The first thousand two hundred and sixty-eight chapters

Huā lā lā ~~

Treasure is like flowing water, pouring out, more spectacular than before.

What puppet, what Divine Beast cub, what spirit peak pavilion, in short, a variety of bright eyes.

The last statistic, worth three 10 Billion divine crystal.

Together with the two batches of before, it has reached nearly 63 billion.

More than 13 billion more than the final auction price of the Great World Fragments five 10 Billion divine crystal!

Jinding Pavilion Lord is also dumbfounded!

He was the Pavilion Lord for so long, and he saw it at first time. Some people auctioned it, purely barter.

Although there has been a history of barter.

But that is basically a single piece, and the small size can’t be smaller.

Which one is like this, a take action is a treasure that covers the sky.

The Influence Powerhouse of all parties was also shocked by Zhao Fang’s endless treasure.

“This has to empty a few Black Iron-grade influence nests in order to accumulate so much property Ah!”

They were amazed, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, hidden at the same time of wariness solemn, but also a trace of greed.

“I don’t know if I can exchange for Great World Fragments?”

Zhao Fang smiles at the gold medal Pavilion Lord.

Jinding Pavilion Lord smiled bitterly. “Nature is OK, but…”

When the words were not finished, Zhao Fang interrupted. “I knew that Jin Dingge is the Biggest Chamber of Commerce in the Heaven Gathering Territory world. He will definitely be able to eat these goods. I want to come, the whole Heaven Gathering Territory world, no one is better than Jin Ding. The pavilion has this atmosphere. Oh, yes, Pavilion Lord just now said nothing but?”

Jinding Pavilion Lord just now I want to say that in the history of Jin Dingge, there is not such a large amount of material exchange.

Zhao Fang will hold Jin Dingge so high, he is not good to say this.

I have to smile and shake my head. “Nothing! If so, then trade it. All these things belong to my Jin Ding Pavilion. After the Young Master got the Great World Fragments, Jin Dingge replenished the Young Master 13 billion.”

“Good! Jin Dingge is Jin Dingge, doing things, this Young master likes.”

Zhao Fang took over Great World Fragments and was excited. He was included in the eyes of other Great Influences Powerhouses.

“In addition to this, this Young master wants to buy a batch of medicinal herb in your pavilion!”

“ha ha , Xiao Yan Young master is really eye-catching. In the Heaven Gathering Territory world, there is no medicinal herb that our Jin Dingge can’t!”

Jinding Pavilion Lord laughs.

Immediately, they rushed to everyone on the field. “With Young Master Huo, the position, this Pavilion Lord has something to deal with, Forgive for not accompanying!”

When he said this to other people, he looked indifferent, and he only had a few apologies when he was away from Young Master Huo.

“If you are old with Big Brother, this Young Master will be able to kill you Jin Dinge only by your current attitude!”

Away from Young Master Huo coldly snorted, go away!

Other Powerhouses saw it, but did not dare to threaten the Golden Lord Pavilion Lord like Young Master Huo. They all clasped together politely.

After a while.

At the auction site, everyone walked seven or eight, leaving only Zhao Fang, waiting for some people.

“Xiao Yan Young master, please come here!”


After half a day.

Zhao Fang took the Dark Moon, Nether Fire Monk and others and left from Jin Dingge.

Jinding Pavilion Lord originally wanted to send the Powerhouse in the pavilion, escorted Zhao Fang to leave, and was rejected by Zhao Fang.

Looking at the back of Zhao Fang, there is a long Old Daoist in Jin Dingge: “He is not going to be Ah!”

“Hey, Great World Fragments, is it so easy to take it away?”

“What makes me strange is that Xiao Yan Young master is not the kind of person who has the courage and ignorance. Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountains, is it biased towards Hushan?”

“The President Jia Lan of the Violet Chamber of Commerce is old and I don’t want to die!”

“Which is it? With the Violet Chamber of Commerce, how can you stop the group of wolves from culling?”

“Other people are not a problem, the key is to leave Young Master Huo!”

“From Young Master Huo is the priest of the fire priest, the aspect of Strength Strength Influence is not as big as the Young Master, but after all, it is the son of Priest, proud and arrogant. This time, in my Jin Dingge, I was repeatedly humiliated by Xiao Yan. Loss, will not give up!”

“He will inevitably intercept Xiao Yan and kill him in the wild!”

“Pavilion Lord, we’re taking take action, doing a good job, is it a relationship between repair and deterioration from Young Master Huo?”

Asked Elder.

Jinding Pavilion Lord has a slight gaze, “Xiao Yan, very human! The situation is not clear, and can not take action!”

“Pavilion Lord, I have something unclear, your hand, obviously has a map of the broken border, why not trade to Xiao Yan?”

“Yeah, according to his eagerness at the time, you would have to pay a price of 10 Billion divine crystal, he would not have hesitated!”

“This is not a rubbing map. Only one copy. If you don’t promise to someone, this Pavilion Lord will not collect it!”

Jinding Pavilion Lord shook his head, his eyes darting into the distance, muttering: “According to Time, you should also take the map!”


Zhao Fang and others Not long after leaving Jinding Pavilion, they met President Jia Lan, who was not far away.

“How are you going to leave Jinding Pavilion?”

“Swing out and leave Ah!”

“From Young Master Huo, depending on the Great World Fragments, it will not let you leave easily. Besides him, there are other Powerhouses on the auction. There is no easy-going person. You go out like this, and you are not far away. !”

“I know Ah!”

Look at Zhao Fang This indifferent attitude, Jia Lan finally understands what the emperor is not in a hurry, Court Eunuch.

Angry is not light, can’t wait to put two feet on Zhao Fang’s face.

“So, are you going to die?”

Zhao Fang sai然 with a laugh, “Raging Whale Gang, Tidal Sword School can’t leave me, these people, is not a mention!”

“I don’t worry about other people, but I can’t leave Young Master Huo…” Jia Lan is worried. “Would you like, wait another two days, wait for my Violet Chamber of Commerce Powerhouse to send the array, I will take you through Send the array to leave!”

“So, isn’t it necessary to get the Violet Chamber of Commerce involved?”


Jia Lan wants to say something more, Zhao Fang is waving, “Don’t worry, trivial from Young Master Huo, I don’t care, I don’t even care about War God Palace, trivial worship, how can I let me go back one Step !”

Jia Lan thought, I am worried about you, I am being worried about leaving Young Master Huo Ah!

“I know your Strength, knowing that you can’t leave you from Young Master Huo, but you have already offended War God Palace, and you can’t offend the Prophet?”

Jia Lan 谆谆to tell.

“Why?” Zhao Fang was a little curious.

“War God Palace is the best in the world. I don’t even fear them. Is it afraid of trivial worshipping the gods?”

“You said this, you don’t know about the Myriad Domain Territory’s Influence architecture.” Jia Lan shook his head and said: “War God Palace is indeed Myriad Domain Territory, one of Peak’s influences, but also because of this , Heaven Gathering Territory, this Rank, the next level of Domain, War God Palace’s influence and penetration, not strong!”

“But depending on the Vulcanism, this is their home. Once they offend them, they will pick up the elite in the fastest Time!”

“Even if you send Divine Emperor, you are even stronger, and you can’t do anything to face this Rank!”

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