The first thousand two hundred and sixty-nine chapters are biased toward Hushan!

Zhao Fang what kind of smart.

Wen Yan, immediately understand the benefits.

Jia Lan originally thought that after Zhao Fang heard it, he would be solemn.

I never thought, Zhao Fang asked, and almost let her cough up blood, “If I kill the idiot from the fire, worship the fire god really will purify me?”

Jia Lan has wide eyes. “What do you want to do? Do you really want to kill the fire?”

Zhao Fang smiled and took out a storage ring. “The previous 10 Billion divine crystal, all here. To feel the pain of President Jia Lan, I specially prepared a thin gift and asked President Jia Lan to laugh.”

“Have you heard what I said, are you really going to kill the fire?”

Jia Lan didn’t even look at the storage ring, staring straight at Zhao Fang.

“People don’t commit me, I don’t commit crimes.” Zhao Fang calls out Star compass and rushes to Jia Lan hands clasped together politely. “Take care!”

Immediately, in the eyes of Jia Lan complex and difficult b, the foot of the Star compass disappeared without a trace!

Jia Lan stood in the place for a long time, finally sighed, put away the storage ring, and left.

But without a few steps, she suddenly trembled and exclaimed, “How can this be?? How can there be such a huge amount of Tier-4 High Grade Pill Medicine?”

“And, all Tier-4 Pill Medicine is included, even if it is Jin Dingge, there are so many Divine Pills, where is this?”

Jia Lan turned and looked at the position where Zhao Fang disappeared, and the look was more complicated!


Star Com has Dark Moon, Nether Fire Monk control, and does not need Zhao Fang to bother.

He sat in the center of the Star Compass and closed his eyes.

“Hey, find Great World Fragments,whether refining, practice Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth?”

Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth is the Super Divine Skill obtained by Zhao Fang killed boss’Devil Buddha Lotus.

Because it requires World fragment to cultivate, Zhao Fang has not activated the cultivation since he got it.

Until today’s auction house, I was surprised to see Great World Fragments, which reminds me of Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.

“Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth is a great Accomplishment. It is the world of the world. You can play the enemy between the applause, hēi hēi… I have to look at this Super Divine Skill, how is Berserk!”

Zhao Fang reveals a trace smile, “refining !”

The words fell, a stock of fog, from Zhao Fang within the body.

In a moment, it formed a three-layer outer three-layer fog cloud, which covered Zhao Fang.

In this fog cloud, there is an unpredictable aura fluctuation.

Even if the divine sense is penetrated, it will not be perceived as a fraction.

‘This fog cloud is a bit strange, can put an end to the divine sense spying, what is he practicing? ‘

Nether Fire Monk took a look at Zhao Fang and expressed suspiciousness.

Dark Moon also watched for a moment, but didn’t care much!

When the fog cloud completely shrouded Zhao Fang, Great World Fragments quietly floated in front of Zhao Fang.

As the refining begins.

Great World Fragments, all over the cracks, and finally, in the soft sound of ‘啪’, the Great World Fragments that made countless Powerhouses smash into pieces of countless pieces.

Crushed and crystallized as a path of crystal rays of light, went straight to Zhao Fang with both hands.

Immediately, a tear of tears, filled with Zhao Fang heart.

Zhao Fang If you don’t realize it, complexion is as usual.

Compared with the Inextinguishable Golden Body tempering Fleshy Body, this pain is not worth mentioning!

Star compass is moving fast.

Half a day later, across the Golden Cauldron Mansion, rush out of the Golden Cauldron Mansion and enter the Starry Sky area.

Continue for a long time and come to the front of a rolling mountain range.

Star compass stopped.

The mountain under the foot, appears to be fifteen or six Powerhouses.

These Powerhouses come from different influences, but they all share the same goal!

That is, kill Xiao Yan to win Great World Fragments!

These people’s cultivation base is not weak, they are God King Middle Stage, to God King Late Stage Powerhouse, one killing intent staring at Nether Fire Monk and Dark Moon and others.

When they reached the Tier-5 Star compass, they were surprised by the eyes reveals and their faces were greedy.

“There are so many treasures traded, and there is still Tier-5 Star compass left. This is called Xiao Yan’s fellow, and the treasure is really a lot of Ah!”

“What is the fellow called Xiao Yan?”

“He shouldn’t hide in the cloud!”

“Take him hidden there, this time, he will die!”

“Yes, as long as he kills him, all his treasures are ours!”

Everyone is excited.

It seems that Xiao Yan’s life, and Great World Fragments, are already in their pockets!

“Xiao Yan, if you don’t want to die, hand over Great World Fragments and hand over treasure, otherwise…”

Headed by an 8-Star God King start to talk.

The words are not finished, a gray flame, silent and close, like a sharp blade, instantly pierce the heart.

Just in the blink of an eye, the 8-Star God King’s vitality, all burned, turned into a white bone, and landed.

“If the battle is undecided, I think about the treasure. Do you think too much! A group of benefits of one’s capabilities!”

An indifferent, slightly violent voice, uploaded from Star compass.

Everyone stared at the bald head of the take action, and his face was shocked.

“You, are you really?” Someone pointed to Nether Fire Monk and asked with a trembling.

“Who is Lianyung, who didn’t ask for it, so he was so impatient to die, should you say that you are tempted, or overestimate one’s capabilities?” Nether Fire Monk disdained with a laugh.

Everyone complexion is ugly.

“Oh, no matter what you say, it’s you who are going to die today! Open array!”

One 7-Star God King suddenly roared.


The mountains and rivers are displaced, and the Shenxia spurts a Tier-4 Late Stage Great Array, which appears between the whiskers and directly encloses the Tier-5 Star compass.

“ha ha… no matter how different you are, once you are trapped by the ‘Shanxi Star River’, even if you are peak God King, for a moment, I can’t think of it!”

“Brothers, oh, kill them and snatch Great World Fragments!”

“On Ah!”

a path of silhouette, rushing out from the peaks on both sides of the star road, a rough sweep, not even under the 50-60 people.

Except for the few God King Late Stage Powerhouses that have been under the foot, the rest, all rushed into the array, and wanted Catch a turtle in a jar.

boom! boom! boom!

Array trembles, a path of clear and dramatic cross-talk.

After a while, the crosstalk in the array weakened.


“ha ha, die well!”

“Old Liu, you remove the array!”

The array slowly removed, but it appeared in front of them, but the remaining seven or eight God King Late Stage Powerhouse, eyes tightened, and the face was incredible!


“How can this be it?”

They are unable to believe, just now 50-60 people rushed, did not hurt Nether Fire Monk and others.

“not good!”

Suddenly someone shouted, “Flee!”

However, the person’s reminder is still one step late.

Almost in his start to talk all of a sudden.

Nether Fire Monk rushed out, corpse fire entangled himself, he instantly became a poisonous person, who touched who died!

Corpse fire Oh, once it’s approaching, even 9-Star God King, hate it!

Just a moment, the eight God King Late Stage, already half of the corpse fire.

Just when Nether Fire Monk is ready to win.

“A group of waste!”

A voice of indifference and arrogance sounded.

next moment.

A black shadow oppressed and instantly approached Nether Fire Monk.


Nether Fire Monk immediately healed, coughing blood backwards!

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