The first thousand five hundred and forty chapters are used to destroy the sky!

“Trivial God King, also dare to challenge this emperor, really overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Yuntianmen’s Divine Emperor Powerhouse, looking at the fiasco only to the divine sense of Touba Guang Sheng, the lips reveal a trace of ridiculous sneer.

“Your divine sense can actually sculpt a knife shape, full of Attack Power, but it is a bit weird.”

“However, the gap between you and me is too great, even if you divine sense mutated, you can’t change your destiny!”

On the occasion of sneer, Divine Emperor Powerhouse of Yuntianmen took another shot.

Unlike the previous one that contained the tyrannical Divine Strength, he is now full of divine sense fluctuations.

It is a hit that is specifically for divine sense.

Touba Guang Sheng was subjected to heavy injury, and all the a sudden, divine sense in this palm was blocked, and it was impossible to dodge. He could only look at the palm of his hand.

At the crucial moment, a delicate silhouette appeared, throwing a singular shield in his hand.

The shield spurt in the air and instantly became bigger, blocking her and Touba Guang Sheng divine sense.


Divine Emperor Powerhouse has a palm, printed on the shield above, and there are several deep cracks on the shield.


After the shield, the women were even more shocked by this force. They were white as paper and spurted.


Divine Emperor Powerhouse was a little surprised, glanced at the shield, “can actually block the emperor divine sense attack, not simple Ah!”

“Feng’er, what are you doing?”

Touba Guang Sheng angered the women in front of him. “I have a good time, why don’t you leave, stay here!”

Touba Guan Feng, who had just blocked the fatal blow, didn’t look back, staring at Divine Emperor.

Although the other party, emits made her instinctively feel the fear of aura, but she still closes her lips, her face is stubborn, and coldly stares at each other.


Divine Emperor seems to feel the provocation of the other in the eyes, some unhappy.

“although I don’t know if this broken shield is what’s going on, but with your Strength, you can activate it once, it should be the limit.”

While speaking.

Divine Emperor Powerhouse took the third palm.

Perhaps it is frustrated one after another, wanting to stand up, or perhaps for other reasons.

The might of this palm is several times more powerful than the previous two palms.


This palm contains Divine Strength with divine sense.

Once dropped, Touba Guan Feng is fierce and even if there is a shield.

“hēi hēi, let the emperor die!”

Yuntianmen Divine Emperor sneer, terrifying palms, like countless sharp swords, simultaneously ushered in.


This is Touba Guan Feng Touba Guang Sheng and others The only thought in the heart.

The power is too strong, they have no counterattack capital, and they don’t see any hope of surviving.

that moment.

Despair and unwillingness appear on everyone’s face.


With the help of the drop, the shield was broken and the aura, which was more Berserk raging, was carried away to Touba Guan Feng and others.


Just as it was about to approach Touba Guan Feng, a white jade hand palm appeared silently.

The palm of the hand does not look powerful.

But its appearance, but easily resisted all the bombardment of the power in Touba Guan Feng and others.


Divine Emperor was shocked, looking at the palm of his hand and saw a man.

A white wins the snow, and you are handsome.

Youth One hand blocked his attack, the other hand, lost to behind, looked calm and calm.

“Who are you, I am actually blocking my cloud gates from killing the right! Sin is the whole family.”

Next to Divine Emperor, an initial said coldly of the Initial Entry Divine Emperor Realm.


His words have just been exported.

But keenly aware that Elder, Divine Emperor Late Stage, was shaking around.

“what’s going on?”

Divine Emperor youth is a bit puzzled.

Touba Guan Feng and others, looking at the white silhouette of his life, did not respond at first.

But when the back, and the abyss of the memory abyss coincide, the face of Touba Guan Feng and others reveals tears of exciting delight.

“Sorry, I am late!”

White robed Youth turned to reveal one piece Touba Guan Feng’s face that will never be forgotten.

“You are not late, Zhao Fang…”

Touba Guan Feng hides the tears in his eyes, and he is glad that he sent a message for help.

Otherwise, at this moment, I am afraid that it has become a ghost.

Zhao Fang Wei Wei nod, complexityion sweeps over everyone, calmly said: “Since I appear, the disaster of the Tuoba family will stop here!”

“So far, do you think you are who?”

That Divine Emperor youth sneer start to talk.

The words fell, but I noticed Divine Emperor Elder beside him, being coldly at yourself.

That’s a little puzzled.

next moment.

Divine Emperor Elder has a sudden and retreat, and the voice is loud and spread throughout the audience.

“Sect Master, fast retreat, that Zhao Fang has appeared!”

Divine Emperor Powerhouse’s full scream, not to mention the Tuoba family, is easy to pass through Pure Yang Mansion.

In an instant.

The battle on the field stopped.

The word Zhao Fang seems to have some sort of mysterious power, which attracts countless people.

These people’s in the eyes reveal a search, a question, and a shocked look.


When the cloud heard this, complexion was a bit ugly.

He thought it.

Zhao Fang, who has declared war on the Eight Great Influences, is at the forefront of the battle.

But I never thought that he would appear here.

“damned, quickly go !”

The cloud did not hesitate, and when he roared, he would leave, and he would not stay for another minute.

“Zhao, Zhao Fang?”

The Divine Emperor youth finally reacted at the moment.

The face of the former cold and severe pride was full of shock and fear.

He did not expect that he would encounter the mysterious head of this Myriad Domain Territory.

I didn’t even think that I just mocked this moody devil.

Thinking of this, he finally understood why Divine Emperor Elder had to escape, why he was escaping before, and watching Idiot’s expression looks at himself.

“damn it, I am really Idiot!”

Divine Emperor youth can’t wait to slap on his face.

It is at this time.

Zhao Fang came over.

His steps are very calm and powerful, and his eyes always fall on the clouds.

As for Divine Emperor youth, Divine Emperor Elder, and other Yuntianmen Powerhouse, he didn’t look at it.

Everyone is angry, but more in my heart, still happy.

Think that Zhao Fang is letting go of himself.


The moment when Zhao Fang and Divine Emperor youth were wrong.


Divine Emperor youth The vigilant eyebrows instantly become painful. It feels like the heart is held tightly by a pair of powerful palms, and then burst into tears.


Divine Emperor youth’s body, without warning.

Not only him.

Anyone who is in the same way as Zhao Fang, even the Divine Emperor boundary Powerhouse, is a body with no warning, and there is no chance of rebellion.

Including their Sect Master, the cloud of God’s peak.

“God, God Lord?”

Before the cloud fell to his death, his eyes widened and he looked at Zhao Fang with some incredulity.

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