The first thousand five hundred and thirty-two chapters are reincarnation!


Flame 滔天.

Rolling the sky.

The quiet reincarnation pool was stirred by this force in an instant, and it was no longer peaceful.

Rolling flame, and finally turned into eight figures.

The appearance of each silhouette is like a reincarnation, between the illusory and the reality.

They are at the same time take action.

But there are eight kinds of completely different, but the mighty powerful killing move!

“brat, let you see for yourself, the real power of the reincarnation!”

Fire sea abyss, the reincarnation of the people in the tone of the word, the voice is indifferent.


Zhao Fang is not familiar with this.

“Be careful, these were the reincarnations of the reincarnation.”

Little Linzi reminded: “It is rumored that the Culture Technique of Hell’s reincarnation is special. In the process of cultivation, reincarnation is a common thing.”

“Once the Great Accomplishment is cultivated, these reincarnations will be re-consolidated and integrated into the ontology. By then, it will be equivalent to having a few or even a dozen Clones that are no less than the ontology.”

“And this kind of person is also known as the reincarnation.”

“The girl, and the reincarnation, are the reincarnations. Every reincarnation Clone is an individual existence, only killing all, can really killed the reincarnation! You are now… the pressure is not small.”

I heard this.

Zhao Fang looks solemn.

Alone is a reincarnation, and already makes him a headache!

Now, it has killed eight reincarning Clones who are not inferior to this Venerable. Zhao Fang is now more stressful, and simply is pressure.



The eight reincarnated bodies, carrying the amazing killing of aura, the means are extremely fierce and fierce.

The reincarnation of the leader stood in the same place.

Although Zhao Fang couldn’t see his face, he could feel that the other party should be laughing at the moment.

Indifference and mockery.

It seems to be saying, even if your heaven and earth are perfect?

In the face of Absolute Strength, I can’t look down on any storms.


“Since you are making a move, this Palace Lord is not hiding!”

The words fall.

Zhao Fang’s hands clenched together, and his eyes were sharp.

“One gasification three clear!”

Zhao Fang is filled with Divine Strength, and the three silhouettes of Zhao Fang are separated from his body.

The three people, respectively, are dressed in red, black and blue robes, and look awkward, but aura is not weaker than this Venerable.

“én? Is it the same as this Venerable, is the individual existence? This kind of Divine Ability?”

The reincarnation was a little surprised.

In the perspective of Strength, these three Clones are not in the eye.

But from Divine Ability, the three Clone’s structural grades are no less inferior to their reincarnation Clone.

One gasification of Sanqing.

Zhao Fang is from the Young Master who kills the blood.

Since I got it, I rarely cultivated it. The reason is very simple. It takes a lot of resources to cultivate this work.

Zhao Fang does not have these resources at hand.

After entering the emptiness, Zhao Fang got a lot of Rare resources after sweeping the aliens.

This is also true.

This secret technique, which has been stranded by him, was smashed.

Today, it is his first time!

“Today, let’s take a look, it is your reincarnation Clone, or the victory of the Palace Lord is better than the three.”


The three black and white silhouettes at the same time rushed out and killed each other to a reincarnated Clone.

Zhao Fang this Venerable, naturally no idle.

Holding inside heaven and earth, slammed into a reincarnated Clone.

In terms of individuality, Zhao Fang and three Clones, Strong is slightly stronger than the reincarnation of Clone.

However, the number of reincarnation Clone has exploded.

At the beginning of the battle, in addition to Zhao Fang this Venerable, the three Clones were suppressed by two reincarnations Clone.

“It’s been a long time to compete with Clone’s reincarnation Clone, but it’s just that!”

The reincarnation of the voice is indifferent, and a pair of Ruler’s overall confidence is calm.


In the royal product, heaven and earth swayed four directions, entangled the two reincarning Clones of Zhao Fang this Venerable, and fell directly into the wind.

“You are too happy!”

Zhao Fang sneered, the dark energy in the heaven and earth, with Zhao Fang punching in a reincarnation Clone chest bursting out.

Concealing the dull Fluctuation and invading the reincarnation of Clone within the body.

Reincarnation Clone has no idea.

Or, the early noticed that this force is too weak, too inattentive, and he did not pay much attention to it.


When this force completely broke out of its with the body, it produced terrifying destructive power, but let the reincarnation Clone repent of the intestines.


Zhao Fang was punched in the chest and instantly exploded, and a large blood hole appeared.

Reincarnation Clone looked at the injury in his heart, in the eyes with a shocked emotion, screaming: “Primal Chaos Divine Strength?”

Zhao Fang turned a deaf ear and slammed into another reincarnation, Clone, who had another intentional sneak attack.


The reincarnation Clone reacted so fast that it could be rubbed into the shoulders and instantly torn a terrifying scar.


The first reincarnation Clone, which was smashed by Zhao Fang, spread the whole body, and the Fleshy Body could no longer be maintained. For example, the weathered stone, when Zhao Fang punched it, burst open and smashed on the spot!

“impossible! You trivial God Lord, still only 1-Star God, how can it be with most Ancestral God, can not have Primal Chaos Divine Strength? I do not believe, do not believe!”

The voice of the reincarnation is full of shock and full of incredible.

From the beginning of the war, Zhao Fang’s means of revealing his time, refreshed his three views and subverted his cognition.

Zhao Fang still ignored it, and the dark energy covered his arm and slammed it again.


The reincarnation Clone of the shoulder injury has not been supported for too long, the second body.

All of a sudden.

Reincarnation is proud of the reincarnation of Clone, eight to the second.

All of them can have such brilliant results in the short term.

The heaven and earth in the emperor, as well as the dark energy in the heaven and earth, are indispensable!

“Primal Chaos Divine Strength? This is obviously the power of the darkness of the beginning, how could it be Primal Chaos Divine Strength?”

Zhao Fang doesn’t have a skill to think about it.

Because the reincarnation of this Venerable is on hand!


As the screams rang, the six reincarnation Clones, which were red, black and blue, were merged into the body of the reincarnation.


The terrifying aura, which is awesome and contains the power of the years, is insanely spread from the reincarnation of the person within the body.

In that split second.

His aura, breakthrough the shackles of the Lord, into the countless Powerhouse’s coveted Ancestral God Realm.

“No matter what means you use the Primal Chaos Divine Strength, it’s all by yourself. You can use all the strengths of the people. You can be dead!”

The voice of the reincarnation is cold.

“Listen to your tone, I want to thank you for your killed grace?”

Zhao Fang smiles, “trivial 2-Star Ancestral God, this Palace Lord is not killed, put you damn it big onions.”

The words fall.

The calm Fang Fang, complexion suddenly stunned, in the eyelids, the fierce squats, the figure moves, and instantly approaches the reincarnation.

“God Slayer !”

A Divine Spear appeared in his right hand.

In this all-a sudden appearance of Divine Spear, the reincarnation experienced the unprecedented Crisis.

“The reincarnation of the years, to the people of the present … pū chī !”

The words are not finished, sharpness icy guns, and instantly penetrate his between the eyebrows.

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