The first thousand five hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the Tubas family’s Crisis!

War God Palace.

Gold Main Hall.

War God Palace Powerhouse gathers together.

“Palace Lord, can’t wait!”

“That brat is getting richer. This time, the Great Influences coalition is destroyed. If you wait, Myriad Domain Territory is really unmanned!”

“Yeah, once Zhao Fang’s victory over us came out, Ancient Clan, hidden in the Myriad Domain Territory, flocked to show up, and then it’s harder to kill him than Ascend to Heaven!”

Among the Main Hall, the War God Palace is named after the Powerhouse, and they are gathered together.

But the opinions expressed are surprisingly consistent!

Must be killed Zhao Fang !

“Reincarnation, Hell, the land aura are gone!”

In the noisy Main Hall, there was an indifferent and cold voice.

The sound in the temple was quiet in an instant.

Although, this voice is quite dignity, but the sound itself, and not such a big magic.

It is the information that can be played in front of this kind of static field.


Hell Dao Lord

Lord of the land

It is called the three males.

It’s the real Ruler of Hell’s reincarnation.

Their three people built the Myriad Domain Territory first mysterious Influence.

In the case of a one-on-one, even War God Palace is not willing to provoke them.

For Hell’s reincarnation, the other seven major gold events have given great respect and wariness.


The three people who built the Hell reincarnation strongest front today are dead!

Silence for a moment.

There is War God Palace War God, complexion is ugly:

“Don’t this be related to Zhao Fang?”

“According to the news sent back by the spy, Zhao Fang did visit Hell’s reincarnation, but did not bring Ancient Clan, he was alone!”


The audience is stunned.

Although they don’t want to take this matter, they are associated with Zhao Fang.

Because, whether it is Strength or Influence, Zhao Fang wants to kill Hell’s reincarnation in such a short time, that is all impossible.

Zhao Fang appeared too embarrassed.

Time is consistent, the motivation is consistent, and the Ancient Clan, who doesn’t know where to hide, can make Hell’s turn back a big loss if he is unintentional.

“It seems that we are ready late!”

A female War God licks the Phoenix eyes and has a quiet voice.

“According to the information we are currently in control, Zhao Fang this child, I will report, my heart is hot, we first met him, in the Heaven Gathering Territory world Divine Lou River, since then”

A tall male, War God, was talking, but was interrupted.

Male War God just got angry, but when he saw that it was War God Palace Supreme’s Palace Lord Sir, all his anger disappeared.

Instead, it is a respectful listening gesture.

“The first grievances of War God Palace and Zhao Fang are not Myriad Domain Territory, but a small world.”

The words of the Lord God God Palace caused a heated discussion among the strongest members of the temple.

Most of them are unknowing about this kind of thing.

“The specific situation, there is no need to elaborate now. With this child temperament, after killing Hell’s reincarnation, the next goal should be our War God Palace.”

As soon as this statement is made, the Powerhouse complexion in the hall is not very good looking.

If the Hell roundabout is destroyed, it has not yet been sent.

Even if Zhi Fang would come to War God Palace with Ancient Clan, they wouldn’t care too much.

War God Palace is the oldest nest of War God Lineage. It has been in business for tens of thousands of years. There are countless means in it. Even if the ancient Clan offensive is strong, it is also measurably arrogant.

As the Hell round was broken, War God Palace found that they underestimated Zhao Fang, which is a Vicious Demon.

The single-handed horses have stepped out of Inheritance’s Hell round.

War God Palace Even if it is strong, how long can it stop him?

Thinking of this festival, these Sir objects, which are high in the past, complexly are extremely ugly, and keenly smelled Death’s aura.

In an instant, noisy sounds spread throughout the Main Hall.


War God Palace abyss, there are thousands of gauze appeared, after the gauze, a tall silhouette, standing on the ground.

Seeing the silhouette, the noisy on the field, instantly weakened a lot, one by one in the eyes revealing a revered fanaticism.

War God Palace Lord!

War God Palace, the real and only Ruler!

“The order, War God Palace activate the ultimate defense, all the Palace Powerhouse, can not go out and stand by in the palace.”

“In addition, all the white Silver Grade scarlet copper grade Influence under War God Palace will be called to unify the deployment.”

“Hold the array between Time and other Six Great Influences, and make sure that it is delivered at all times.”

A series of orders were issued.

Everyone in the room looked grim, knowing that Sect was at the end of life and death.

Although the opponent has only one person.

But the destructive power he caused was not weaker than the top ten Ancient Clan.


Assassin Organization Heaven, Scorpio Four Saints Sect, Eight Poles and other parties, Influence, have been news that Hell’s reincarnation has been extinguished.

The Great Influences were shocked at the same time, and like the War God Palace, they began to gather their troops, called the men, and deployed defenses.

For a moment.

Zhao Fang became the public enemy of the Myriad Domain Territory.

Everyone who has nothing to do with him is affected and becomes a victim of the anger of Great Influences.

Such as the Violet Chamber of Commerce, such as the Tuoba family.

Heaven Gathering Territory.

Pure Yang Mansion, Tuoba family.

Countless’s Battleship and Powerhouse, went to Pure Yang Mansion and surrounded the Tuoba family.

“Clouds, our Tuoba family and you Yuntianmen, have nowhere in the past, there is no hate in recent days, why do you want to force the army to surround me Tuoba family?”

Tuoba Old Ancestor complexion whitish, coldly staring at the opposite of the rich and graceful jade, if the fairy Hong man, in the eyes rushing endless hatred and slaughter.

Tuoba Old Ancestor behind, standing on the Tuoba family senior Powerhouse.

As well as knowing the danger of the Tuoba family encountering the genocide, Touba Guang Sheng, Touba Yang JIan and others, who came back from the Desolate City Ancient Land.

Then there is the backbone of the Tuoba family.

Among them, it includes Touba Guan Feng, which has been handed over to Zhao Fang.

Tuoba family The powerhouse’s complexion is not very good looking.

Unnatural blush, aura weak, apparently suffered a minor injury.

In their behind, Tuoba family clansman 寥寥.

Most of them are in the pool of blood, and they can’t wake up again.

Tuoba family How can people not understand why they and Yun Tianmen, the white Silver Grade Influence, have no complaints, why they are with restraint.

Moreover, it is not for robbing resources, but simply slaughter, no mercy!

This is also the root of the despair and anger of the Tuoba family.

“Why? You really don’t know?”

The cloud fell behind the Tuoba family, and everyone laughed. “In this case, the Sect Master will dial you.”

“Tuoba family whether there is a person named Touba Lei Feng?”

“Touba Lei Feng?”

Tuoba family Most Powerhouses look blank.

Despite the Fight for Succession, Zhao Fang stirred the wind and rain and made a splash in the Tuoba family.

As he left the Tuoba family, the name was gradually forgotten by many people.

When you mention it again, few people remember it.

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