The first thousand two hundred and sixty-three chapters of the finale treasure!


Fuck, are you kidding me?

What kind of gesture did you not give up?

Can you still have fun playing?

It was ugly from the Young Master Huo complexion, and it swallowed a fly, and the dog was also pointed out by the public.

As his scarlet copper grade Young master, naturally he does not care about the 25 million divine crystal.

The key is face Ah!

I want to swear, and the result is stunned. This is not the opposite of the clothes. It is a truth.

In the middle of the hall.

Many people have strange expressions.

I want to laugh but I have been laughing and not laughing.

I am afraid that it will be excited. It is already a violent departure from Young Master Huo, which is the victim of his venting anger.

Zhao Ya’s expression is weird. He blinked at the private room where Zhao Fang was located. ‘Violet Chamber of Commerce, when did such a lawless master dare to scream from Young Master Huo and hang out from Young Master Huo? ‘

Zhao Fang is in the private room.

“ha ha ha ~~”

Everyone is ready to scream.

“Two million and five million, buy a non-use of the Kun Peng shuttle, away from the young Master Huo want to die!”

Nether Fire Monk laughs, “Young master, how are you so hurt?”

Seeing that Zhao Fang was not feeling well, Nether Fire Monk quickly changed his mouth. “Cough, Young master, I am here to praise you!”

“Do you have such a compliment? If you don’t talk, don’t talk damn!”

Zhao Fang glanced at him and said coldly.

“You are like this, the overall is a sigh of relief, but the contradiction with Young Master Huo is getting deeper and deeper!”

Jia Lan is somewhat worriedly said.

“You thought I thought.” Zhao Fang rolled the eyes.


“I really want to buy the Kunpeng shuttlecock. The Idiot Young master jumped out of it. I have to dig it for me. Am I willing to suffer? This is absolutely impossible to bear Ah!”

Zhao Fang’s words made everyone in the room extremely speechless.

On the auction floor, Zhao Ya looked around for a week and smiled. “Tier-4 High Grade 鲲 遁 , , , , , , , , , , , 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两 两

“it is good!”

Zhao Ya hammered, “congratulations from Young Master Huo, you successfully captured Tier-4 High Grade.”

In the box, away from Young Master Huo, I still want to see if anyone is coming to take over.

I never thought that Zhao Ya only asked for a symbolic question. I didn’t stop too much at all, and I directly awarded Kuangpeng’s shuttle to myself.

His face is green!

“Niang Xipi, this stinky girl dares to play me!”

Xiao Yan of the Immortal Palace is going to play with himself. There is a certain holiday between the two sides.

But he and Zhao Ya did not.

Zhao Ya’s stumbling behavior makes Young Master Huo full of hate towards her, and full of **!

“Thirteen, after the auction house is over, take her, the young master should vent the fire!” From the Young Master Huo complexion.

“Yes!” Back knife big Han knife thirteen respectful nod.


“The next piece of exhibit is more special and is a very rare material…”

Zhao Ya didn’t know that a disaster was quietly approaching herself. She patted her palm, and a maid held a jade plate and came to the front.

She waved to remove the cover and Restriction on the jade plate.


The two pillars of the waist are rushing from the jade plate.

Zhao Ya was prepared, with the body Divine Strength surging, with the Cold Ice handkerchief suppression, only to suppress the two fire pillars in the jade plate above.

“It’s so easy to suppress the two pillars of fire, yadamdam’s Strength, less than 6-Star God King peak, and maybe even into the God King Late Stage!”

First time The people who know Zhao Ya cultivation base are secretly scared.

I did not expect that this fascinating Yadam, with its color and entertainment, has such a deep Realm cultivation base.

A few people who know the true cultivation base of yadamam are looking to the jade dish.

Among the jade plates, the fire feathers of the length of two arms are lying quietly. The fire feathers are burning flames, burning constantly, but there is no slight terrifying high temperature.

“This is ……”

Everyone in the audience was attracted by the strange two fire feathers. They widened their eyes and flashed a trace in the eyes.

“This is the feather of Divine Beast ‘nine netherworld’, which implies the power of the fire. It is the best Tool Refiner material. If you can find Tier-5 Divine Artifact, you can forge a Tier-5 Divine Weapon … … starting price, one hundred 50 million divine crystal, every time increase price should not be less than 100,000 divine crystal ……”

The words fell, the scene was slightly quiet, and the bidders were embarrassed.

Everyone in the room is not a fool, naturally listening to the meaning of Zhao Ya just now.

“There is a need for a Tier-5 Divine Artifact division to refining these two fire feathers Ah!”

“After all, it is the feather of the ‘nine etherserworld’, rumor, this is the mount of the Emperor Sir, naturally not a common thing!”

“Unfortunately, Old Man is just a Tier-4 Divine Artifact teacher. It is hopeless to enter Tier-5 in this life. Otherwise, I really want to take a photo and study it!”


In the low-pitched arguments, only two or three people increased their prices, and the scene was slightly deserted.

“Two million!”

At this time, a plain voice, suddenly sounded, ending the short embarrassing atmosphere between the fields.

“It is the Violet Chamber of Commerce !”

“He actually bids again!”

Everyone in the hall turned and looked around.

There are also some people who look away from the box where Young Master Huo is located and want to see the reaction from Young Master Huo.

“After eating a loss, it should not be fooled away from Young Master Huo!”

Half barely fell.

“2.3 million!”

There was a sound in the box of Young Master Huo.

Hold the grass and stick it up?

Everyone was excited, thinking that they would see the Violet hard anal from the Young Master Huo.

But what everyone expected was.

After bidding for the price of Young Master Huo, the Violet Chamber of Commerce was quiet.

The scene is also quiet.

After a while, someone reacted.

“The Violet Chamber of Commerce is treacherous and has played a wave away from Young Master Huo!”

Not only they, but also from Young Master Huo.

Originally, he just didn’t want Zhao Fang to bid smoothly, disgustingly disgusting him.

I did not expect that Zhao Fang actually did not offer!

Damn it, this is not the same as the one written on the script!

Unsightly from Young Master Huo complexion.

Others are afraid to offend Young Master Huo. When he starts to talk, no one dares to bid.

As a result, this pot fell on Young Master Huo.

‘damned Xiao Yan! ‘From Young Master Huo both eyes almost fire.

In the next auction, after the price of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, once you bid from Young Master Huo, you will immediately withdraw and not tangled.

Purely want to drag the Young Master Huo off the water.

Despite taking pictures of these things, it is only a slap in the face of Young Master Huo, but he is disgusted by Zhao Fang.

Later, when Zhao Fang called the price again, he was afraid of being fooled and did not continue.

Others are also afraid of being robbed by Zhao Fang. No one is robbing him. It is to make Zhao Fang a few times cheaper.

Time is a little past.

Soon, the auction house came to an end, and the final finale, also appeared in the auction with the Jinding Pavilion Lord.

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