The first thousand two hundred and sixty-two chapters off the ditch away from Young Master Huo

The first auction of the Perfection auction.

Make a long Sword Qi atmosphere, a lot of hot.

The next piece of treat, all sold out at a price that surprised Nether Fire Monk.

“The 19th lot, the 鲲 遁 遁 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … The best Divine Artifact, starting at 2 million divine crystal, every time the fare increase is not less than 100,000 divine crystal…”


“It’s actually forged from the bloodline of Super Divine Beast, and has the Divided Spirit of the Pengline Bloodline!”

“Unfortunately, the treasure is a good treasure, but it can only be used three times, three times, completely scrapped!”

“Crap, if there are restrictions on the use conditions, you think the starting price will be 2 million divine crystal? At least 20 million divine crystal!”


Many people have quoted in the discussion.

Although it can only be used three times, the starting price is not high, only two million nothing more, for most Powerhouses present, it is an acceptable price.


Just a moment later, this price was pushed up to four million divine crystals.

It has doubled in size and is more than 50 million divine crystal than the price of the first item.

This is so.

The price of this low opening and high walking has not faded and has been rushing toward the 5 million divine crystal mark.

“Hold the grass, This is going to break the rhythm of five million divine crystals Ah!”

“Tier-4 High Grade’s Kuangpeng Shuttle has this potential!”


Violet Chamber of Commerce VIP room.


Zhao Fang blinks and his heart moves.

The first picture of the twelve-day gongpeng swallows the sky, which requires the soul of Kunpeng and the bloodline of Kunpeng to fully inspire. I have the soul of Northern Sea Dragon, barely regarded as the soul of Kunpeng. If you take the 鲲 遁 遁 , ,, use System to extract the blo blo bloodline…

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang points to the price in front of him.

Immediately, on the outside of the VIP room where the Violet Chamber of Commerce is located, five million divine crystals flashed.

Zhao Ya on the auction floor saw this scene and immediately laughed, and the flattering voice spread throughout the audience.

“Violet Chamber of Commerce, five million divine crystal!”

In the original hall, when I heard this sentence, I looked at the VIP room area. After seeing the bright five million divine crystal numbers, the whole audience was quiet.

After a few seconds, the silence became noisy again.

“What does the Violet Chamber of Commerce do?”

“Five million divine crystals… are they not sick?”

“The Violet Chamber of Commerce should not lack these things. Why are they bidding?”

“damned, all of a sudden!”

“Hey, beyond my purchasing power, give up!”

Many people don’t bother the Violet Chamber of Commerce, and some people choose to opt out of the auction.

When the price of 5 million is out, the price is reduced by 90%.

There are only a few Great Influences left and still raising the price.

Worship the gods in the VIP room.

“Young Master, I found out, the price that was just called the brat we met in the lobby.”

The old man came to the front of Young Master Huo, said solemnly.

“It’s him?”

I raised an eyebrow from Young Master Huo. “How did he get together with the Violet Chamber of Commerce? However, it doesn’t matter. The young master who lost this is lost face. This time he looks at this 鲲 遁 遁 , , I want to guard against this Young master’s revenge, there is something to escape, this Young master does not let him wish.”

While speaking, from Young Master Huo shouted a price of six million.

“Seven million!”

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation.

“Hey!” A sneer came from the lips of Young Master Huo. “This time, this Young master will make you bleed. It’s a small punishment for you, eight million!”

“Nine million!” Zhao Fang barely stayed, showing that the momentum of the shuttlecock is inevitable.

“Ten million!”

More sneer from Young Master Huo.

The field is silent.

No one expected that a smashing shuttle, which was about to be scrapped, actually shot 10 million divine crystals.

Look at this posture, there is a rising Space!

“damn it, Great Influences is amazing, a bunch of bad guys!”

“Where is this 鲲 遁 遁 哪里 哪里 哪里 哪里 哪里 哪里.

In the hall, many people can’t eat grapes and say sour grapes.

“One million one!” Confidence in Young Master Huo.

“Fifteen million!”

Zhao Fang came to a big leap forward and directly increased the price by more than four million.

When this statement came out, it immediately caused a heated discussion in the auction house.

“”crazy! crazy! ”

“15 million divine crystals, you can buy a good Tier-4 High Grade Divine Weapon, instead of the smashing shuttlecock!”

“This fellow is definitely a hole in the brain!”

“I see, he is fascinating to Yadam!”

“There is such a possibility. It is said that in one auction, there was a nouveau riche and a lot of money. Later, even became the guest of the opening of Yadam, and she had a good time with her!”

“damn it, the routine is really deep!”

“However, this price is not the Violet Chamber of Commerce. It is said that their relationship with Yadam is not very harmonious!”


“15 million?” Xiao Young smiles from Young Master Huo. “This Young master really underestimated this fellow, and he is eager for Kunpeng’s shuttle! It seems that he is pinning all the hopes of escape to the hollow of Kunpeng. Soon.”

“In this case, this Young master can’t make you easily obtained!”

“16 million!”

In the VIP room of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, the Zhao Fang expression is calm, with a touch of thin smile.

“Young master, do you want to continue?”

Xiao Feng asked.

Nether Fire Monk Jia Lan two people are frowned heads. With their eyesight and insight, it is natural to see that this price has exceeded the actual value of the shuttle.

If you increase the price, it is not a bid, but a big one.

“Of course. Add directly to 20 million!” Zhao Fang indifferently said, “I don’t want to pay anyway!”

Wen Yan, Jia Lan corner of the mouth A pumping, cold face, revealing a trace of faint depression.

‘I knew that this fellow was not reliable, I should not say that to him! ‘

In her heart, she is very upset.

But the words have been exported, and the water is difficult to collect, and she can only accept the fate.

‘But, anyway, there is no more than 100 million divine crystal, I am a Violet Chamber of Commerce, still worthy! ‘

I think about it.

The crowd on the field, has been scared by the price of Zhao Fang 20 million divine crystal.

“Two million one!”

Not too slow from Young Master Huo, plus a million divine crystals.

“24 million!” Zhao Fang said.

“Two million five million!”

Increase the price again from Young Master Huo.

“hēi hēi, this time, this Young master will let you know and offend the young master!”

From the sneer of Young Master Huo, I was about to increase the price. I suddenly found out that Zhao Fang didn’t ask for the price.

“What’s going on?” asked Young Master Huo.

“The other party seems to have abandoned it!”

“What?” It’s ugly from the Young Master Huo complexion.

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