The first thousand five hundred and thirty-three chapters gather souls, shocked!

Yongxing Qingxuan is not far away.

She clearly saw how Zhao Fang was careful to take out the soul shadow and look at the care and love of the soul. Even her outsider could not help but envy the complex emotion of ‘sick beauty’.

But when she saw it.

When the soul of the ‘sleeping’ women looks, it can not help but tremble, bright inside the eyes, revealing a trace of shocking emotions.

She is lightly red. Lips, almost exclaimed.

The shock inside is even more like a sea.

“how can it like like this?”

Qingxuan Qingxuan couldn’t understand why he was the unique existence of Saintess, heaven and earth as Hell’s road, and how could he be exactly the same as himself.

Even more amazing is.

Although the soul of the other party is completely different from itself.

But in her mind, when she saw each other, she had a sense of familiarity.

Zhao Fang didn’t go to see the shocking Yongxuan. He used Muss Supreme Treasure ‘Three Lives Stone’ to protect Mu Qingxuan’s last a trace Remnant Spirit, protected by Divine Strength be careful.

Then slowly sink it into the pool.


Soul shadow into the pool for a moment.

In the calm pool, there was a wave of turbulence, and the soul of the pool stirred up and became a whirlpool, engulfing Mu Qingxuan’s Remnant Spirit.

Zhao Fang looks like a regular, flashing a trace worry.

He knows that these are normal, but the heart can never be calm.

The reason.

Still have high hopes for the pool.

If this time can no longer recover Mu Qingxuan, Zhao Fang really does not know, what methods he has, can make the old lover wake up again.

“Follow it!”

Seeing that Remnant Spirit was swallowed by the whirlpool, Zhao Fang flashed and jumped down and grabbed Three Lives Stone.

“This crazy man!”

Qingxuan Qingxuan did not expect that Zhao Fang would jump, and he was surprised by the deep feelings of the other party.

“To the life pool contain the power of the past, any outsiders who have not cultivated my teaching Sacred Scripture, once integrated into this pool, will be decomposed by the power of hundreds of millions of people to destroy the memory and enter the cycle.”

The secluded sound sounded.

I don’t know when, the previously retired Hell Dao Lord, once again appeared in the pool of life, indifferently looking at the gradually calming pool, calmly said.

“All this is your calculation?” asked Qianguan from the ring.

Hell Dao Lord smiled and didn’t have a positive answer. Calmly said: “This Dao Lord did everything for Hell’s reincarnation. Speaking of it, this move sent a strong great war soul to ‘land’!”

After that, turn around and want to leave.

Yongxing Qingxuan asked again, “Is it also in your calculations?”

Hell Dao Lord’s footsteps a pause, but did not look back, not a tall body, now in the ring of Qingxuan in the eyes, but like a mountain, like the sea deep and unmeasurable!

“You are the only Saintess of Hell’s reincarnation! It’s also Queen who will take charge of Myriad Worlds’ life and death in the future. Everything about you is indeed in my arrangement with him, but this is not a calculation.”

Upon hearing this, Yongxuan laughed and the smile was a little bit desolate. “So, the shadow of the soul, really related to me?”

“It used to be related, and now there is no such thing!”

Leaving this sentence, Hell’s Taoist people disappeared.

The Qingxuan Qingxuan stood in the same place, for a long time, and finally cast a complicated and difficult look to the already calm pool.


Zhao Fang found himself in a strange space.

This Space is as dark as the sea, deep and unmeasurable.

Space is innocent, and it is visible everywhere, like a small star point object.

Zhao Fang grabs a grain at random.

Looking closely, I suddenly found out that these small star points are actually composed of a sleeping Soul Spirit.

The state of these Soul Spirit is no different from the previous Mu Qingxuan.

Look at the strange Space that can’t see the side, feel the Three Lives Stone with a slight palm, and Mu Qingxuan faint Remnant Spirit, Zhao Fang brow wrinkled.

He did not think that the pool was useless, let alone awaken Mu Qingxuan, and did not even have the power to gather his remaining souls.

“how can it like like this?”

Zhao Fang is extremely annoyed, and the angry flame in the eyelids almost breaks out.

“This has only one explanation.”

Little Linzi faintly said, “There is no her Remnant Spirit, or her Remnant Spirit, who has long been taken away.”

If you don’t come to Hell’s reincarnation before, Zhao Fang will definitely have some doubts about this.

But now, after seeing the ring and the Qingxuan, he has a bit of speculation in his heart.

“That woman, just a little weird.” Little Linzi said.

But how specific is weird, but he did not say it.

“Since this is no use for the pool, there is no need to stay here!”

Said, Zhao Fang is ready to leave.


Just as he was preparing to go up, this piece of water that looked calm and harmless wrinkled.

The sky is sweeping!

Among the oceans, the countless road is as fine as a silk thread, but it contains aura that strongly tears the force, quietly approaching Zhao Fang, and instantly launches, wanting to smash his corpse in an instant!


Zhao Fang looked at his eyes and clenched his fists.



Fierce’s strong punching force, at the same time, blasted at the side of the body, also forced the entangled threads back.

But these are only temporary.

After the retreat, the power of the boxing force was slightly reduced, and the silk lines were again rounded up.

Even though Zhao Fang is an iron man, with System as the backing, such endless resistance, there will be a time when the heart is tired.

What’s more, he is now in charge of the task, how can it be calm down to entangle with these silk. Wrapped around.

“Hey, even the Remnant Spirit of Qingxuan can’t get together. What’s the use of this pool? If you dare to stop me, then the Palace Lord will blow it up!”

The gathering of the soul failed, and Zhao Fang had already slammed his stomach.

Killing the power in the pool, directing his anger directly.

The strength of Berserk, the novelty of the move, and the killing move of the source, are in a state of turmoil.

Even if the strength of the pool is different from Outer World, after the full explosion of Zhao Fang, it is not a small obstacle.

Along with the Soul Spirit star point breaking, a vast mysterious force gradually spread in the mysterious Space.

Wait until later.

The aura is getting more and more prosperous. Among the aura, it is full of years of reincarnation, the feeling of vicissitudes of life, and it is like a sleepy countless terrifying Behemoth, slowly waking up from the eternal silence.

Zhao Fang expression solemn.

Incomparable solemn.

He did not think that within this mysterious Space, there was such a terrifying existence.

This aura is even better than the previous Hell.

But weird is.

The tipping point of this aura did not break through God Lord Realm.

“Just in your life in the pool of people to run amok?”

The sound of the vicissitudes of life, such as heaven and earth Wind-Thunder, circulates within this space.

The sound is like a storm. When it rings, there is a countless Soul Spirit star point bursting into a pure soul. It is integrated into this heaven and earth to add the power of heaven and earth.

Zhao Fang said nothing, his eyes fixed on the front.

In front of him, a vague silhouette, gradually formed!

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