The first thousand two hundred 50 chapter first collect a small interest!

“Don’t dare to bully Young master, this thing, 80% is true.”

“However, where the Star Thief is hiding, the extreme remoteness can only be found by my star thief.”

Meng Lintang hesitated, start to talk.

Zhao Fang took a deep look at Meng Lintang and took a Battaling Spirit Seal into his divine sense.

After Meng Lintang detected, the expression changed greatly.

“what did you do to me?”

“If you want to share a piece of cake, I won’t stop it, as long as you have this skill, but I don’t want it, you are giving me a knife in my behind, This is the unique printing of this Young master, as long as this Young master Heart Thought can make you survive without asking for death.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

Meng Lintang complexion changed, completely did not expect, Zhao Fang hand, there is this Rank trick, complexion is ugly, such as death test!

“As long as you honestly lead the way, don’t play careful eyes, the star thief is hiding in the gods, what you get, this Young master will not take it, and will leave you after the event, and then bother and dissatisfaction.”

“Really?” Meng Lintang’s eyes brightened.

This is good news for him.

‘My Strength is low, I want to explore the star thief, I need help, and I have a chance. However, most of the Powerhouses, after learning the news, will be like Tidal Sword School and Raging Whale Gang. After I want to know the news, I will kick me out and disdain to cooperate with me. ‘

‘This fellow although I have a Restriction spell on me, but as long as he keeps his promise, it is not a bad thing. ‘

Thought of this, Meng Lintang in the desperate eyes, revealing a few points of hope.

“This Young master speaks and speaks.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“many thanks Young master !” Meng Lintang hands clasped together politely.

Zhao Fang smiles at him at him.

Meng Lintang immediately wakes up, it is time for you to show your value.

“That star thief is hidden by the pioneers of my star thief. It is in the area of ​​the sacred demon, the specific location, but also to enter the local area before it can be investigated.”

“Women’s house?”

Zhao Fang has an eccentric expression and blinks at Nether Fire Monk.

Nether Fire Monk is also quirky.

The corpse fire that he provided before appeared in the same place.

“It seems that this is really a fate!” Zhao Fang laughed.

Meng Lintang is not clear, but it is also attached to laugh.

“Right, you have been robbing the house for so many years, you can collect the star field map 1⁄4”

Zhao Fang looked forward to the sights at Meng Lintang, the map of the broken world, he did not find in Pure Yang Mansion, even if it was the relationship of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, did not find the slightest.

Meng Lintang would like to say to Zhao Fang that Star Pirates is a free and noble profession. Simply speaking, it is an insult to Star Thieves.

I can think of myself, my little life is pinched in the other’s hands, immediately do not entangle this, and quickly said: “There are many collections, dare to ask the Young master want that piece of Earth domain map?”

“Heaven Gathering Territory, the Domain, the Domain, these Domain maps, I have!”

Meng Lintang takes a piece of treasure like a piece of treasure and engraves the treasure of the star field map.

In order to increase his importance in the heart of Zhao Fang, he is also quite a fight.

Zhao Fang glanced slightly and asked with a smile. “Is there a map of killing the world? Is there?”

“Break the world?” Meng Lintang frowned, tentatively asked: “A small world?”

“Should not be!”

Jokes, the yellow gold clan of one of the top ten Golden Ancient Races, how can it be a small world, at the very least, should be a place that is not inferior to Heaven Gathering Territory.

Of course, these are the guesses of Zhao Fang.

“But I have never heard of it.” Meng Lintang frowned at the doubt.

Seeing the disappointment of Zhao Fang face shows, he quickly said: “Young master, don’t worry, let’s go to the Golden Cauldron Mansion. The Golden Cauldron Mansion is the most prosperous place in the 13th house of Heaven Gathering Territory. If you say this Heaven Gathering In the Territory world, where is the place to kill the world, it must be Golden Cauldron Mansion !”

“This place is also the only way we can go to the demon house!”

“Golden Cauldron Mansion…”

Zhao Fang Wen Yan, slightly blinked, said with a laugh, “If that’s the case, take a trip to Golden Cauldron Mansion.”

“However, in this before, we have to solve some minor problems!”

Zhao Fang squinted at Xiao Feng, indifferently said.

“What does Young Master want?” Meng Lintang just joined the Zhao Fang team and couldn’t figure out what he thought.

“Go to Azure Cloud Mansion and get out!”

Hear this, Meng Lintang complexion big change.

“Young master can’t go, Azure Cloud Mansion experts as common as clouds, Powerhouse is like rain, we go in, it’s definitely a self-investment, there is no death!”

“I look at at, is it like going to die?”


“You don’t have to worry, you don’t need to fight, you can protect yourself. Now, let’s go to Divine Lou River.”

Hearing no need to fight, and not going to Azure Cloud Mansion, Meng Lintang was a big sigh of relief.

Listening to Divine Lou River at this moment, be careful asked, “Young master, the road to Golden Cauldron Mansion, and the Divine Lou River, will definitely delay some Time.”

Zhao Fang ignored him.

Let Nether Fire Monk, Meng Lintang two people board the Star compass, Nether Fire Monk activate Star compass, and head towards Divine Lou River.

I do not know how long it has been.


In the Divine Lou River, a few spurts of the silhouette are Zhao Fang and others.

‘Jade essence Bone Dragon has disappeared! How did War God Palace do it? ‘

Zhao Fang raised his eyes and muttered to himself.

He wanted to enter Divine Lou River and take away Jade essence Bone Dragon, which is a disgusting War God Palace.

Never thought that Jade essence Bone Dragon has disappeared!

“Who is so impudent, dare to swear to the War God Palace jurisdiction!”

A sudden and roared with a sense of oppression, sounds between heaven and earth, the heaven and earth are discolored, and the clouds are like lead.

In the rolling black clouds abyss, walk out of a tall man silhouette wearing a golden armor.

Man hangs in the air, like a god, arrogant world, out of the ordinary.

After the appearance of man, its behind, there are dozens of silhouettes, all of which are golden armor, like Golden Armored War God, mighty out of the ordinary.

“9-Star God King? is over!”

Meng Lintang complexion is terrible.

“This Young master wanted to take away Jade essence Bone Dragon. Since you are ready to take it away, you will kill you! It is a small interest!”Zhao Fang indifferently said.

When Meng Lintang has not yet reacted, the original dark moon,ududly roared, directly manifests the body, a huge black dark tyrannical tiger appears, carrying a fierce wind, straight to the head of 9-Star God King.

In addition, Nether Fire Monk waved, corpse fire everywhere, trapped a dozen War God Palace Powerhouse, a few breathing rooms, those War God Palace Powerhouse, burned all Life.

Along with the Nether Fire Monk’s fierce blow, the dying War God Palace Powerhouse, even the power to resist, the body suddenly burst, drifting with the wind, to entirely exterminate body and soul!

“This this……”

Meng Lintang’s eyes wide open, and his face is incredible.

I didn’t think of it at all, except for the Nether Fire Monk, there was a dark dark tyrannical tiger, a Divine Beast that survived the battle.

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