The first thousand two hundred and sixty-six chapters are you?

“Five 10 Billion divine crystal !”

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

a path of looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, full of horror and incredible.

Even Zhao Ya, who is the chief auctioneer, can’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

‘In my career, the one-off upgrade of more than one billion divine crystal price of the lot, only this one. And the price soared to five 10 Billion, only this time! ‘

Violet Chamber of Commerce private room.

President Jia Lan, who has always been calm, almost missed the seat when she heard this.

She looked into the hall, and even if it was under the eyes of the public, you still have a calm and calm, and there are several black lines on the forehead.

“Five 10 Billion… Is this fellow ready to sell yourself? Even if he sells himself, he can’t get the five 10 Billion Ah!”

Jia Lan is clear, the financial resources he brings, although all of them are temporarily loaned to Zhao Fang, but only one 10 Billion is not available.

Five 10 Billion, the remaining four 10 Billion divine crystal gap, how to fill Zhao Fang?

“Great World Fragments , contain the ultimate mystery of the Emperor, the auction price is five 10 Billion divine crystal, is there any higher?”

However, no matter how Zhao Ya mouths lotus flower.

Inside the hall.

Including other Influence Powerhouses in the box, all are silent.

Zhao Fang, who was not in accordance with common sense, was so mixed that the bidding price had already skyrocketed to the point where they were in control.

“This damned thing!” From the young Master Huo, the eyes are cold, “Let you take the picture first, wait for the young master to pick it up again!”

“Hey!” Another mysterious Influence, not satisfied with the coldly snorted sentence.

Zhao Fang expression is calm and looks towards Zhao Ya.

“Since no one is bidding, this thing is mine.”

Zhao Ya smiles, patrols for a week, asks again, confirms that no one is involved in the auction, Zhao Ya has a finale.

“Great World Fragments, the transaction price, five 10 Billion divine crystal, for the Immortal Palace Xiao Yan Young master…”

While speaking.

Jinding Pavilion Lord has taken Great World Fragments and walked towards Zhao Fang.

In the other Powerhouse in the hall, the Great World Fragments in the hands of the Phoenix Lord, at the sights of Jinding, flickered and screamed.

But when it was noticed that there were several strands of tyrannical divine senseflu spread, they were heart trembled, hidden mind, and recovered as usual!

After all, it is the Jinding Pavilion Headquarters.

The depth of the background inside.

Even the most distinguished from Young Master Huo, I am not willing to break with Jin Dingge here!

“Xiao Yan Young master, really congratulations! This is Great World Fragments, I don’t know how the Young master plans to trade?”

Jinding Pavilion Lord is very polite to Zhao Fang.

The reason is so.

On the one hand, Zhao Fang provided a huge divine crystal auction fee for Jin Dingge.

On the other hand, it is a hot potato, and you can finally get out.

“Are there many ways to trade?”

“hehe…Young master is laughing. In general, the auction only has one kind of divine crystal.”

“However, the five 10 Billion divine crystals are a huge number after all. If the Young master can’t get such a huge divine crystal, the Pavilion Lord can understand. The remaining Divided Spirit crystal can be a barter!”

“Of course, I have a gold treasure, 1000-year, common treasure, still don’t take it out.”

Jin Ding Pavilion Lord’s words, dripping water, all face to face, but there is no lack of arrogance.

“The Golden Lord Pavilion Lord is really accessible, I really don’t have money.”

Zhao Fang’s words made Jin Ding Pavilion Lord smile slightly. “Young master is kidding?”

“I am telling the truth!”

Jinding Pavilion Lord is almost crazy, if you are not worried about Zhao Fang behind the existence of Strong Influences, Jin Dingge Powerhouse has come out, he will be killed as a smashing effect!

“Young master, this is not funny.” Jinding Pavilion Lord complexion is awesome.

“divine crystal is really not enough, but I have a lot of treasures in my hand!”

“Oh? How many?” Jinding Pavilion Lord found a step and asked quickly.

“You see!”

Zhao Fang smiled and waved, and the Void trembled on his side. It seemed that the behemoth was born, and the Divine Strength was rolled up.

When the people are trying to look at it, they see a ‘Tieshan’ with a pure weapon combination, which appears in the eyes of everyone, suspended in the top of the crowd, densely packed, almost covering the dome of the entire auction house!

“This is ……”

Everyone is slightly confused.

Can be seen in the Iron Mountain, that countless aura amazing Divine Weapon, all dumbfounded!

“how can it be?”

“The weakest are Tier-3 High Grade, mostly Tier-4 Initial Stage.”

“How can there be so many Divine Weapon in his hand?”

“This fellow will not grab a Great Influences’ nest!”

Even the Golden Dragon Pavilion Lord, his face revealed a trace of shock.

He looked deep into Zhao Fang, “Young master is serious?”

“I am so bored? Hurry up and find someone to check it out, keep them floating, and consume a lot of divine sense!”

Wen Yan, everyone just woke up.

Some people who know how to look at Zhao Fang’s eyes, with a trace solemn.

“I can put these treasures in the middle of the sky with a divine sense. This person has a strong divine sense. I am afraid that it is the crown of God King. Even if it is Divine Emperor, it is impossible!”

The Golden Lord Pavilion Lord has a gaze and a big hand.

Soon, there were hundreds of Jindinge Steward, and a smog came in.

When they saw the ‘Treasure Mountain’ floating in the air, they were also shocked!

“What are you still doing? Hurry and count, all at the market price!”

Jinding Pavilion Lord is not pleased.

Seeing that the Pavilion Lord was on fire, the Stewards were so chilling that they quickly gathered their hearts and began to check the quality of the treasures one by one.

“Try to ask, Young master, where are these things?”

Jinding Pavilion Lord carefully looked at the treasure in ‘Treasure Mountain’, the quality of the grades is uneven.

Obviously not owned by Zhao Fang, it is more like he ransacked a Treasure-House.

“Ah grabbed!” Zhao Fang replied.

“Ah ~” Jinding Pavilion Lord complexion is a stiff, some doubt his own ears.

Zhao Fang reacted and quickly corrected: “They are rushing to give it to me. These garbage things, how can this Young master be able to see it, but I see it in the group of fellow filial piety. Accepted.”

This is a bit sloppy.

Many people look at Zhao Fang, they are secretly grinding their teeth, and they can’t wait to catch this abominable fellow, biting two.

Jinding Pavilion Lord smiled. “Young master is extraordinary, naturally not seeing this, but for most people, this is a very expensive treasure.”

“Is it? Treasure or something, I don’t understand it. I just want to ask, these things, worth five 10 Billion divine crystal?”

When he said this, many people immediately provoked White Eye.

“What are you talking about?”

“There are a lot of these things, but most of them are Tier-4 Initial Stage, and it’s worth an 10 Billion nothing more!”


Jinding Pavilion Lord does not start to talk.

Those onlookers of the Great Influences Powerhouse, are grin disdained said.

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