The first thousand two hundred and sixty-five chapters

Inside the Violet Chamber of Commerce box.

Jia Lan 愣愣looks at Zhao Fang, “You, how did you bid?”

Originally after the billions of young Master Huo shouted, Jia Lan was hesitating, and the Violet Chamber of Commerce wanted to shoot.

After all, the starting price is too high, almost beyond the estimated price in her heart!

But before she even thought about it, Zhao Fang already quoted.

Then, the second round of mysterious Influence, directly pushes Great World Fragments to the height of 3 billion divine crystals!

“It doesn’t matter, I have money!”

Zhao Fang is domineerable to move unhindered, but immediately, slightly frowned, “However, does this cause trouble for your Violet Chamber of Commerce?”

Jia Lan almost cried.

The heart said, you finally remembered.

In public, the anus is so many times away from Young Master Huo, and in the name of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, this already is not to be summed up by the word “simple trouble”. Simply is to push the Violet Chamber of Commerce to the fire pit!

What is this hatred?

“Cough… I’m sorry, I didn’t think so much, or else, I didn’t report it?”

Waiting for Jia Lan nod, Zhao Fang talked to himself, “Just give up, isn’t it too faceless?”

Jia Lan has to give Zhao Fang kneel down. When is this important to face or important to life?

“four billion!”

From the Young Master Huo sound.

“5 billion!”

That mysterious Influence quote.

Zhao Fang This time, take care of Jia Lan’s emotions and care about the Violet Chamber of Commerce. There is no offer!

The combination of the three strong forces has turned into a strong battle between Young Master Huo and mysterious Influence.

“Hey, the illiter, the financial, and the great World Fragments?”

Sneer from Young Master Huo.

In the hall, many people secretly shook their heads.

Violet Chamber of Commerce is temporarily out.

From Young Master Huo and the mysterious Influence, compete for each other.

The price quickly rose from 5 billion to an 10 Billion!

Looking at this posture, even if it breaks two 10 Billions, it does not seem to be difficult.

Just as the price war on the finale was intensified, several people came silently into the hall.

Originally, the young Master Huo, who was just asking for the price, was chilling when he saw the head of the first.

“Xiao Yan !”

Although Zhao Fang came in, he didn’t want to alarm anyone.

But the violent drink from Young Master Huo made him the focus of everyone.

“Xiao Yan? Who?”

Many people are puzzled.

Only witnessed Zhao Fang and the young Master Huo, the number of people in the Jin Dingge Hall, slightly narrowed their eyes, looked at the Zhao Fang left the violet private room, in the eyes revealing a thoughtful look.

“Is it right, it’s not the Violet Chamber of Commerce Powerhouse, but the person who is out of the box with Young Master Huo?”

On the occasion of a lot of speculation, Jin Ding Pavilion Lord arranged the waiter, Zhao Fang and others in the hall a prominent position, added a row of seats.

Zhao Fang is sitting on it.

The scornful eyes swept away from the box where Young Master Huo was located. “The shit is away from Young Master Huo, and damn is born to worship the fire god. This is a stingy look, it really gives you a shame!”

From the Young Master Huo box.


Zhao Fang said this at at the same time, from Young Master Huo crushed the armrests under the arm, the figure leaned forward, and the booth eyes flashed like a beast.

“Damned Xiao Yan, this Young master wants to marry you!”

From the young Master Huo’s filming, I wanted to get out of the box, killing Zhao Fang, but was blocked by the old man.

“Young master, the bidding is very important, this mole cricket and ants, when the auction is over, it’s not too late!”

The old man said slowly.

From Young Master Huo gaze shimmers, coldly glanced at Zhao Fang. “Well, let him live for a while!”

Temporary tolerance of Young Fang from Young Master Huo, does not mean that others can tolerate.

Among the Influences in the hall, although most of them are worshipped by Fearful Might, they are fearful and respectful of this Great Influences.

But there are some Influences that want to hug the young Master Huo with the elephant legs and have nowhere to go.

Zhao Fang This start to talk, a lot of time to get rid of the young Master Huo Eagle Dog Powerhouse can not sit.

When even an old man stands up, accuse Zhao Fang, cold said with a laugh, “Yellow mouth children, ignorant mouse generations, dare to speak loudly? Apologize to Young Master Huo, or else…”

“Cangfu, the old thief, father, you smashed, you excited a wool Ah!”

The old man was almost mad at this sentence and immediately lost.

“Hey, the brat of the sharp mouth, in addition to playing some mouth, what else can you do? Here is the place to bid, don’t interrupt if you have no money!”

A well-dressed, but snobby, young woman in a palace dress, disdained with a play.

“It’s weird!”

Zhao Fang laughed. “How can there be so many sluts in this world?”

The young woman of Feng Feng’s eyes screamed and pointed at Zhao Fang. “Do you want to be a dog?”

“Do you like to sit in the right place? Slut!”

Zhao Fang The banter’s looks at the young woman in the palace, especially the last two words, is a trace Divine Emperor might.

Said that the rich young woman complexion whitish, body trembling, gas complexion is green, but can not refute half a sentence!

Divine Emperor might be too strong!

She is the first to bear the brunt, and the pressure she bears is far more profound than what other people on the field feel.

“Divine Emperor Realm aura ?how can it be ?”

Many people were shocked and looked at Zhao Fang incredulously.

Zhao Fang was stunned, faint and squinted, looking forward to it, Zhao Ya, who was puzzled, said: “Three 10 Billion!”

The whole scene is dead!

Including Zhao Ya, I am also stunned!

On the charming and touching face, the color of shock is hard to hide!

“Upgrade two 10 Billion in one breath, this is the first in my career! Is he really who?”

Zhao Ya was very mentally motivated and quickly reacted, looking at the Jinding Pavilion Lord.

Judging from the previous reaction of Jinding Pavilion Lord to Zhao Fang, she suspected that Jinding Pavilion Lord should know Zhao Fang’s identity.

Since Zhao Fang just now deliberately exposed Divine Emperor Realm divine sense, there were many people on the field who reminiscent of a Great Influences Young master.

If not, common people who dare to follow the Young Master Huo hard anal!

This is also the case, no one doubts, Zhao Fang can come up with so many divine crystals.

In the violet room, Jia Lan smiled. “This fellow, took the divine crystal that I brought, but even so, I can fill in the big hole of the three 10 Billion divine crystal. Does he have any secret? Hand ?”

“Three billion!” mysterious Influence start to talk.

After reaching the three 10 Billion, his bid price is no longer as wild as before. When the price is called, it is obviously extremely prudent.

“Three hundred 5 billion!” from Young Master Huo clench one’s teeth.

For this auction, he brought five 10 Billion divine crystals, which was originally thought to be foolproof. I never thought of killing a Zhao Fang.

For the five 10 Billion to be able to capture Great World Fragments, he is also full of uncertainty.

And just as young Master Huo thought about it, Zhao Fang, who was looked after by everyone, started to talk again and reported a number that could scare people.

“Five 10 Billion!”

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