The first thousand five hundred and thirty-one chapters of the three men!

That silhouette, in the end, did not completely solidify.

Always between illusory and real.

The only thing I can see.

It is the between the eyebrows, the sun-like vortex imprint, and the eyes that are as ruthless as Azure Heaven.

“Who are you?”

Zhao Fang stares at each other, looks at solemn.

As the other party appeared, the tearing power in the mysterious Space became more and more intense.

As a last resort, Zhao Fang used the overlord Golden body, barely able to withstand the invasion like tearing.

The aura that escapes from the mysterious person can make him wariness.

“this Sir reincarnation! Lord of the reincarnation!”

Mysterious silhouette indifferently spoke.

“Reincarnation? The Lord of the Reincarnation? Is Hell’s reincarnation not the only Master of Hell Dao Lord?”

Zhao Fang is confused.

At the same time, the background DD of Hell’s reincarnation deep and unmeasurable is extremely deep!

“Hell is also natural. He is in charge of Hell Road, and this Sir is in charge of the reincarnation, and does not interfere with each other.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang was shocked.

He always thought that Hell Dao Lord was the highest Ruler of Hell’s reincarnation.

Never thought about it.

Hell reincarnation, there are actually two Giants.

“You came for her to gather Remnant Spirit?”

The reincarnation saw the Three Lives Stone in Zhao Fang’s hand and clearly perceive everything inside.


Suddenly, the reincarnation was a little surprised.

“It’s actually her. Interesting…”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang looked at the bright bright, anxiously said: “Where are you talking about, who is it? Yongxing Qingxuan?”

“You seem to be unclear about your current situation Ah!”

The reincarnation did not answer directly.

“You are in this reincarnation pool, life and death are in this Sir’s thought, where is your share!”

The voice of the reincarnation was instantly cold, cold and frosty, and extremely piercing.

“Now, if you disintegrate your body on your own, this person is too lazy to care about it. Otherwise, the person of the present will only send you to the landlord!”


Zhao Fang startled, but also caught a strange word.

“Look at what you are going to die, this person tells you that it’s fine. Hell, the reincarnation, the land, all belong to Hell’s reincarnation. The master of Hell Road is Hell Dao Lord, you should have seen him.”

“Hell Dao Lord is the head of the entire Hell reincarnation.”

“To the pool, also the reincarnation pool, this Sir body transformed into, in the reincarnation pool, this Sir is the only Law, the only Heavenly Dao, anyone who enters the reincarnation pool, his past, everything is beyond this Sir Eyes…oh!”

Speaking, the reincarnation of the superiors took a look at Zhao Fang’s past and present, but only saw a blur, which made him somewhat puzzled.

“How can it like this? In this world, there are people who can’t see this Sir?”

“What about the land?” Zhao Fang broke the resentful man’s mutter and asked.

“Ground house? Hey, that is a paradise for a group of hangmans. All the heroes of good warfare between heaven and earth are all earned in the land. Once they are regained their body, the entire Myriad Domain Territory will be reincarnation by my Hell…”

Zhao Fang was secretly shocked.

Unexpectedly, in Hell’s reincarnation, there are still so many secrets hidden.

Hell said, the reincarnation pool, now with a land.

Zhao Fang was deeply impressed that he was too young and too young to drive Ancient Clan out of Myriad Domain Territory and eventually replaced Ancient Clan as the Eight Great Influences of the Myriad Domain Territory Master.

“The land is? Is that fellow?” Little Linzi seems to think of something, muttering to himself.

“The nonsense is finished, now is the time for you to make your own choice!”

“Is it self-disintegrating, or is it waiting for someone to send you on the road?”

The reincarnation of the people was easy, and Zhao Fang was not put in the eyes. In his opinion, to kill Zhao Fang, simply is easy.

“Sorry, I prefer to send you on the road compared to these two choices!”

“Want to kill this Sir ?ha ha…”

The laughter screamed, and the reincarnation laughed and laughed. The laughter was full of ridiculous flavors.

“In this Sir’s World, do you still want to resist?”

“Even if the reincarnation pool is your body transformed into, even if you are Ruler here, but this piece of heaven and earth, after all, there is a certain power limit, breaking this limit, you can marry you!”

“Only by you, can you do it?” The reincarnation did not deny it, but the sound of ridicule became more apparent.

“of course!”

Zhao Fang chop nails and sever Iron.

“I really want to see if you rely on Divine Object forged a reincarnation pool, compared to the real World, it’s better and worse!”

The words fall.

Inside heaven and earth phantom appeared in Zhao Fang behind.

Along with the emergence of heaven and earth, the reincarnation pool added pressure on Zhao Fang, and was suddenly rushed, and an inexplicable powerful Law aura struggled with Day Dao Law in the reincarnation pool.

“How can it be? You are just the 1-Star god, the concealed inner and earth, the death is the level of heaven, the day Dao Law is not yet mastered, is incomplete product.”

“But now, your inner and earth are actually nurturing out of Heavenly Dao, and the control is so skillful, this is impossible, impossible!”

The indifferent reincarnation was shocked.

Zhao Fang has no nonsense, and uses the facts to counter the reincarnation.



The space of the reincarnation pool collapsed everywhere, and the whole piece of World swayed violently, just like the earthquake, under the earthquake without terrifying power, the ordinary building that was crumbling without any resistance.

“court death!”

The voice of the reincarnation is cold.

Almost in its low-lying all of a sudden, six dragon souls composed of pure soul force, claws and claws, with a strong intention to kill, rushed to Zhao Fang’s inner and earth, want to tear it Broken and smashed.

But what is expected by the reincarnation is that.

In the attack of this Rank degree, Zhao Fang’s self-contained inner and earth, Law aura circulated, giving people the feeling of nowhere to start.


The reincarnation was angry.

He took over the reincarnation for many years, and he was so powerful that even the reincarnation of Dao Lord and the government of the government, he was extremely respectful and when he was so despised by a junior.

more importantly.

Zhao Fang’s identity, as well as the construction of his heaven and earth, caught the attention of the reincarnation.

To be precise, it is to provoke his greed.

“This Sir’s reincarnation pool, although there is a reincarnation, but it is not really a reincarnation. In these years, this Sir has been closing his eyes and thinking, I did not expect that the opportunity will be sent from heaven to the house!”

“If you can get the secret of this brat, my inner and earth, maybe you can take it to the next level and evolve the real world, such as the inner and earth of this brat, even if you are inside others and earth, Also not bound by the slightest!”


He also has to admit that Zhao Fang is very tricky.

In particular, he also has such a perfect inner and earth.

“It seems that you can only use that move!”

The reincarnation of the people was cold and the flame vortex of his forehead suddenly turned wildly.

Followed by.

A terrifying flame aura that seems to refining the reincarnation pool, from the reincarnation of the flame vortex of the forehead, madly spewed out.

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