The first thousand and two hundred 50

In this scene, the Nether Fire Monk looks very different.

Especially when he noticed the cultivation base of the five people, his strange look, with a bit of disdain, wanted to laugh and did not laugh, and kept squatting, almost all of them quickly broke out.

In other words, Tidal Sword School, Raging Whale Gang, in order to recover lost goods, sent the old Powerhouse in their own influence.

Among the five, Raging Whale Gang three people are all 3-Star God King cultivation base.

Tidal Sword School two people, also 4-Star God King.

This Rank Strength, placed in any Black Iron-grade influence, is also a mainstay.

Today, the five-person pursuit is only the Meng Lintang of the 1-Star God King cultivation base, which is more than enough.

Can deal with Zhao Fang…

Nether Fire Monk subconscious looked at Zhao Fang and glanced at Dark Moon, shaking his head slightly.

“I didn’t expect that I could meet you here!”

Meng Lintang riddled with scars, the original purple blood robes, smashed, smashed, blood-stained, has become purple-brown, cold and sturdy face, revealing the desperation of Hero’s end.

No longer Zhao Fang when he first saw him, the king of the world, the prestige!

Perhaps it is because the injury is too heavy, there is no force to move again, or because the immediate approval, after coming to Zhao Fang not far away, Meng Lintang will no longer flee, half squatting on the ground, slashing with a knife, mouthful Panting.

Immediately, when he glanced at the Nether Fire Monk, his eyes shone slightly.

He didn’t know Nether Fire Monk, but it was clear to Sense that the other party’s emits had shocked him even a terrifying aura.


“Don’t ask senior how to call it?” Meng Lintang respected the hands clasped together politely at Nether Fire Monk.

His reaction also made the rear pursuit his Tidal Sword School, Raging Whale Gang Powerhouse look over.

When I noticed the out of the ordinary of Nether Fire Monk, the five people’s crazy expressions were slightly convergent, at the same time hands clasped together politely, “myself Raging Whale Gang /Tidal Sword School … met senior!”

Then he said that this is Raging Whale Gang and Tidal Sword School private affairs, as long as Nether Fire Monk does not intervene, there must be a thick report.

Nether Fire Monk snorted and just wanted to ridicule them, but when they thought that they were now prisoners of the ranks, they immediately felt nothing, looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, with a bit of gloom.

This change.

Clearly fall into Meng Lintang and Tidal Sword School Raging Whale Gang five people in the eyes.

“The original senior has private affairs, it is our eyes, this is leaving.”

Said, the five people chased up, want to hold Meng Lintang.

Their purpose, after all, is the trading of goods, killing Meng Lintang, then the goods can not be found back.

Of course, this is just the appearance, in order to trivial a little bit of money, naturally impossible to let Tidal Sword School, Raging Whale Gang send such a Powerhouse.

“Senior life-saving, junior has a star thief, the gods are willing to give to senior!” Meng Lintang yelled.

“Meng Lintang, shut up!”

“you court death !”

Raging Whale Gang and Tidal Sword School Powerhouse are furious.

“Star Treasures?”

Nether Fire Monk’s gaze is really tempting.

He was annoyed when he thought of his situation!

Seeing Nether Fire Monk is not moving, Raging Whale Gang Powerhouse is approaching, Meng Lintang in the eyes shows a desperate look, “I think Meng Lintang, can to move unhindered star field several hundred years, I did not expect that it would fall in This kind of land is really pitiful Ah!”


Just as Five Great Powerhouse is approaching Meng Lintang, Zhao Fang is indifferent to start to talk, “Save him!”


Among Meng Lintang and Five Great Powerhouse dumbstruck, the Nether Fire Monk, which they regarded as a superior, suddenly took action, corpse fire, and slammed out, instantly shrouded Five Great Powerhouse.

Immediately, his Void Hand grabbed and Meng Lintang appeared on the side of his lotus flower table.


The five people shrouded in corpse fire immediately made a painful scream.

Not long after, the age spots are not all over the five people. In the flame, they look old and dry, and the end is the end, turned into a gray, blown away by the wind!

To entirely exterminate body and soul !

Death can’t die anymore!

Seeing this scene, Meng Lintang’s heart is cold, and the Nether Fire Monk’s reverence at the same time is also the fear to the extreme.

Similarly, he still has a curiosity in his heart.

Obviously, with Zong Fang’s intimidating Nether Fire Monk, will Zhao Fang tell him to save himself?

The next scene was even more shocking to him.

“damn it, I let you save him, didn’t let you kill them!”

Zhao Fang pointed to the Nether Fire Monk and jumped up.

What is good is God King Powerhouse, how to say, 200,000 experience points can not run.

But because Nether Fire Monk waved, all vanish like smoke in thin air, how he is not angry.

Nether Fire Monk is also very angry.

Originally obeying a junior commander, it was a huge shame for his Powerhouse.

just now.

Zhao Fang was drinking in public, he wanted to kill Zhao Fang’s heart!

“What, dissatisfied?”

Zhao Fang seems to see the mind of Nether Fire Monk, smiles coldly, and slightly raises his hand.

“Young master forgives me, I am smashed!”

Nether Fire Monk quickly waved his hand and sincerely admits!

Meng Lintang was shocked and shocked.

‘Is it crazy? Half a year ago, the mole cricket and ants junior, now, can you enjoy a God King Late Stage Powerhouse? This must be an illusion, it must be like this! ‘

Meng Lintang muttered to himself and closed his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Zhao Fang looks at him, and said coldly: “What did you say that the Star Treasure God is what’s going on?”

Meng Lintang slightly frowned , looking at Nether Fire Monk.

Nether Fire Monk was furious. Raising his hand was a slap in the back of Meng Lintang. A father learned the lesson of his son. He almost didn’t shoot Meng Lintang. “damn it, what do you look at, Young master asks you? You didn’t hear it? Your ears are smashed?”

Meng Lintang was almost stupid.

After the reaction, I had to accept a fact that he could not accept.

The little fellow, whom he considered as the mole cricket and ants, is now standing at the height he can’t look up to.

Otherwise, with Nether Fire Monk’s Strength, is it so cautious?

“Young master forgives sins, the villain is confused, and this is how…”

Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce and Skull Mountain Star Pirates traded goods, after Zhao Fang robbed, Meng Lintang angered.

In person, he led the Skull Mountain Star Pirates to cross the border.

As the saying goes, Heavenly Dao pays for it.

It really made him encounter a good thing.

Unexpectedly got the secret about the Star Thief.

Later I didn’t know what’s going on, this time I was introduced to Azure Cloud Mansion.

Raging Whale Gang Tidal Sword School also wants to intervene, and then chasing the lost goods, the purchase Meng Lintang.

In fact, it was to seize the news of the Star Treasure.

Skull Mountain Star Pirates was completely destroyed by the two Great Influences. Meng Lintang saw the machine early, escaped in advance, and was still chased by them. He fled for a month and finally came to Pure Yang Mansion, and there was a scene in front of him.

“Secret of the Stars of the Emperor? Is it true?”

Zhao Fang picked up his eyes.

Meng Lintang hesitated.

He also knows that he has almost lost the value of Zhao Fang. Once he has lost his value, he must be the same as the five people of Raging Whale Gang Tidal Sword School, to entirely exterminate body and soul !

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