The first thousand two hundred and forty-eight chapters press Nether Fire Monk

“Nothing happened? How can it be!”

“And, you don’t seem to be clear about the situation. The person who is going to die now is Ah!”

Nether Fire Monk’s gaze is fierce.

“Do you think that if you trap her with corpse fire, you will kill us?”

“if not?”

Zhao Fang hehe laughed, complexion as usual, and not much change.

Nether Fire Monk has a ge-deng jump.

“From the beginning to find me, to the Buddha’s uniform, the girl, and now to the end of the mountain, this brat seems to be calm and calm, this damn what’s going on? Is it his little 3-Star God King, and there are What is the card that Benfrey doesn’t know?”

Even though I think so, Nether Fire Monk’s face is not revealed.

He stared at Zhao Fang sullenly. “You would rather install it? However, Foye is not a good man or a woman. No matter how you install it, as long as you slap on the corpse fire, everything will be revealed.”

“The original shape is exposed, you think that corpse fire is a demon mirror.” Zhao Fang sneered.

Wen Yan, Nether Fire Monk complexion sinking, raising his hand, dancing, corpse fire spewing, instantly drowning Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang is like this, killed by corpse fire.

“Cut, I thought there was a card, it was just a play!” Nether Fire Monk saw it and disdain.

“The corpse fire? is indeed different from the monster fire, the real fire, and the fire of the divine sense. It is actually burning the life force, which makes the young master surprised.”

In the corpse fire, a calm and indifferent voice emerged.


Nether Fire Monk complexion, “how can it be !”

He is unable to believe, and when someone is surrounded by corpse fire, it can be unscathed.

Since he debuted, this kind of thing has never happened. The scene in front of him is still first time.

“This is in line with the Extinction Corpse Fire that I have built Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art 7th layer.”

While speaking, the gray corpse fire inside, suddenly a red flame.

Followed by.

A man silhouette bathed in flame, coming out of the gray corpse fire, unharmed.

Nether Fire Monk saw this scene, and the scary eyes fell to the ground.

Not afraid that the other party is still alive.

It is the aura of the Grand Dao of Fire revealed by the other side, and the components of the Grand Dao of Fire.

‘One two three four… There are actually six distinct flames, how the fellow blends them together. ‘

Nether Fire Monk was shocked.

At this moment, Zhao Fang indifferently said: “Your corpse fire, not cultivated intact, just inherited some superficial knowledge. It is not enough to kill me with this point!”

Nether Fire Monk complexion sinks, his face is no longer just now proud, deep at at Fang Fang, “What the hell are you?”

“You dare not provoke people!”

“ha ha ……” Nether Fire Monk laughs, “I am Nether Fire Monk able to move unhindered Heaven Gathering Territory, and I have never had a person who dare not provoke!”

“Do you think that you can frighten Huge with your so-called Grand Dao of Fire?”

“You can try!”

“Try it! The corpse fire of Buddha’s lord is not blocked by the common flame. Even if you combine six different flame cultivation successfully Grand Dao of Fire, you can’t do it!”

While speaking, Nether Fire Monk madly dancing in the hands of a pair, a path of corpse fire spurted out of the doubles, went to Battlefield, surrounded by Nether Fire Monk, and its weekly test.

Zhao Fang stood in the same place, indifferent, quietly looking at this scene.

More and more corpse fires eventually formed the sea of ​​fire and completely engulfed Zhao Fang.

“ha ha… this time, you will die!”

Just at Nether Fire Monk, at the same time.


Corpse fire Fire sea abyss, suddenly there is a six colors flame column, rushing.

The terrifying power, instantly scatters the corpse fire, Zhao Fang one step step out, six colors flame of Heavenly Fire aura, unreserved bursts of hair.

“This, This is Heavenly Fire?!”

Nether Fire Monk eyes suddenly shriveled, revealing an incredible look.

“Who are you, from where there are so many Heavenly Fires? You can still put them together…”

Nether Fire Monk looks like a ghost.

He practiced corpse fire, which is also known as Fire Cultivator.

Naturally understand that this kind of mixed flames of different attributes will be a big risk of how is it.

That is no different from suicide.

And few people succeeded!

The front of the fellow, not only did this, but also damn succeeded!

This makes Nether Fire Monk unbelievable.


Zhao Fang Void Hand Slightly lifts a large amount of six colors flame when the palm is inward.

Flame 滔滔, will be shrouded in the shock of Nether Fire Monk.

When Nether Fire Monk discovered it, he was surrounded by six colors flame.

If it is not the strength of corpse fire of body protection, he is afraid that it has already been burnt into a coke by six colors flame.

Even if he is still alive, it can be consumed like this, and his ending is not so good.

“What do you want to do?”

“Tell me, where did you get the corpse fire, from where?”

“Do you want to refining corpse fire?”

Nether Fire Monk was originally curious, why did Zhao Fang ask this, but when he saw the six colors flame that surrounded him, he immediately woke up.

“Not bad.” Zhao Fang nodded, no denial.

“You are a madman!” Nether Fire Monk was shocked.

“Where is corpse fire!”

“I believe by what, after telling you, you will let me go!”

“Then you believe it or not, I have the means to erase your mind, turn you into a possession, no consciousnessness, just know the machine of the slaughter?”


Nether Fire Monk complexion is ugly.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to raise some chips, but did not expect that Zhao Fang blocked all his back roads in one sentence.

Moreover, the attitude is still so strong.

If you don’t say it, turn you into a puppet!

This is not the most powerful threat since Nether Fire Monk debuted, but the threat that scares him the most.

If it is someone else.

He will definitely sneer at it.

Do not believe that they can refining themselves.

The performance of Zhao Fang before, but his heart is not bottom.

“After I told you, would you let me go?”

“see your performance!”

Hearing this, Nether Fire Monk smiled. “It seems that I really shouldn’t go out this time.”

“You are right, I am really only superficial knowledge of refining corpse fire, because in that place, I just dared to stay on the edge, the internal corpse fire was terrifying, I didn’t dare to go deep.”

Say, Nether Fire Monk is like a terrifying recollection, the tyrannical face, revealing a fear that does not match the tone.

“That place, I can take you there, but can you get corpse fire, completely look at your own Luck. And, it is very dangerous, go in with your current Strength, it is completely dead!”

Nether Fire Monk Road.

“This is not going to worry you.”

While speaking, Zhao Fang hits a Bathling Spirit Seal and wraps the Nether Fire Monk divine sense.

This Nether Fire Monk is also exceptionally careful. In the divine sense surroundings, it is full of corpse fire. When the Battling Spirit Seal is approaching, it is eroded by corpse fire, vanish like smoke in thin air.

Nether Fire Monk didn’t say anything on the surface, but Zhao Fang noticed a glimpse of his lips.

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