The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters Our goal is the stars and the sea!


Responsible for the circumference of the billions of ears of the powerful Sect!

Sect Master clouds, thousands of years ago is the peak god.

Today, it is half a foot into the God Lord Realm world.

Coupled with the special means of Yuntianmen, the combat power is comparable to 1-Star.

This is Starry Sky, one of the best Powerhouse!

This is the Yuntianmen, which makes the Tuoba family desperate, and the Sect Master cloud.

In front of Zhao Fang, even the dog that was beaten is not as good!

On his way to walking freely, one after another.

This strange scene made everyone on the scene horrified and creepy.

Originally, the desperate Tuoba family, everyone, staring at each other, shocked the inexplicable look at this scene, I don’t understand, how does Zhao Fang do this one step.

And Yuntianmen Powerhouse, also with his eyes, in the eyes is not shock, but a deep fear.

In the white man who wins the snow, they feel the terrifying killing intent.

The killing intent spreads, and everyone has a painful feeling of being dismembered.

They want to struggle, but they can’t get rid of it, and even the painful shackles can’t be issued.

The audience was silent.

All eyes are on Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang swept across the audience and landed on the clansman of the dead Tuoba family, and finally sighed.

I don’t kill Boren, but Buren died because of me.

Although he cares with the Tuoba family, it is not so harmonious.

But he is here, after all, has spent a period of time, with Touba Guan Feng and other friends.

There are also many benefits from the Tuoba family.

Nowadays, the Tuoba family has not yet been returned, but it has brought such a big disaster to the Tuoba family. In his heart, he is really annoyed and embarrassed.

“Zhao Fang, these have nothing to do with you. Yuntianmen and my Tuoba family are deadly enemies. Even without you, they will not let us go.”

Touba Guang Sheng is soft.

There are only a few people on the scene who can still be sensible.

Touba Guang Sheng is obviously one of them.

“I am still late, and so many people have died.”

Zhao Fang sighs quietly.

With his present strength, he can naturally perceive that the a path of floating between heaven and earth is full of unwilling grievances.

That is the final proof of the Tuoba family’s death, Powerhouse, not willingly annihilate.


Zhao Fang start to talk.


Everyone is still curious, Zhao Fang’s meaning.

Zhao Fang behind, there is a world phantom.

World is vague, but the grass and wood in World are clearly printed in the eyes of everyone in the field.

“The inner and earth of the Lord’s Lord?”

“He really is the god Powerhouse!”

Remnant Powerhouse at Yuntianmen, see here, desperate meaning is even stronger!

Inside heaven and earth.

There is one side Osawa, Osawa abyss, and there is a reincarnation.

Inside the heaven and earth at the same time, there is a cyclone in Osawa, which is a self-initiating vortex, inhaling the unsalted grievances in heaven and earth into Daze abyss.

in a blink.

Tuoba family The grievances of Immortal, all of whom were reincarnate into the reincarnation pool.

“This is my inner and earth, as long as I don’t die, after a hundred years, the grievances of these Tuoba family will be reincarnate.”

Zhao Fang looks at the Tuoba family Powerhouse, whispered, “This is my remedy.”


He looked at the remaining Powerhouses in Yuntianmen and waved his hands.

An invisible fluctuation, passing all the disciples of Yuntianmen.

It’s like being stared at by a terrifying Vicious Beast. Everyone is in the same place, afraid to move, and can’t move.

“If you want to kill, kill it!”

Zhao Fang turned and ignored.

However, Yuntianmen is too prosperous, and most of the Tuoba family clansman have been smashed and dare not fight back.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

With a 13-year-old boy, killing his father’s murderer with his own hands, and without any damage.

The horrified extension of the clansman, suddenly broke out like a fire of hatred and killing, crazy to the Yuntianmen Powerhouse.

For a moment.

Screaming and screaming, echoing all directions.

I don’t know how long it took, this venting revenge is finally over.

Bloody slaughter, there is a moment of end.

The clansmans of the Tuoba family, with a complex and inexplicable look, looked at Zhao Fang, but suddenly found that there were two more women silhouettes beside Zhao Fang.

Two brief situation, the silhouette of riddled with scars.

“Violet Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Jia Lan ?”

“Violet Chamber of Commerce Qin Yao ?”

Tuoba family is no stranger to the two women.

They recognize their identity at a glance.

After seeing their status at the moment, everyone in ones heart trembled, is the Violet Chamber of Commerce also invaded?

This is indeed the case.

The Tuoba family was invaded by Yuntianmen.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce, which also has a relationship with Zhao Fang, is surrounded by other Chamber of Commerce.

at this point.

It was discovered by Zhao Fang after the rescue of the Tuoba family that the divine sense spread in the Heaven Gathering Territory community.

Suddenly on his body, there is a transmission order of the Void Temple, and the inside of the Domain is transmitted, and it is extremely easy, so that it can be rushed in time.

Even so.

When rushing, Queen already died with enemy.

The big Violet Chamber of Commerce, dead and fleeing, only Jia Lan and Qin Yao.

Zhao Fang took them to the Tuoba family.

“War God Palace, the stars of the sea!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold.

It is these two golden events that have been ordered to deal with the Tuoba family.

“Zhao Fang, are you really… really entering the God Lord Realm world?”

Touba Guan Feng looked at Zhao Fang’s gloomy’s bad face and hesitated for a moment, then asked softly.

Jia Lan, Qin Yao, and other Powerhouses and Wen Yan of the Tuoba family have also seen it.


Zhao Fang ordered nod.

After being confirmed by Zhao Fang, the shocking feeling on the face of Touba Guan Feng and others could no longer be concealed.

To know.

When Zhao Fang left the Tuoba family, even God King was not.

In such a short Time, even across God King, Divine Emperor, the Emperor three Great Realm, directly to God Lord Realm.

For them, this is not a big deal.

“After leaving Heaven Gathering Territory, I was recruited by a Great Expert and practiced 1000-year in a Secret Realm.”

Zhao Fang explained a little.

He also knows that his progress is too amazing, he can only make up a lie, so that they are not too shocked.

Wen Yan, Touba Guan Feng and others’ stunned intentions were slightly reduced.

Instead, it is a deep envy.

“All right.”

Zhao Fang Some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Don’t look at me like this, it’s a priority, what about the Tuoba family?”


Touba Guan Feng never thought about this problem. She looked at the four wild, but sadly found that the Tuoba family middle-aged generation was almost completely ruined.

Only Touba Guang Sheng and other people saved it.

They are all seriously injured, unable to recover in the short term, and even unable to host Clan affairs.

This burden should not have fallen on Touba Guan Feng.

But in the younger generation, she is quite prestigious.

Coupled with Zhao Fang, Tuoba family clansman agrees with her dominance.

Touba Guan Feng is silent.

She sadly found that after the removal of Yuntianmen, the Tuoba family went completely to the opposite of the Myriad Domain Territory.

Myriad Domain Territory is vast, but there is no longer their place.

“If I didn’t think of a place, then I would recommend one to you.”

Zhao Fang smiled.

Jia Lan, Touba Guan Feng looked at him.

Zhao Fang Finger far away, indifferently said: “Leave Luo Tian, ​​go to the sea of ​​stars!”

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