The first thousand five hundred and forty-two chapters sounded east!

“Stars and seas?”

Jia Lan, Touba Guan Feng, were all shocked by Zhao Fang’s ambitions.

This is one of the eight major Golden Influence Influences. You set it as your goal and you can really see us Ah!

Two people smiled bitterly.

Everyone is speechless.

Zhao Fang, looking at their expressions, guessed their minds, indifferently said:

“The sea of ​​stars is boundless, and the dispute away from the Myriad Domain Territory is very suitable as a foundation for development.”

“Of course, it is a little trouble to attack.”

Zhao Fang knows that the news of the breakdown of Hell’s reincarnation is passed back to the remaining seven Great Influences, and they are sure to be prepared.

Even if there is no Chen Bing, there is no mutual exchange, or existence.

That is to say, once he attacks any of the seven Great Influences, he may be besieged by other Six Great Influences.

This is also true.

Zhao Fang will say that the attack is slightly troublesome.


In the case of a one-on-one, Myriad Domain Territory can block the influence of his footsteps, really not!

“You are really too high to see us, with our defeated soldiers, not to mention the capture of the sea of ​​stars, even if it meets the white Silver Grade Influence, it will definitely be wiped out!”

Touba Guan Feng shook his head and did not agree with Zhao Fang’s tactics.

Her tone of voice, but the Tuoban clansman were shocked.


Today’s Zhao Fang is no longer the Heavenly God junior of the Initial Entry Tuoba family, but the Powerhouse of the Myriad Domain Territory peak.

This kind of thing happens if it happens in other influences.

Touba Guan Feng has been killed hundreds of times.

Zhao Fang just smiled and didn’t mean to pursue it.

He died with Touba Guan Feng, a friend, and there was no such distance between the two people because of the cultivation base upgrade.

On the contrary, Zhao Fang likes this atmosphere very much.

The height is not cold.

He doesn’t want to be a lonely man.

Moreover, what Touba Guan Feng said is not without reason.

“I am coming to the Tuoba family before and killing the Hell reincarnation.” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“Maybe for this reason, the other seven Great Influences, seeing me as a public enemy of Myriad Domain Territory, and can’t wait to take action on you.”

“I guess, their intention is to win you, so that you want to marry me…”

Zhao Fang’s words caused an uproar in the crowd.

Especially in his sentence, the Hell reincarnation was eliminated, and Jia Lan and Touba Guan Feng were shocked.

“You really killed the first mysterious Influence Hell reincarnation?”

Jia Lan had a hard time swallowing, but it was still unbelievable.

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang calms nod.

That reaction is like destroying Hell’s reincarnation, just like eating and drinking.

His reaction to this kind of reaction was horrified.

“This is not a secret. It will not be long before it will spread to Myriad Domain Territory.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“And, you have no other choice, just put a fight with me, since I can save you, naturally you will not let you die in vain!”

Jia Lan is silent.

Qin Yao is silent.

Touba Guan Feng is silent.

Tuoba family clansman is silent.

This is a big decision, about the lives of all people.

For a moment, Touba Guan Feng looked up and calmly swept over the Tuoba family clansman and finally landed on Zhao Fang, slamming nod.

Under the leadership of Zhao Fang, Jia Lan, Qin Yao, and Touba Guan Feng and other Tuoba family clansman, headed for the stars and sea.

This way.

They walked very slowly and fanfare, as if others didn’t know it, they only walked for two days, and the news spread to the stars and the sea.

The Star City Powerhouses, the organization of defense against the enemy and other means.

At the same time , at the same time The rest of Six Great Influences, ready to rescue.


Whatever they expected was.

This 1st Rank is a month passed.

Zhao Fang still does not arrive at the sea of ​​stars.

This is true for the Star City Powerhouses who are waiting for Zhao Fang to arrive early every day. It is tantamount to a new torture.

They don’t know.

After Zhao Fang left the Heaven Gathering Territory, he left three Clones, with Touba Guan Feng and others, to the sea of ​​stars.

As for this Venerable, rush to the secret place of Myriad Domain Territory.

“Looking at Clone to attract the eyes of Influence such as War God Palace, I am going to refining the domain of Myriad Domain Territory in the shortest time.”

“Once I became the owner of the Myriad Domain Territory, even if Seven Great Influences came out and joined forces against me, I could handle it with ease.”

Packing up a gold effect, for the current Zhao Fang, that is not a problem at all.

Two times of Gold Influence, it is a little reluctant.

Three, the battle will be reversed.

Four, Zhao Fang will be defeated!

He is at his own risk, but he is not arrogant. The remaining seven major gold events are combined. Zhao Fang’s only chance of winning is the domain core.

Continually, Zhao Fang crossed tens of thousands of stars and eventually came to an abandoned star cluster that looked extremely absurd.


Zhao Fang called out.

Inside heaven and earth activate, the reincarnation sent a Divine Sense, searched around all around, and confirmed, “Palace Lord, this is the place. You can be careful, there are often Tier-7 Vicious Beast nearby. Teamed up.”

Zhao Fang ordered nod and didn’t dare to care.

There is no good land in the nuclear hiding place, let alone a terrifying ancestor guarding.

Prepare all kinds of defensive attacks, and Zhao Fang slowly approaches one of the stars that glow with green glow.

According to the reincarnation, the green glow star is the final hiding point of the domain core.

But the green glow star is not so easy to get close.


Zhao Fang was just approached and was bounced back by a ripple of rippled ripple.

Even more amazing is.

The strength of rebounding back is relative.

The stronger the power used to enter the green glow star, the more it will be bounced back and the more powerful it will be!

of course.

These are not difficult for Zhao Fang.

He is preparing to use System to break through the green glow Star Restriction and enter it.


Not far from the Void, suddenly the wind rushed, the black cloud pressed the city, two huge vortexes, quietly condensed.

“Send aura of array, is someone coming?”

Zhao Fang swept his eyes and immediately noticed the clues, his eyes twitching, taking out a Divine Object hiding aura, hiding in the abandoned star not far from the green glow star.



Void tremors, the whole piece of heaven and earth, seems to be shredded by the violent force in the vortex, the whole piece of Scorpio, are shaking, seemingly unable to support.

Zhao Fang hiding in the dark, seeing this scene, expression fretting.

“Where is the who, is this violentfluctuation beyond the tolerance of the Myriad Domain Territory Space?”

Zhao Fang blinked and became more curious about the identity of someone.

It is at this time.

The vortex speed suddenly increased, and the huge rotating power directly gave birth to two huge Light Gates.

Followed by.

Two giant great war ships, which are dozens of times larger than the stars, came out from the whirlpool.

After seeing the logo on one of the Battleships, Zhao Fang stunned and his expression was a bit odd.

“It’s actually them!”

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