The first hundred 50 four chapters of Old Shun’s request

Fujiwara hurriedly caught it in his hand.

As a treasure, open the jade box.

The moment the jade box opens.

There is a glimmer of green light, with a fresh medicinal fragrance that spreads out of the jade box.

In the moment of smelling the aroma.

Fujiwara is full of people.

To be precise, it is more like a return to light before death.

The original vitality of the body is suddenly active until it becomes normal.

He fixed his eyes on the green pill medicine of the size of the fingernail.

Above, there is a path of dan.

Look carefully, there are not many more dans, just three.

“Universe Level Top Grade Pill medicine, Barrier-breaking Pill! was actually refining him out.”

Fujiwara felt the rich vitality of the Barrier-breaking Pill emits, and the heart was still shocked.

This is the Top Grade Pill medicine.

That fellow, even said that Refining came out, and Refining came out!

Although, as he said, this has the Luck ingredient.

But in some ways, Luck is also one of Strength’s!

Fujiwara, who was originally dissatisfied with Zhao Fang, at this time, his perception of him has quietly changed.

Although this fellow character is very unpleasant, even let him despising.

But have to say.

Zhao Fang’s natural talent on Pill Dao is very comparable.

Looking at Barrier-breaking Pill, Fujiwara takes a deep breath.

Then, swallow it.

Pill Medicine has not been able to do anything beyond what is expected.

Everything is very common, even Fujiwara is still the same.

There is no change in appearance.

Time is a bit past.

The atmosphere on the field was gradually quiet, cold, and even strange.

Just as this strange condensed to the extreme, it will break out in the hearts of everyone.

The body of Fujiwara has finally changed.

A purple Black body fluid is removed from the body through the pores.

In an instant.

The field is full of stench flavor.

When these body fluids were removed, Fujiwara was like a person who had not been bathed for eight hundred years, and the emits came out of the scent of the sky, and everyone was fainting.

“I within the body’s poisonous miasma, completely discharged?”

Fujiwara looks at your own hands, in the eyes, an incredible expression.

Although his complexion at the moment is very pale.

But his whole person’s state has become exceptionally excited and excited.

“ha ha ~ I finally recovered!”

When I thought of this big stone that had been pressed against my chest for a long time, and finally it was crushed, Fujiwara felt that the whole person had become very comfortable and uncomfortable, and could not help but laughed loudly.

Wu Kun and others see, in the eyes are exposed to the color of envy.

Like Fujiwara, they are poisoned by poisonous miasma, but not as serious as Fujiwara.

But it also makes them overwhelmed.

They thought that it was very troublesome to completely remove the poisonous miasma.

I did not expect it.

Zhao Fang has such a brilliant Alchemist skill.

For a moment.

Wu Kun and others, are all eyes on the look at Zhao Fang, the ‘loveful pulse’ look, watching Zhao Fang creeps.

“If you have nothing to roll, it’s really stinky!”

Wu Po squeezed his nose and said annoyed.

At the moment, Fujiwara is in a good mood and does not care about Wu Po.

Instead, look at Old Shun, said solemnly: “Pavilion Lord, I take back the words. If you continue to insist that Zhao Fang becomes the seventh Distinguished Elder, I have no opinion!”

Finished, wait for Old Shun to answer.

He looked at Zhao Fang with a complex expression and quickly left.

Old Shun expressionless, wave freely after Fujiwara leaves.

There was a breeze, and the stench was blown away.

Old Shun glanced at the audience and his eyes fell on Wu Kun and others.

“Now, who else can you think that Zhao Fang has no qualification and become the seventh Distinguished Elder?”

Wu Kun and others bowed.

The audience was silent.

Even the most determined Fujiwara at the beginning changed the principle.

They are in the crowd, how can they be persist?


Because of the poisonous miasma.

Several people have asked for Zhao Fang.

Who will be offended at this festival to offend such a character.

“Pavilion Lord, I just didn’t know about Zhao Fang’s Strength. Now it seems that he is young but fully qualified to be the seventh Distinguished Elder. So, Old Man agrees that Zhao Fang is on the seventh Distinguished Elder.”

Wu Kun said.

“I secondly!”

“I also agree!”

The remaining few people also said quickly.

I am afraid that I am slow to take a shot, and I have been hated by Zhao Fang since then.

Old Shun ordered nod.

His eyes fell on Zhao Fang and he finally said, “This Pavilion Lord announced: Zhao Fang Great master is my seventh Pill Treasure Pavilion seventh Distinguished Elder!”

“Pavilion Lord wise!”

Wu Kun and others have been busy with promises, contrary to the opposition of before.

After Old Shun announced the matter, Wu Kun and others immediately found Zhao Fang and hoped that Zhao Fang would also refining some of them.

Zhao Fang will not refuse.

After seeing the wealth of Fujiwara.

He already used Wu Kun and others as a fat sheep, just in time for Alchemist.

This is how many people can talk to each other before.

“What? One thousand Yellow Grade medicinal herb?”

Wu Kun’s eyes wide open, looking at Zhao Fang incredulously.

“Cough, Grand master Zhao is not too embarrassing, Yellow Grade medicinal herb is not an ordinary medicinal herb, even if we have some stock in hand, I am afraid that it is far from your requirements Ah!”

“Yeah, look at the fact that we are all Distinguished Elder, Grand master Zhao is merciful Ah!”

Two more Distinguished Elder said bitterly.

A thousand copies of Yellow Grade materials are indeed too much for them.

after all.

They are themselves a bottomless pit, every time Alchemist, will consume a lot of medicinal herb.

Even though the Pill Treasure Pavilion is the first Alchemist Influence of Raging Flames Country, it can’t stand the consumption of many years.

“Are you not taking advantage of the Chu family?” Zhao Fang squinted at the three people.

Three people suddenly complexion, a short stagnation, and immediately smiled.

They are found.

Zhao Fang’s character, that is, must report.

Just because he had previously denied his sentence, but now he has to take out a thousand copies of Yellow Grade medicinal herb as compensation. The price of this sentence is too great!

The three people are all crying and crying.

“If you feel unbearable, I will not be reluctant, anyway, from the poisonous miasma attack, there is a Time, you can find another way. Maybe you yourself Refining Desolate Level Pill Medicine.”

Upon hearing this, the three people’s expressions were stiff, and Wu Kun stepped forward and said quickly: “Where Grand Master Zhao said, a thousand copies are a thousand copies. However, I want to confirm that this Barrier-breaking Pill What is the quality?”

“The same as Fujiwara!”

Zhao Fang said freely.

When I heard this, three people were moving.

It’s Old Shun, and I can’t help but see Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang This confident gesture, even him, is incredible.

Wu Kun three people, left the meeting room in a complicated mood.


Zhao Fang, Old Shun, and Nan Gongling three people are left in the conference room.

“Ling’er, you are waiting outside, I have something to say with Zhao Fang,” said the Pavilion Lord.

Nan Gongling nod, looked at Zhao Fang and turned and left.

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