The first thousand two hundred and sixty-seven chapters were scared by the parties Powerhouse

If it is a normal auction.

The finale is confirmed to be sold.

The auction will end!

But this time, the appearance of Zhao Fang appeared.

Not only did not have the money to scream for the price, but also to come up with such a rich collection.

It also made a lot of Powerhouse wondering if the fellow could come up with five 10 Billion divine crystals.

“If it can’t be taken out, in accordance with the rules of Jin Dingge, it will be disposed of in order to disrupt the market order, and it will be wasteful, but it will be killed on the spot!”

“I see this brat, 80% is over!”

Most people are not optimistic that Zhao Fang can value five 10 Billion’s treasure!

Jinding Pavilion Lord squinted at Treasure Mountain, lighted with a a laugh: “I don’t know the specific value. I need to check it before I can know. Xiao Yan Young master Please wait!”

Things are waiting until now!

While waiting for the break, I left the box from Young Master Huo and came to the lobby. The expression was indifferent to staring at Zhao Fang.

Most of the owners of the field have been paying respect to Young Master Huo.

For a moment, in the hall, the compliment is strictly.

Even if Zhao Fang doesn’t want to hear it, those voices are also from the incoming ear.

Looking at Zhao Fang from Young Master Huo, his face is as if he is watching a clown.

Zhao Fang Immediately said ill-humoredly: “Idiot Young master, how are you?”

From Young Master Huo complexion gloomy, cold said with a laugh: “overestimate one’s capabilities, this Young master has to look at it, you shout out five 10 Billion, can you come up with five 10 Billion!”

“Then you will see your dog’s eyes clearly!”

Hearing this, the chill in the eyes of Young Master Huo doubled, but did not start.

Upon seeing it, many people looked at Zhao Fang, and their eyes were different. Some people even looked at their eyes.

The efficiency of Steward in Jindinge is still quite high, about ten minutes later.

Treasure Mountain all the treasures, all counted.

A Steward wipes the sweat from his forehead, and the complexion is whitish, facing the Golden Lord Pavilion Lord: “Pavilion Lord, there are 100,000 Tier-3 Top Grade Divine Weapon, 10,000 Tier-4 Initial Stage, Tier-4 demon Dan has 10,000…the total value is about 9.87 billion.”

After listening to it, everyone’s eyes are all looking at Zhao Fang.

“Are there so much?” Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

Upon seeing it, many people secretly shook their heads, thinking that Zhao Fang was really ignorant. The number of five 10 Billion is comparable to that of a common Treasure Mountain.


Some of the Great Influences that are close to Young Master Huo have already shown a sneer and sneer look at the clown-like look at Zhao Fang.

“damn it, haven’t seen a handsome guy, look at fuck you!”

Zhao Fang is not a good temper, and is annoyed by this group of people, immediately said with a laugh.


“impudent !”

“There is no shape!”

These Great Influences Powerhouses were immediately angry.


The next moment, they immediately smashed.


Zhao Fang both eyes cold light flashing, Divine Emperor Realm Powerhouse imposing manner, Pressure’s Might!

Everyone is ashamed!

The old man who has been standing away from Young Master Huo behind has a slight gaze and solemnly stares at Zhao Fang.

“Trivial five 10 Billion, this Young master can still come out.”

Many people have expressed doubts about Zhao Fang’s words. They think that this fellow is a swollen face and fat.

“Since a Treasure Mountain is not enough, what about the two?”


When everyone was shocked.

The already clear ceiling of the ceiling, suddenly added another Treasure Mountain.

This time.

It is entwined with a variety of treasures.

Lingcao, Pill Medicine, Ore, Rune, Array, everything!

See everyone dumbstruck!

After four or five seconds of silence.

Someone swallowed a sip of water. “I am more and more sure, this fellow is definitely a Treasure-House that has swept a Great Influences!”

Many of the owners of Great Influences, slightly nod, agree.

There are also many people who are greedy!

Faced with such huge amounts of wealth and treasure, it is enough for many people to take risks!


When some people are careful to steal the treasure, the divine sense is burned by an overbearing hot aura.

next moment.

They are screaming and there is flame burning from the body.

Almost every bit of interest, they will turn into flying ash to dissipate!

Everyone was shocked and clearly saw that at the same time of these people, they were separated from Treasure Mountain’s treasure and returned to Treasure Mountain.

When I saw it, someone immediately understood it.

Their gaze, once again looked at Zhao Fang, in the complicated eyes, with a strong shock!

“With so many treasures, he can not only hold up all of them, but also perceive the penetration of other people’s divine sense, and even counterattack, even if it is a real Divine Emperor, this is not the case. This fellow, just God King, can do it. This one step…he is a monster!”

There are shocking examples of this living, and many people are eager to move their minds.

“damn it, actually only lure these idiots!”

Zhao Fang expressionless, but my heart is screaming.

The reason why he made such a big fan of Treasure Mountain was to give himself a reason to kill others.

But the result is really disappointing!

Jinding Pavilion Lord originally wanted to reject Zhao Fang’s exchange of things.

After all, he is also a Chamber of Commerce, and there is no shortage of these things in the cabinet.

He can hesitate after seeing the first two things!

“divine talisman ?”

“divine sword !”

That’s right, Zhao Fang is starting with the Tier-5 Divine Object, and the rest are Tier-4 Middle Stage, Tier-4 Late Stage.

It’s exactly the elite version of just now!

“Continue checking!”

Jinding Pavilion Lord has a big hand.

The half-dead Steward, who was already tired, suddenly saw another Treasure Mountain appearing, only to feel dizzy and dark, and to have the urge to faint.

At this moment, I heard the Command of the Pavilion Lord, one by one crying, clench one’s teeth, I don’t know how to curse the Pavilion Lord, but I cursed Zhao Fang and rushed into Treasure Mountain again.

About twenty minutes later.

The treasure was cleaned up again.

“Back to the Pavilion Lord, plus two Tier-5 treasures, worth 23 billion divine crystal!”

“Plus the previous 9.8 billion, which is nearly 1.7 billion divine crystals from five 10 Billion.”

Stewards gasped and reported.

It is really tired enough to Qiang!

There are some Steward, looking at Zhao Fang with a look of resentment, I thought, this will be gone!

“Of course impossible!”

Zhao Fang sneer, “Tyrant Blade Sect, Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce, Raging Whale Gang, Tidal Sword School, the acquittal of the four Confucius Confucius, Desolate City Ancient Land killed…”

“just now, just half of these things nothing more.”

Jinding Pavilion Lord, do not want to receive treasure.

The hardest five 10 Billion divine crystals have evolved into barter!

Despite selling the treasure, the value will even exceed five 10 Billion.

But who knows, what is this time.

“I seem to have some Tier-5 treasure…”

“and also……”

When I heard this, the Stewards of Jin Dingge almost collapsed!

The Lord of the Great Influences, who was present, was completely stunned with some numbness.

Jinding Pavilion Lord, it is a bitter smile!

From Young Master Huo is complexion gloomy, the dawn is flickering.

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