The first thousand five hundred and thirty-four chapters of the original source of the world first person

Zhao Fang didn’t expect it.

I am full of hope, but in the reincarnation pool, I have gained unprecedented despair.

I thought it was completely desperate.

I never thought about it, but I also got hope from the reincarnation.

Take a drink and have your own destiny!

Zhao Fang mind, suddenly flashed such a sentence.

Immediately, he sneered again.

“Go to him damn it destiny! Father doesn’t believe in life, even if there is, father will break this and break a new world!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold.

“Can I go now?”

Reincarnation, Zhao Fang recovered calmly and asked softly.

Zhao Fang be careful and solemnly holding Mu Qingxuan Remnant Spirit, softly said: “Qingxuan, this time let you down, next time, I will make you wake up.”

After watching her for a long time, Zhao Fang just put it away.

“Give you a way to live!”

“Into my World, take the reincarnation, otherwise, die!”

Zhao Fang looks at the reincarnation of Remnant Spirit, his voice is cold.

“You don’t believe it!”

The reincarnation was immediately angry.

“Have you seen anyone who promised to his life and death enemies?” Zhao Fang’s voice was cold.


The reincarnation is angry.

In fact.

According to Zhao Fang’s previous intentions, the reincarnation is a must.

Even if he spits out the domain nuclear, Zhao Fang does not intend to let him go.

Until the end.

From the reincarnation, he saw the only way to resurrect Mu Qingxuan.

This is also true.

He intends to stay with each other.

“I grandly go to the people, even if it is dead, it will not let you be at the mercy!”

The reincarnation of the resignation is not allowed.

“After ten thousand years, you can return to freedom, otherwise you will die!”

Zhao Fang was indifferent and didn’t mean to bargain. When he spoke, the Swallowing Spirit grew again, and the strange and savage mouth shrouded the reincarnation of Remnant Spirit.

Rao is the reincarnation of the master of the reincarnation, he is in charge of the countless people’s life and death, witnessing the countless times of reincarnation.

Can still be shocked by this scene.

“I agree!”

In the end, I didn’t want to die, I chose to compromise. “Hope, you can keep the agreement!”

Inside the royal product, heaven and earth activate.

Only Remnant Spirit’s reincarnation was taken, and all the souls in the reincarnation were taken back into an azure glow, and he entered the heaven and earth.

I entered.

He felt the abnormality of heaven and earth, and he was shocked and shocked. “Source World?”

The World that can produce the souls and provide the living spirits is the origin of World.

For example, Myriad Domain Territory.

The reincarnation of the reincarnation who has been dealing with the reincarnation for a lifetime, dare to swear by his life, he is absolutely not Sense wrong, this is the source of World.

After growing up, it is not inferior to Myriad Domain Territory, the world of great potential.

After understanding this.

The reincarnation is no longer shocked, but shocked!

“How can it be? Even if it is heaven and earth, you can’t wake up the power of this source, this heaven and earth what’s going on?”

The reincarnation thought of one kind of possibility.

Although unbelievable.

But the facts speak louder than words!

Reincarnation took a deep breath, turned and looked at Zhao Fang outside the heaven and earth, the pair of eyes that were originally full of hate and anger, not only calmed down at the moment, but also revealed a trace excited.

That’s right.

It is excited!

Reincarnation now, suddenly there is a kind of grateful Zhao Fang’s thoughts.

If not Zhao Fang allowed, how can it be in the unexplored origin of World?

Although compared to Myriad Domain Territory, Zhao Fang’s inner and earth is really insignificant.

However, Zhao Fang is still growing. Once the original World has grown up, even the reincarnation will not be able to measure the direction of this World.

“Ning is a chicken head, not a phoenix tail, but who can think of it, this is not a chicken, it is a damn phoenix.”

In a thought, the reincarnation seems to be foreseeable, and he became the reincarnation of this world, Ruler, and witnessed the scene of Grand Dao, happy heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, the reincarnation of the gods, the suddenly sent out a burst of excitedfluctuation.

This conversely got Zhao Fang confused.

“Being enslaved and damn so excited, this product will not have a tendency to abuse!” Zhao Fang stunned inside the heaven and earth, the corner of the mouth pumped.

“He is not a masochistic tendency, but this is the source of the world, damn it, even this Sir is heart!”

Little Linzi suddenly screamed, “I feel like I have missed the major event, just refining a Divine Spark nothing more. When I wake up, you not only successfully enter the God Lord Realm world, but also damn the inner and the heavens. It’s really a grass.”

“Come on, is this what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang can’t talk to Little Linzi nonsense.

The reincarnation pool couldn’t gather souls. The stagnation in Zhao Fang’s heart was not soothing. He needed to vent, plus Hell Dao Lord first counted on him, and Zhao Fang decided to kill Hell’s reincarnation.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, looking at the dome with his eyes.


Almost in the reincarnation, the people took the reincarnation pool and settled in the time of heaven and earth in Zhao Fang.

Hell reincarnation, there are two areas, two to Powerhouse, at the same time open eyes.

“Aura of reincarnation… disappeared!”

At the same time, the two silent at the same time disappeared in place.


Reincarnation above the pool.

As Zhao Fang died, the previously evacuated Hell reincarnation of Powerhouse returned to guarding Hell Road.

But the scene is not quiet.

They are all talking about just now.

There are a few more people who show extreme contempt and sarcasm to Zhao Fang’s recklessness.

“Dao Lord is a good calculation, throwing such a tricky enemy to the master.”

“That fell and broke into the reincarnation pool, which is equivalent to being controlled by the Master. He will die!”

“Unfortunately, I was not able to let him catch him. Otherwise, I must let him endure the fire of Soul Refining every day. It is better to die!”


at this time.

The calm reincarnation pool suddenly burst into a blast.

The power of the soul in the pool was stirred up, and the guards were reincarnation. It was unexpected that the Powerhouses had a boring loss, and the divine sense was struck by the power of soul.

That feeling, just like a bomb, suddenly suddenly in the ears of the average person.

The affordive average person may still be calm.

But more of the average person, but will be scared by this thunder, and uneasy.

These Hell reincarnation Powerhouses on the shore have this feeling.

Turn around.

Mind like billions of Thunder blasts, rumbled constantly.

They lose consciousness, touch, and even someone loses consciousnessness.

The explosion was too abrupt, and with such things never happening, they lost their guard, and this was shocked by the divine sense.

Otherwise, even if there is a bomb that blows up in their divine sense, Crisis can’t get to them.


The water of the soul pool swells, forming a path of amazing water column, rising from the sky.

The center of the water column slowly condenses a lotus flower throne.

Throne above, sitting in a white win over the snow of youth.

The youth squatting at the gun, the expression can’t be said to be chic, but the chilling killing intent, but let everyone who sees this person have great fear and anxiety.

“You, are you not dead?”

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