The first thousand two hundred and forty-seven chapters corpse fire!

Zhao Fang has always thought that she is a good man and a girl.

His style has already explained everything!

People respect me a foot, I respect a man!

People ruin me, I am three people!

I will report!

The Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce and the Tyrant Blade Sect have repeatedly provoked him.

Before leaving Pure Yang Mansion before.

Zhao Fang took the Dark Moon and others and went to the door to remove the Tyrant Blade Sect, the Great Influences, which has a great reputation in Pure Yang Mansion, from Black Iron-grade influence!

And remove the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce in the Branch of Pure Yang Mansion.

This is a big swing away from Pure Yang Mansion.

When walking on the star road above the Pure Yang Mansion, Dark Moon suddenly raised his brow and glanced at behind.

Immediately, I saw Zhao Fang, and I noticed Zhao Fang’s lips and a hidden trace.

She faintly looks at behind’s gaze, flashing a trace of quirky, and even sympathetic expression.

“Master, from Pure Yang Mansion to Azure Cloud Mansion, take the fourth grade Star compass, the fastest time is half a month, why don’t we take the array?”

In the crowd, Xiao Feng did not notice the anomaly, and some did not understand.

“I am now the target of the public. The array is in the hands of the Great Influences of Pure Yang Mansion. Once they are in the array, you and I are safe and there is no guarantee!”

After experiencing Touba Huang He, Zhao Fang had an instinctive resistance to the transmission of the array.

If it is not the transferar array that he has arranged, even if someone asks him to go, he will not go.

“You can hurry like this, after all, it is a bit slow.”

“It is a bit slow!”

Zhao Fang smiled. The fourth grade Star compass he was riding today was removed from the Tyrant Blade Sect’s treasury after removing the Tyrant Blade Sect.

Although the speed is not slow, but compared to the transmission of the array, it is a world of difference.

“However, I still have one thing in my hand.”

Said, Zhao Fang took out one thing.

“Star compass ?”

“Master, what’s so particular about this, isn’t it faster for you to take this now than the Star Compass speed we are now?”

Xiao Feng did not see the clue.

Zhao Fang throws away the Heaven Gathering Territory map, branded it, and then set foot on Star compass.

Others have also fallen into the Star compass all around, protecting the strength of the Star compass.

“sōu! ”

With the move of Zhao Fang Heart Thought, the Star Compass became a residual image and disappeared into place.

Xiao Feng slightly startled, incredible: “In terms of speed alone, it is three times faster than the fourth grade Star compass, Master, this, is this the Fifth Rank Star compass?”

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang nod.

Xiao Feng and others are shaking.

This Fifth Rank Star compass is naturally a reward for Zhao Fang to complete the Fight for Succession. In addition to the Fifth Rank Star compass, there are also the beginning of the wood, the secret technique and the reincarnation.

“If there is Divine Emperor activate, this Fifth Rank Star compass speed is at least ten times faster than the fourth grade Star compass!”

Zhao Fang said.

Xiao Feng and others Wen Yan, more delighted and shocked.

Nether Fire Monk, hiding in the dark, heard the same, shocked at the same time, and had some headaches.

“damn it, how does this fellow have so many treasures? It must have been obtained by the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce Branch. The speed is so fast, even if there is 8-Star God King cultivation base, there is something that can’t be caught!”

Nether Fire Monk is depressed, and one of the Lotus Thrones is on the rise. The speed is soaring. Although it can’t compare with the Fifth Rank Star compass at this time, it is not much slower.

The two sides continued to tens of millions of miles in tandem.

After a deserted abandoned star, Zhao Fang stopped.

“With us for so long, what are you trying to do?”

He doesn’t look back, just like talking to the air.

Xiao Feng and others see it, but the complexion is slightly changed, and the vigilance looks at all around , the cultivation base is not revealed.

A silence.

Zhao Fang expression As usual, in the eyes is a bit intolerant. “If you don’t come out again, I promise, you will not see my shadow next!”

While speaking ,Fifth Rank Star compass aura ,Vibration.

“ha ha ~~”

A loud laughter sounded.

Then, in a distant place, there is a white Lotus Throne, Lotus Throne is elegant and clean, full of sacred aura, and laughs with that, it is completely different temperament.

Lotus Throne above, sitting on the upper body, carrying two long squats, eyes raging cruel’s bald youth.

“How did you find Buddha’s?”

The bald head stopped at Zhao Fang thousands of miles away.

“Only you?”

Zhao Fang squinted at the eyes behind, and his face showed a disappointing color.

The bald head is immediately furious, “brat, An dare to despise the Buddha, court death!”

At the time of the whistle, two two Divine Objects were extracted from the behind two scorpions, and they attacked Zhao Fang with the power of one kind Total Annihilation.


Dark Moon take action, easily blocking the attack of the under-head youth.

“Hey, I already knew that you have an 9-Star God King. Foye dare to come, naturally he is prepared…explosive!”

The bald head smiles evil looking cruel, all of a sudden, a cold and strange gray flame, suddenly erupted from the inside, in contact with the Dark Moon’s all of a sudden, burst open.

There is no Boom loud noise.

No terrifying fluctuations.

The gray flame bursts silently and without waves.

It’s like a mime.


The Dark Moon, whose body was affected by the gray flame, has undergone amazing changes. In the original seductive posture, there was a large corpse of beans.

The corpse is constantly spread.

The vitality of Dark Moon within the body seems to be suppressed by some evil aura, and is underestimated.

“This is ……”

The hearts of the people are shaking and cannot be said.

They didn’t think that the Dark Moon of 9-Star God King had suffered such a dark loss when faced with the bald head of this evil looking.

“én? It hasn’t fallen yet. It seems that your physique is very special.”

The bald-headed man blinked, still struggling with Dark Moon, a little surprised, immediately said with a laugh: “Useless, in my corpse fire secret technique, even if you are God King peak, you are sure!”

“corpse fire ?”

On the Dark Moon charming face, there was a circle of horrible and disgusting corpse, and her complexity was extremely ugly.

“ha ha, brat, didn’t think of it!”

The bald-headed man ignored the Dark Moon, who was not threatening himself. He turned to look at Zhao Fang and was proud of a big with a laugh.

“You hurt my divine sense, ruined me for decades to clean up, this hatred is not reported, Buddha Nether Fire Monk’s fighting prowess, who can serve?”

“Nether Fire Monk ?”

Hearing this name, Zhao Fang expression is as usual, Xiao Feng Wang Yanzhang Huo Sihai and others, but a complexion greatly changed.

“Nether Fire Monk?”

“It seems that the name of Lord Foley is very loud. People from all of you in Pure Yang Mansion know Ah!” Nether Fire Monk laughed.

“Master, is a very tricky fellow, specializing in corpse fire, common flame is difficult to restrain, even 9-Star God King, he has been killing.”

Xiao Feng gloomy’s face, said solemnly.

Zhao Fang raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at Dark Moon, yelling at Nether Fire Monk. “Remove corpse fire on her, I can think of nothing happening.”

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