The first two hundred and two hundred 50 two chapters into Qingyun, destroy the two factions!

Black dark tyrannical tiger dragged the head of 9-Star God King.

And he will beat the festival!

Same as Time.

Nether Fire Monk, Xiao Feng and others simultaneous take action, killing the rest of the War God Palace Powerhouse.

In Meng Lintang’s view, the situation that was supposed to be desperate was actually reversed.

“Of course, it’s all God King…”

Meng Lintang Sorrowful discovery, he turned out to be the lowest of the cultivation base in the Zhao Fang team.

“And, this is War God Palace, the second time the Influence War God Palace, fight with them? Even if it is a court death, don’t bring this kind of death Ah!”

Even Meng Lintang has been used to lawlessness for many years.

Can face the really strong Great Influences, such as the Gold Influence Insurance God God Palace, it is also awesome, dare not provoke a little bit.

But Dark Moon Nether Fire Monk and others, without fear, killed War God Palace Powerhouse, no softer, more like a star thief than him.

“Damn, hateful! If it weren’t for me, War God Palace Powerhouse, go all out and search for the ‘God of the Gods’ Touba Lei Feng, you can make it so impudent!”

The 9-Star God King, headed by the black dark tyrannical tiger, suddenly retreat, bursting with angry snoring.

“‘Touba Lei Feng?what the hell?’

Meng Lintang startled ,subconscious looks at Zhao Fang.

“Looking for me? Ben Young master, isn’t this coming to the door?” Zhao Fang laughed.

“What? You are Touba Lei Feng? The Touba Lei Feng who killed the sword for nine days?”

“Idiot, the sword nine days, is indeed my kill, don’t worry, you will be buried with him soon!”

The conversation between the two people completely shocked Meng Lintang.

“Touba Lei Feng before killed War God Palace Powerhouse? Sword nine days… Isn’t this the 9-Star God King of War God Palace? How did he killing?”

Meng Lintang shocked and found that his understanding of Zhao Fang was so strange.

The battle started without warning.

There is no end to the omen.

With the Dark Moon slap in the face of the War God Palace 9-Star God King, the remaining Powerhouse, also buried in the Nether Fire Monk and others.

Brought a lot of experience to Zhao Fang, and more than forty Divine Spark.

“Reluctantly harvested well.”

Zhao Fang grinned and greeted Dark Moon Nether Fire Monk back, manipulating the Fifth Rank Star compass and quickly left the place.

of course.

In order to dig a War God Palace Powerhouse, Zhao Fang deliberately bought a time bomb from the System Shop.

“This is a bomb that incorporates Divine Strength. The ordinary God King is also a bit of broken meat. This is what I specially prepared for you. Don’t let this Young master down!”

Zhao Fang sneered at the corner of his lips and hid the bomb in a War God Palace disciple within the body.

He is looking forward to War God Palace Powerhouse, after looking at the bomb, but has no intention of triggering a bomb, a scene of a broken bone.

Unfortunately, he can’t see it!

Shortly after the departure of Zhao Fang and others.

Divine Lou River has returned to calm.

But this calm has not been maintained for too long.

With a path of golden rainbow, a path of God King Late Stage aura, stirred up.

“What happened?”

“Father is about to find the Touba Lei Feng trail. The sword nine songs suddenly send out a help signal, This is what’s going on?”

“Sword nine songs are heavy, if you don’t encounter a major event, you will not ask for help.”

“Go and see first!”

A dozen War God Palace God King Late Stage Powerhouse took advantage of the strength of Strength and took the lead.

After the gathering, there was a lot of discussion and they came to Divine Lou River.

“There are traces of great war!”

“Where did the sword nine songs go?”

“Find out four!”

More than a dozen God King Late Stages were scattered, and I wanted to find the sword nine songs on the bloody Battlefield and the ruined War God Palace Powerhouse.


A God King opened the dead body of a dead War God Palace Powerhouse.

Drop ~~

That Powerhouse within the body, a strange voice came out immediately.

Others are searching for Powerhouses and immediately looked over.

“what’s going on?”

Someone asked immediately.

“Get away!”

The 8-Star God King, who opened the dead body of the Powerhouse, suddenly screamed.

But it is already late!


Centering on the corpse, it suddenly burst into an endless flame, instantly drowning the Powerhouse in the big bang, the flame rolling, and swallowing a few people around.

Other people who are far away, after seeing the explosion of all of a sudden, have already retired a few hundred zhang (333m), the impact was affected, but after the sacrifice of War God Palace treasure, they barely saved their lives.

But the blasting might be too strong, and the remaining few people were seriously injured, and the hemoptysis was constant!

Rushing flame, covering half of the Divine Lou River, flame, five characters.

War God Palace Idiot !

The War God Palace Powerhouse, which was originally lingering, saw these five words, and the gas again cough up blood.

“It must be Touba Lei Feng, the fellow is sly and sly, and the sword is dead by him for nine days!”

“Damned dog stuff, father wants to crush you into meat!”

“Dare to swear me War God Palace, when the whole family!”

War God Palace Powerhouse, roaring again and again.

“I want to inform the palace that the harm of this person is greatly unexpected. We need to send Divine Emperor Powerhouse to kill in the palace!”

A War God Palace God King.

Others are silent.


“I agree!”

“It’s cheap for him!”

They are unwilling, but after experiencing repeated losses, they know that God King Powerhouse has little threat to Touba Lei Feng and wants to do it once and for all, only to dispatch Divine Emperor Powerhouse.


After leaving Divine Lou River.

Zhao Fang went straight into the Azure Cloud Mansion, completely ruining the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce’s nest and killing Tidal Sword School.

“The owner of Tidal Sword School is not in Sect!”

After the construction Tidal Sword School, after learning the news from the high-level swordsmanship, Zhao Fang regretted it.

I don’t know.

Meng Lintang next to him is thankful for him.

“The Lord of the Tidal Sword School is not here, otherwise, with the strength of his invincible under Divine Emperor Realm, we will die Ah!”

Of course, these people just think about nothing more, but dare not say in front of Zhao Fang.

“It’s not there, it’s a big life! See you next time, you will be strangled, to the whole of the Young master destruction Tidal Sword School!”

Can’t kill Tidal Sword School Sect Master, even if the entire Tidal Sword School is destructed, it can only be regarded as half of the Tidal Sword School.

This is the end.

Tidal Sword School and Raging Whale Gang, which are rampant in Azure Cloud Mansion, are a thing of the past.

At the time, he participated in the battle between Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce and Skull Mountain Star Pirates, and had a relationship with Zhao Fang. Clan Powerhouse, who knew that Zhao Fang had wiped out two Great Influences, was frightened and restless.

Directly with Clan treasure, take the initiative to come to blame.

Zhao Fang took the treasure and sat down with satisfaction.

Azure Cloud Mansion Powerhouse, no one dares to stop!

After seeing Zhifang and others’ strange Strength, they are all afraid of Zhao Fang, and they can’t hide too much. How dare you easily provoke!

In the end, Zhao Fang took away two of the Great Influences’ years of savings, and the Azure Cloud Mansion was in full swing. The parties were in danger of leaving the Azure Cloud Mansion!

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