The hundredth 50 three chapters 狠宰 Distinguished Elder

After listening to this.

The Fujiwara complexion was a burst of white.

Looking from time to time to Old Shun, I want him to stand up and say something.

Old Shun slightly closed his eyes, calming and concentrating, a situation of cultivation.

Fujiwara smiled in his heart.

Knowing his previous moves made Old Shun feel awkward.

Hesitated for a moment.

In life and death and face, he finally chose the former.

Already used to be a good friend, Fujiwara, but I don’t want to die like this.

“I, I beg you, save me!”

Fujiwara takes a deep breath, whisper.

“what did you say?”

Zhao Fang explores his ears and makes a listening.

“Old Man begged little friend, look at the face of Pavilion Lord Sir and save my life!”

Fujiwara’s posture is very low and his attitude is very modest.

Zhao Fang took a look at Fujiwara, secretly sighed, these Old Man really can bend and stretch, this can bear!


Zhao Fang also did not intend to see death.

He wants to enter the high-level group of Pill Treasure Pavilion, which is the key point.

If left unchecked, let Fujiwara die.

His heart is always happy.

But it is bound to attract the dislike and despising of several other Distinguished Elders.

Even Old Shun will change his mind.

at this point.

From Old Shun, it was learned that Fujiwara colluded with the Chu family and endangered the interests of the Pill Treasure Pavilion, but without severely penalizing him, one can see it.

and so.

From the beginning, Zhao Fang had only one choice.

Save Fujiwara!

“Fortunately, you just said a few words that should not be said. If you really framed the Young Master, I can guarantee that you will die faster than now!”

Zhao Fang looked at Fujiwara, smiled coldly, threatened in the words, without disguise.

Fujiwara smiled and the intestines repented.

“little friend, Time is running out. Please also Alchemist!”

Fujiwara feels with the body. The situation is getting worse and worse, and the scalp is urging.

“Is there not more than two hours? Rest assured, Time is very good!”

Zhao Fang spread his hand and shook it in front of Fujiwara.

Fujiwara startled.

Immediately, react.

Struggling to take out a storage ring.

Zhao Fang took it and glanced at it, his eyes suddenly stunned.

Fujiwara Worthy is the Distinguished Elder of the Pill Treasure Pavilion. The collection in this storage ring is simply rich.

Zhao Fang estimates.

Even if you search through the entire Blue Sky County City.

The contained treasure is also can’t compare with half of this storage ring.

“Look at you like this, are you ready?”

Zhao Fang took the storage ring and looked at Fujiwara with a smile.

Fujiwara laughed. “I originally intended to refining myself. Alchemist has a limited level and has never been successful. So, all of this depends on the little friend!”

For the calm and flattering of Fujiwara, Zhao Fang is frankly accepted.

He stood up and looked at the Pavilion Lord, hands clasped together politely and said, “Senior.”

“Call me Elder Shun!”

Old Shun opened his eyes and smiled softly.

“Elder Shun, junior wants a quiet place! Come Refining this Barrier-breaking Pill !”

Zhao Fang said.

Old Shun clicked nod, his arms lifted slightly, pointing to the behind the hall. “There is an Alchemist room behind, because of Time, you are there Alchemist. Just, I am old bones, I want to see you, you The true level.”

“hehe, can make Elder Shun such a senior protector, really lucky.”

Zhao Fang smiles nod.

Wen Yan, Elder Shun complexion smiles, more intense.

For the youngster in front of you, it is more and more appreciated.

Zhao Fang rushed Nan Gongling nodded slightly and strode into the Main Hall.

After Zhao Fang left.

Suddenly quiet on the field.

Elder Shun closed his eyes and re-entered the state of cultivation.

Wu Kun knows.

Elder Shun is not practicing, but at Sense Zhao Fang Alchemist.

Slightly hesitate.

After looking at the rest of the Distinguished Elder, he sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

For a moment.

In addition to the painful color of Fujiwara on the field, and the complexion is as calm as water, faintly reveals a few colors of Nan Gongling.

Others, all closed their eyes, calm, and Sense’s scene.

But it didn’t take long.

Wu Kun and others have no choice but to open their eyes.

Their cultivation base is too weak.

Even if they are not far apart, they can only blur Sense, Zhao Fang is in Alchemist.

Not at all aware of his Alchemist steps, procedures.

in fact.

They are not weak with the Martial Venerable cultivation base.

However, if you want to rely on Sense to restore Sense, it is still too difficult for them to be a Realm!

On the field.

Everyone else opened his eyes.

Only Elder Shun, still closed his eyes, and did not move.

Time, slowly dissipated.

It’s been about an hour.

Elder Shun’s body slammed, and suddenly opened his eyes, and the old, muddy shackles flashed an amazing rays of light.

“what’s going on?”

Wu Kun and others are shocked.

Old Shun What is Sense going to, how can it react so much?

Followed by.

In the Alchemist room, there is an extremely strong Pill Medicine fluctuation in the emits.


Wu Kun and others face each other, in the eyes flashing with shock.

“Unpredictable, this little fellow, not simple Ah!”

For a moment, Elder Shun shook his head and laughed.

Let’s talk about it~

The footsteps sounded.

Fujiwara has been in a state of sudden death.

It looks like you will die at any time.

But after hearing the footsteps, it was the first person who turned and looked at the eccentric hall. There was a deep hope in the slightly faint eyes.

Wu Kun and others.

After hearing the news, they watched the past.


Zhao Fang, who is tired, walked out from the hall.

On his left hand, holding a plain jade box.

“Barrier-breaking Pill?”

Fujiwara’s eyes, after Zhao Fang came out, kept staring at the plain jade box.

Everyone else is looking at the plain jade box, in the eyes.

“It seems that you really can’t do it. Heaven has let me refining a Pill Medicine.”

Zhao Fang sneered, holding the jade box and shaking in front of Fujiwara.

Fujiwara expression, a happy, struggling to get up, wants to catch the plain jade box.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have been working hard for a long time. If you don’t say a word of thanks, just come up and snatch Pill Medicine. Is it too anxious?”

Fujiwara wants to cry without tears, heart, father’s remaining Time, less than half an hour, can damn not be anxious?


He is also a means of seeing Zhao Fang before.

Know what this fellow means to say this.

A little clench one’s teeth, he took out a storage ring again.

“This little friend has been working hard. The things inside are my thanks, not respectful!”

Zhao Fang took it.

After a glance, the eyes suddenly rose up.

The treasure collection in this storage ring, although can’t compare with before, is also a lot of High Quality treasure.

If Exchange is supreme coins, it can be said that Exchange can be seven or eight hundred thousand.

“This old brat, Treasure is really a lot. It seems that I am killing him before, it is still light. However, since I offended the uncle, how can I try to let you go so easily?”

Zhao Fang sneered in his heart and threw the jade box in his hand to Fujiwara.

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