The first thousand two hundred and forty-four chapters are connected!

“An answer to my question, maybe I can spare you a life!”


“Ji Feng is where!”

“Ji Feng? How do you know him, are you who? Ah…”

Not finished, a path of blue Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame, emerged from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, wrapped in the sword nine Heavenly God.

These Vermilion Bird Sacred Flames, in the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness nurturing for many years, are extremely powerful against the ordinary divine sense.

Even if the sword has a divine sense defense treasure, the burnt ghost is crying!

“After nonsense, let you to complete exterminate body and soul!” Zhao Fang looks indifferent.

The War God Palace Powerhouse, which originally wanted to save the sword for nine days, saw a chill in his heart and went up two steps. He eventually dared not approach Zhao Fang.

“He, he is in the desert of the ‘Abandon Domain’.”

“Very good!” Zhao Fang laughed.

Sword Nine Heavenly God knows, keenly aware of a trace Crisis, yelled: “What are you doing? You said not to kill me.”

“I just said that the answer is good, I may be able to spare you a life, maybe, not necessarily.”

“You!” Sword nine days complexion gloomy.

“Stop! Let’s put up nine days of Senior Brother!”

“If you dare to hurt the Senior Brother for nine days, wait for my War God Palace, violent revenge!”

The War God Palace God King, who hesitated, pointed to Zhao Fang and shouted at the moment.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang smiled. “Since he can’t kill, kill you!”

The words fall.

God Slayer Spear was shocked, and Zhao Fang was on the verge of a gun. When the gun came out, it was like a big river.

With his current cultivation base, this gun might not be able to stop the sword for nine days.

Not to mention these War God Palace Powerhouses.

Basically one shot at a time, these War God Palace Powerhouses have become the soul of Zhao Fang, contributing more than 300,000 Experience Points and six Low-Grade Divine Sparks.

Zhao Fang shot to the Killed War God Palace God King, but it was a blinking skill.

These people, all to complete exterminate body and soul, can not die!

The scene is even more dead silence!

They can’t help but be the strength of the tension that Zhao Fang is now showing.

More eager to Zhao Fang’s daring.

‘War God Palace, that’s one of the eight major gold events of the Myriad Domain Territory. This fellow is actually killing without blinking. Is he crazy? ‘

The sword nine days also stunned.

I also didn’t think that Zhao Fang would kill if he didn’t agree.

Unexpectedly, he was so timid and dared to kill War God Palace.

“Leave you, I still have some use.”

Zhao Fang came in with a Secret Art, bound the sword of Heavenly God and put it into the lock tower.

After doing this, he looked at the field.

But anyone who is in contact with his eyes is not afraid of chilling, and retreats.

Including Tuoba Yang Xiu!

Zhao Fang didn’t look at him. His gaze fell on the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce, which was quietly retreating from the hundred zhang (333m), and the influence of Tyrant Blade Sect.

“At the beginning, Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce Golden King God King, Tyrant Blade Sect Supreme Elder, came to besiege me, I was only slightly punished…”

Said, his expression is cold, looking at the heads of the two sides of Influence, complexion is extremely pale, “But today, you come back to attack me, but also sent these Powerhouse, I really thought, this Young master is weak and deceive?”

“Well, since you are court death, then this Young master will fulfill you. After today, there will be no Tyrant Blade Sect and Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce in the world!”

Wen Yan, Tyrant Blade Sect and Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce Powerhouse, complexion drastic!

It is also at this time.

Zhao Fang suddenly left.

Glazed Divine Body gave him an extremely powerful Fleshy Body, even if he didn’t use Divine Strength, he could easily break the sound barrier and perform supersonic raids with the help of Fleshy Body.

Plus God Slayer Spear and the peak God King cultivation base after Rank 7 Berserk.

It can be said that no one on the field is Zhao Fang opponent!

Two Great Influences Powerhouse, although unwilling, but under the attack of Zhao Fang, there is no backhand.

It’s just a matter of interest, and the two Great Influences Powerhouses are wiped out.

During the period, Liu Jingyun and others of Tyrant Blade Sect wanted to be self-destruct, but it was just too fast, but Zhao Fang was directly shot by Qi Fang and sneaked into Qi Sea.

Blood, dip in the ruined Crane King Peak.

Everyone looked at the white fluttering, not staining a little bit of dust, like a fairy, in the eyes revealing unprecedented fear.

Zhao Fang turned again and looked at Tuoba Yang Xiu and Touba Huang He!

“Now, it’s your turn!”

The two people have long been stunned by the unprecedented strength of Zhao Fang just now.

I dare not confront Zhao Fang at all.

Touba Huang He yelled after hearing this, “Touba Lei Feng, you are my Tuoba family Young Master, how can you kill Tuoba family Elder for no reason, this is a taboo in Clan! Even this Elder is really at fault, there is Patriarch disposal, when is it your turn?”

“Oh, do you think that I am Young Master now?”

Zhao Fang looked at Touba Huang He stunnedly. “On that day, if you disregard Elder’s esteem, you will be guilty of me in the transmission of the array, and I will be buried in a foreign land. This is a deep hatred. Even if you call the old Patriarch, I will kill you. !”

“Zhao Fang, you have to talk nonsense!”

In just now, he already knows the true name of Zhao Fang from the mouth of Tuoba Yang Xiu.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang smiled.

He does not speak anymore, but shoots directly!

This gun, including heaven and earth, is a stalwart, and it seems that a shot can be made, and even a hole can be found in the sky.

“damn it !”

Tuoba Yang Xiu complexion was terrible, desperately offering a large number of treasures and wanting to dodge.

But sadly found.

This is obviously a shot of killing Touba Huang He, but he has covered himself.

He couldn’t escape the edge of this gun when he entered the ground.

“Zhao Fang, you are going to be proud, I will die if you die,”

Tuoba Yang Xiu both eyes Blood-stained, has become a crazy trend, the body surface is even more jetted by the Blood Mist, Qi Sea is turbulent, like a balloon.

Zhao Fang blinked, cold said with a laugh, “In front of me, you also want to play self-destruct? Do you think you are a sword nine days?”

Even the sword for nine days, can not escape the Zhao Fang this gun, not to mention Tuoba Yang Xiu.

He is just from the gas and the soul, not yet self-destruct, that terrifying a shot, it is already approaching, and instantly pierce Qi Sea.

Pū chī !

Qi Sea Space Vibration is broken.

A large hole in the mouth appeared in an instant.

Tuoba Yang Xiu’s body is shaking, and the complexion is so horrible that it seems to fall at any time.

Even more tragic is Touba Huang He, who sits on the side of Touba Huang He with a shot in the hole, wearing a shot from Tuoba Yang Xiu Qi Sea, and the remaining ear is pierced from his right ear and the left ear is stabbed.

The two people, like the barbecue, were strung together.


Touba Huang He is incredulously looking at Zhao Fang, his head burst open and killed on the spot!

“I hate Ah!”

Tuoba Yang Xiu didn’t look at behind, dead Touba Huang He.

He stared at Zhao Fang. “I knew that today, even if there was Patriarch blocking, I would enter the Desolate City Ancient Land and completely solve it. Will there be a disaster today? Unfortunately, sigh Ah!”


Tuoba Yang Xiu’s body suddenly exploded, and even the divine sense was escaped and succumbed to the scene.


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