The first thousand five hundred and thirty-nine chapter Myriad Domain Territory public enemy!

“It’s him!”

Tudor Old Ancestor certainly won’t forget the name.

It is this person who will take away the heroic spirits of the Tuoba family, which is a collection of dozens of generations.

Every time I think about it, Takuya Old Ancestor feels sore.

Touba Guang Sheng Touba Yang JIan These people who have had an intersection with Zhao Fang will not forget the name. After hearing it, the look has changed.

“I remembered?”

The cloud saw the Tuoba family, and everyone could not help but laugh.

“He did appear in my Tuoba family, but not my Tuoba family disciple, I have already left…”

Tuoba Old Ancestor is an old man with a keen sense that Zhao Fang should be outside, and he is involved in the Tuoba family.

The cloud fell and laughed and interrupted:

“Of course he is not a Tuoba family. Touba Lei Feng is not his real name. His real name is Zhao Fang, the owner of the Immortal Palace.”

“Zhao Fang, this person, fiercely bloody and cruel, indiscriminate killing, first to run amok bloody sea, after the elimination of the Promise Demon Dao, stepping in the palm of the Buddha, and even the Great Influences coalition, can be described as fierce ……”


Tuoba family Powerhouses, collectively.

The information that the cloud has revealed is amazing!

Bloody sea, Promise Demon Dao…

This is the famous white Silver Grade Influence.

In the palm of the country, the Buddha is deep and unmeasurable, and directly pursues the Great Influences. Can Zhao Fang kill them all?

When the fellow left the Tuoba family, it seemed that even God King was not. How can he do this kind of thing, is it the same same name and family name?

What shocked them even more was Zhao Fang’s eight Great Influences coalition.

Although the eight Great Influences coalition forces at the time, it was only the eight Great Influences casual forces, not counting the influence of each of the influence of the Peak, can not be underestimated.

With the lineup at the time, even the white version of Demon Dao, this white Silver Grade Influence is a breeze.

But this is the fierce influence of the Alliance, but it is simply defeated by Zhao Fang…

This gives the Tuoba family clansman the feeling of listening to the Bible.

In particular, they still heard the first time, the heart was shocked, and it was shocked to add!

This is no wonder.

Although the Tuoba family was at its peak, fighting prowess was not weak, but now it is weak, and it is shrinking to Pure Yang Mansion.

Pure Yang Mansion can also rank in the Heaven Gathering Territory world, but the Heaven Gathering Territory is in the Myriad Domain Territory, which is not enough.

In the case of the Tuoba family, there was no access to the news that Myriad Domain Territory was circulated among the top executives.

Today, if it is not a cloud to start to talk, even if it is another hundred years, they may not know.

“That fellow, actually extinguished the Promise Demon Dao, and made such a big name at Outer World.”

The Tuoba family Powerhouse, who once worked with Zhao Fang, was completely shaken.

Old Ancestor is shocked, but still sensible and calm: “Since you know that he is not a member of our Tuoba family, you should know that everything he does has nothing to do with our Tuoba family.”

I heard the words of Tuoba Old Ancestor.

The Tuoba family, who was also immersed in the Zhao Fang Huihe record, suddenly woke up.

A complexion is not very good looking.

They vaguely know why Yun Tianmen, who is high above, will be a big siege of the Tuoba family.

“It’s not about you, it’s not what you said. Today, Zhao Fang is the public enemy of Myriad Domain Territory. You, Clan, who has been involved with him, should be destruction!”

The cruel and sadness of the cloud is very inconsistent with his fairy-like demeanor.

“Clouds fall, you This is a communion!”

Tuoba Old Ancestor complexion chills.

“What about it?”

The cloud laughed and did not hide it.

Wen Yan, Tuoba Old Ancestor complexion is even more ugly.

At the time of Tuoba family peak, it was very unpleasant with Yuntianmen, and even almost wiped out each other.

Later, the Tuoba family declined, and behind it there was Yuntianmen in the ghost.

At that time, the Tuoba family ancestors, who were not Yuntianmen opponents, took the Tuoba family away from the Yuntianmen Influence category and came to the Pure Yang Mansion, which was not eye-catching in the Myriad Domain Territory.

But whoever thought, there is no way for a blessing, but a person calls himself.

What makes Tuoba Old Ancestor depressed is that it is a disaster, but damn is not the clansman of the Tuoba family.

“Clouds, you are destined to destroy my Tuoba family today, but then the grudges of the year?” Tuoba Old Ancestor gloomy asked.

“The Tuoba family is too weak, like the mole cricket and ants on the ground, and it can be crushed to death.”

The cloud fell and shook his head.

“If you are a tortoise, you will never appear again. This Sect Master can’t give you a way to live, but you are in the sight of this Sect Master… that is, you are looking for a dead end.”

The clouds are cold and sad with a laugh.

Tuoba Old Ancestor Wen Yan, complexion deep, he knows that the Tuoba family is in danger of extinction today.

“Feng’er, Guan Sheng, you take Feng’er and they go first, remember, keep the last fire of my Tuoba family!”

Old Ancestor’s eyes are as striking as flame.

If the words fall, do not give Touba Guang Sheng the opportunity to refuse, the whole person is like a dazzling Jinyang, rising to the sky and killing the clouds.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

The cloud fell and smiled, raising the hand, a finger like a God-like white jade hand palm, appeared out of thin air, shot toward the old Ancestor silhouette.


There was no change, the gap between the two sides was too great, and Tuoba Old Ancestor died on the spot!

“Old Ancestor !”

Tuoba family clansman both eyes blood-red.


Yuntianmen Chang Boss waved, Yuntianmen Powerhouse drove in, a bloody slaughter, and opened.

“Damned Yuntianmen Bastard, even if it is dead, father will pull you to bury!”

The Elders of the Tuoba family are crazy. They know that the gap between themselves and Yuntianmen is irreparable. They have adopted the self-destruct method and the same with Yuntianmen Powerhouse.

The choice of the Tuoba family Powerhouse made the Yuntianmen offensive team a bit confusing.

Taking this opportunity, Touba Guang Sheng took the future hopes of Tuoba family, such as Touba Guan Feng, to break through and escape to the distance.

Touba Guan Feng is close to the lips, and the teeth are almost embedded in the rosy and sexy red lips. The blood is drawn from the red lips, making her whole person more charming and charming.

Touba Guan Feng, if you don’t feel it, the pale face is full of despair at the moment.

She didn’t even think about it, Clan would have suffered such a catastrophe, and the looks at the clansman Elder Generation that fell in front of him, Touba Guan Feng’s heart was like a knife.

Zhao Fang, where are you, did you receive my help message?

Just thinking about it.

Yuntianmen Powerhouse, after a brief chaos, quickly adjusted it and divided it into several shares, killing everyone in the Tuoba family who are still fighting for resistance.

One of them, a Divine Emperor Late Stage Commander, was directly killed by Touba Guang Sheng and others.

“You quickly go!”

Touba Guang Sheng is low-key, although he knows that he is very different from the other side, he still wants to fight.


In the all of a sudden, the Toles Guang Sheng’s Fleshy Body, which was connected to the Divine Emperor Late Stage Powerhouse, was directly blasted, and the divine sense was barely retained.

Complete defeat!

The gap is too big!

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