The first thousand five hundred and thirty-five chapters of the gun pick Hell, the land of the land!

“You, are you not dead?”

Reincarnation pool, Hell reincarnation Powerhouse, looks at the soul lotus flower throne, appeared in front of everyone White robed Youth, his face showed a shocking sense of shock.

Reincarnation pool.

Reincarnation of the world of the people.

But when you enter this world, let alone the ordinary god, even the peak god, it is also nine deaths and one life.

For thousands of years, there have been countless numbers of creatures entering the reincarnation pool, and they can live from the reincarnation pool, and the only one that comes out safely is White robed Youth.

“What the hell is going on?”

“This fellow is actually alive, is that reincarnation?”

After those Powerhouses were calmed down, thinking of one thing, complexion became hard to look at.

“Let Hell Dao Lord, come to see the Palace Lord.”

Zhao Fang calmly starts to talk, but the sound is transmitted to Hell’s reincarnation in an instant.

“impudent !”

“My Hell reincarnation is not a bloody sea, not a Promise Demon Dao, not a Buddhist country, not a place for impudent act unruly.”

The Powerhouses who guarded the reincarnation pool were angry.

Previously, when Zhao Fang attacked the Hell Great Array, these people guarded the reincarnation pool and did not witness the battle, but only heard about it.

Originally, they did not intend to fight with Zhao Fang.

After the appearance of Zhao Fang, not only destroyed the reincarnation pool, but also ignored the Powerhouse in the field, and bluntly said Hell Dao Lord, this kind of eccentricity, such as mole cricket and ants, excited the group of Old Monster.

“act unruly ?”

Zhao Fang smiled. “I really didn’t come act unruly.”

I heard this.

The group of Powerhouses also laughed, and the heart of Zhao Fang really had a bit of wariness.

But when he heard his next sentence, the expression of this group of people became more and more awkward than the devil.

“It is to destroy the reincarnation of Hell Road!”

“Great tone!”

Just as these people were ready to start, an indifferent voice sounded.

Followed by.

The Hell Dao Lord, wearing a half-black and half-white robe, appeared quietly on the field.

Hell Dao Lord stared at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, and squinted: “How are you going to reincarnate?”

“I said that he is now abandoning the dark, turning the evils back and returning to my majesty, do you believe?”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold, and the lips are splashing with a sly smile.

“You are fart!”

Hell Dao Lord has not yet started to talk, there is a black clothed old man who guards the reincarnation pool, and categorically swears. “Abandon the dark cast? Change the evil spirits? What kind of decent do you count? Do you dare to say this shameless nonsense!”

Zhao Fang ignored the old man, but looked at a Void, and the light was calm, saying: “Lord of the land?”

“This is this Sir!”

Silence for a moment, the piece of nothingness, a ripple.

After the ripples, it is the Black Mist that rolls the emits and fierce intent.

Followed by.

A black robed, black-backed, silver-colored silhouette with a silver silhouette, stepping out of the Black Mist.

On the occasion of the tall silhouette.

The fierce and amazing killing means, all over the four directions.

“The owner!”

Hell Dao Lord looks at the tall silhouette, slightly nod.

“Dao Lord !”

The owner of the land government is nodded slightly, which is a response.


The head of the house fell on Zhao Fang, in the eyes revealing a few expressions of suspicion. “Your body, there is still aura of reincarnation, where did he go?”

“I want to know?”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Everyone did not speak, but their eyes locked Zhao Fang.

“Reincarnation, come and say hello to old friends.”

Inside heaven and earth activate, the reincarnation appears.

This time, he is no longer in the state of Remnant Spirit, he already owns Fleshy Body.

But compared to when he was in full bloom, the current reincarnation, weak to the extreme.

“Dao Lord, the owner!”

Reincarnation at two people, a touch of chill.

Hell Dao Lord frowned. “Reincarnation, do you really want to surrender this brat?”

He did not notice any traces of Restriction on the reincarnation.

That is to say.

Reincarnation is voluntary surrender, not intimidation.

This makes the Hell Taoist who knows the reincarnation of the temperament of the reincarnation, some awkward.

The reincarnation looks indifferent, “This is my own choice, nothing to do with you!”

I heard this.

All Powerhouse complexions on the field are not very good looking.

Including the rushing moment, the complex Mingxuan.

She stood in the Outer Circle and looked at the throne of the lotus flower. The look of the complex is complex.

Zhao Fang naturally noticed him.

And at the for a moment, cast a cold eye.

For Yongxing Qingxuan, Zhao Fang’s mood is also very complicated.

Because of the success of Qingxuan, he can strengthen Mu Qingxuan.

But also because of the ringing of Qingxuan, Mu Qingxuan is finally fragrant, Soul does not exist!

It can be said.

For this woman, he hates and is somewhat grateful.

“Since you choose to stand on our opposite side, then we will not blame us for the friendship of this million years!”

The owner seems to be less like to talk, often in a sentence, not to characterize something.

For example, this sentence.

If you fall down and tear your face, there is no need for nonsense. You just need to see the real chapter on hand.

The black clothed old man who guards the reincarnation pool, and the number of 5-Star God Lord Realm Powerhouses, take the lead in taking action.

Can not be close, it will be cut by Zhao chopped vegetables, killing is to throw a helmet to abandon!

Even Hell Dao Lord did not take much advantage, and Zha Fang had a few battles with Zhao Fang.

“It’s just that!”

Zhao Fang did not move, scorned the sleeves, his hands were behind himin, his expression was indifferent, and even with a bit of jokes.


The owner of the landlord is coldly snorted, stepping over one step, the big hand is open, and there are hundreds of golden glows, which are shot from the palm of his hand.

These hundreds of golden glows, when they first appeared, were just like the size of soybeans, but when they approached Zhao Fang, they turned into an amazing soul.

Although most of these wars are Half-step gods, only a few have entered God Lord Realm.

Such a huge battle of the soul, coupled with the characteristics of not afraid of death, did indeed cause some obstacles to Zhao Fang.

more importantly.

Even if Zhao Fang killed the soul of the war, Hell Dao Lord will pass Hell Road, let the soul of the soul resurrect, and go back and forth.

“Want to drag me down?”

Zhao Fang sneered, his eyes are very cold, “the so-called landlord, but it is!”

The words fall.

God Slayer Spear.

Inside the emperor, heaven and earth control Divine Spear.

With a shot, the entire Space collapsed instantly.

Everyone in this space, even if it is the soul of the war, except for a few people, is split second, pierced by this gun, and can’t die anymore.

The main goal of Zhao Fang’s gun is Hell Dao Lord.

His reason had long been expected, but still underestimated the sharpness of God Slayer Spear, the front layer defense was broken, the spear head broke into his left rib and tore off his left arm.

Hell Dao Lord was shot with a shot, although not dead, but with the body two aura entangled, let him fatigue, in the short term, can not fight again.


The owner sees the shape and the expression changes slightly.

He didn’t think that Zhao Fang, who used God Slayer Spear, was so powerful, he injured the Hell Dao Lord with one shot.

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