The first thousand five hundred and thirty-six chapters spread the beans into soldiers!

“There are eight reincarnations of Clone in the reincarnation. You are the only two of the three men in the land, and you only have this ability?”

The dull voice, in the all of a sudden, let the owner and the barely stand up Hell Dao Lord, complexion abnormal gloomy.

As a king, they are so despised by a mole cricket and ants, which makes them feel insulted!

“brat, you are too arrogant!”

“Do you think we can’t hold you?”

Two major Powerhouse complexion gloomy.


Hell Dao Lord has a light cough, complexion flushing, and a bloody mark on the lips, but it is quickly shaken off.

His complexion yin stared at Zhao Fang, the voice coldly said: “It is indeed underestimating you, almost let you kill this Sir!”

“However, your hole card is completely exposed, and then, it is your death!”

As he spoke, the palm of Hell Dao Lord’s flats burst into a whirlpool.

Seeing the vortex, Zhao Fang slightly startled.

The whirlwind hand and the principle of formation are related to a magical technique he has cultivated.


Hell whistling, with four Ghost Spirits rushing out.

These four Ghost Spirits are born on the way of Hell. Aura is fierce and touches one eye, and it has a sense of creep.

What’s more, every Ghost Spirit has a strength that is not inferior to this Venerable Hell Dao Lord.

“魑魑魍魉…Hell, you finally come up with something really good.”

The owner’s eyes are bright bright.

Even he is admired and wariness for the Hell Dao Lord.

“This brat is different from common, can’t care. The owner, quick fix!”

The Hell Dao Lord, who showed Hell Road, seemed to consume too much power, and even spoke with a thick weak flavor.

“it is good!”

The owner’s glory shines, one step before the step, and the big sleeves follow.


Its behind Black Mist dissipated in an instant.

A seventh tower is appearing in the eyes of everyone.

The small tower looks like there is no special difference, but among the small towers, there are countless moving green spots.

When you look closer, you will find that those light spots are made up of an unruly, life-like hero.

Densely packed, the number is not counted, just a glance, it will make most of the gods eclipse.

“Sprinking beans into soldiers!”

The owner Void Hand grabs the behind.

Xiū xiū xiū !

Hundreds of Dao Guang points were caught by one of their brains and directed to Zhao Fang.



a path of full of violent, awkward, brutal, cruel … aura’s soul, like a beast, with almost mad speed, rushing to their only enemy!

Zhao Fang expression solemn.

First time solemn.

He has seen the reincarnation of the people, glimpsed the leopard, and consciously learned about the Hell Dao Lord and the Lord’s Strength.

In fact.

It is true.

The real power of Hell Dao Lord and the reincarnation is not much different.

The only thing that has something to do with is the owner!

He could instantly summon thousands of Half-step God Lord Realm spirits.

After the incarnation of the soul, they are not as good as before, but the soul of the war has the advantage of the soul of the war, that is the abnormal stubbornness, it is difficult to eliminate!

Therefore, when I saw this scene, Zhao Fang had some headaches.

He is thinking about whether to use dark energy.

Dark energy is his trump card, even the ordinary Ancestral God can’t be prevented.

But if it is impossible for the first moment to kill the owner and Dao Lord, let the two people be aware of the danger and escape in advance, then it will be a big loss.

Hesitate again and again.

Zhao Fang still didn’t use dark energy.

Conversely think of something.

“The tower that suppresses the soul of the soul? Who is this stuff?”

Zhao Fang Void Hand caught a smog in front of him, and a tower of heaven that shines with rays of light appeared in front of him.

Heavenspan Tower 3rd layer activate, rays of light.

Everyone who was covered by it was aware of an unprecedented Crisis, a violent face, and a rare look of horror.

There is a soul who wants to retire.

Already late!

The soul of the English spirit, which was enveloped by Heavenspan Tower, did not even have room to struggle, and was directly admitted to the Heavenspan Tower 3rd layer.

Become the soul of Heavenspan Tower!

The owner of the government is dumbfounded.

Hell Dao Lord is also dumbfounded!

All of a sudden, the enchantment of Hell Road, was also disconnected from him.

Like an invisible Divine Blade, cut off the connection between them and the Hell Dao Lord, who was originally subjected to heavy injury, directly spurted by the backlash, and the injury increased.

“how can it be?”

The two Powerhouses don’t believe it, absolutely not believe.

“Sprinking beans into soldiers!”

The landlord’s main complexion gloomy, again sleeves.

Surpass The hero of the previous times, spurred out from the behind’s small tower, but just after the appearance, it was taken away by Heavenspan Tower.

Two consecutive failures, the IQ of the landlord seems to be coming back.

No longer doing this, he gloomy stares at Zhao Fang, staring at Heavenspan Tower, in the eyes of the greedy color, without pretending: “I did not expect, or underestimate you, you have such a treasure.”

“But the Lord will not lose, here is Hell’s reincarnation, it is also the land!”

Owner expression 狰狞, when the sound is exported, he looks like a big change.

a path of sharp spurs, from his within the body, but the strange thing is that he did not bleed.

in a blink.

Figure The owner of the tall land, the figure is still tall, but it looks like an inhuman non-beast.


Zhao Fang felt a familiar aura on him.

“It’s too early to be alive? It’s not a forefather!”

Zhao Fang was slightly moved and surprised.

“You can actually guess the identity of this Sir. This is also good, the province is not even who is killing.” The voice of the landlord is cold and confident.

Inhuman, the landlord of the non-beast state, in the aura alone, completely crushed 2-Star Ancestral God reincarnation.

Compared to the reincarnation, his aura, more violent, more cruel!

“There is nothing in the whole alien group, the Palace Lord can be wiped out with a single gun, trivial an alien, and dare to yell in front of me!”

Zhao Fang is cold.

The words fall.

The whole person disappeared in place.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

The owner also disappeared in place, two extremely tyrannical aura, suddenly blasting over the reincarnation pool.



Intense fighting, shaking all directions.

The owner is indeed very strong, especially the Fleshy Body, which inherits the fine tradition of Immemorial and is a mess.

Without God Slayer Spear, Zhao Fang couldn’t fight against each other at all.

Even so.

After dozens of rounds, Zhao Fang was also completely suppressed by myself wind.

“The Realm gap is too big.”

Zhao Fang frowned, but he didn’t care too much about it.

“brat, accept death!”

The owner’s expression was awkward, carrying an amazing killing intent, and when Zhao Fang’s offensive was slightly flawed, he struck.


Zhao Fang Half body, directly smashed by the owner.

But his face was a strange smile.

“not good!”

Although I don’t know, Zhao Fang has any troubles, but the owner instinctively feels the danger and pulls back.

“Since it is here, why bother to go.”

When the indifferent voice came out from the mouth of Zhao Fang, the slap in the face, immediately penetrated the layer of Space, appeared in front of the owner.

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