constantly shaking, seemingly falling down at any time.

And on his chest, there is a blood hole with a big bowl!

It was actually blown up by the students!

“Nine days of Senior Brother!”

War God Palace Other Powerhouses were shocked and rushed to scream.

But they are not close yet.

The body of the sword nine days is like a mirror that is crushed by boulder, and there is a crack in the countless road.

next moment.


The body of the sword nine days, bursting on the spot, turned into a pool of Blood Mist.

At the same time.

Zhao Fang figure appeared, still standing in the same place, white fluttering, unscathed.

At the same time, the sword nine-day figure exploded, and he took a Void Hand.

The nine-day divine sense that he wants to escape is caught in his hand.

“What do you want to do? If you dare to kill me, just wait for my endless revenge from War God Palace. At that time, all the influences that have been entangled with you will be destruction and become history!”

The sword nine days feared to reach the apex, mouthless, threatening Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang looked indifferent and slowly said: “An answer to my question may be able to spare you a life!”

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