The first five hundred and forty-four chapters first met!

Ancestral God is very powerful.

This is beyond doubt.

But condensing the heaven and earth inside the emperor, in the order, completely smashing the majority of the gods of Zhao Fang, coupled with God Slayer Spear help, is not invincible.

In fact.

He also did this.

Also killed is comparable to 2-Star Ancestral God Hell Dao Lord, and the owner of the land.

He thought that it would be easy to solve this, this is only the 1-Star Ancestral God aura’s cloak robot man.

May result ……

But it was greatly unexpected to him.

I am hurt!

Moreover, it is still seriously injured!


The blood spurted out from the mouth of Zhao Fang, such as a bloody long rainbow, traversing the sky!

His blood trough, almost half of the time, the bones of the upper body, almost all broken, the injury is extremely heavy.

“how can it like like this?”

Zhao Fang, who was flying backwards, half-squinted and pale as a paper, showed a shock and puzzled.

“This 1-Star Ancestral God, how can it be so powerful, compared to Hell Dao Lord, simply is a scum!”

Zhao Fang can’t understand.

He also doesn’t have Time to think about it.

At this time

The cloak of the robert man was deceived, the boxing was as heavy as a mountain, and it was so powerful that it struck.


Zhao Fang complexion Flushing, resisting the pain from the body, grabbing a rune.

The gods are in the air, and they are close to the fist of the robe man.

The moment when the two met.

An extremely terrifying burst of aura, centered on the fist and the rune, bursting open, Vibration Scorpio!


The cloak robert man was shocked out of thousand zhang, and the lips flowed out a trace of blood.

His brows slightly wrinkle, free to wipe the lips and blood.

Seeing this scene, both sides can not help but be shocked.

To know.

The cloak of the big man, that is the Ancestral God Powerhouse that has been robbed by Ancestral God. The Fleshy Body is not bad, even the ordinary Tier-8 Divine Weapon is hard to damage.

Today, it was shocked by a miracle, which somewhat shocked everyone.

But even more shocked is the my face.

The smoke of the explosion dissipated.

At the thousand zhang behind the explosion, there was also a silhouette, and the white clothes in front of him were dyed in blood, only the position of the clothes, and the original color.

Zhao Fang stunned and pointed at the cloak.

“This brat is not dead!”

There was an exclamation on the two sides of the Battleship.

The big man in the cloak is also frowning.


He was keenly aware that the weird youth, not only did not die, the original seriously injured aura, also recovered a lot.

“how can it like like this?”

Some people in the cloak do not understand, a junior of the Myriad Domain Territory, how can it be in this short time, restore the vitality of the holy medicine?

Even in the Primal Chaos universe, this kind of thing is rare in the world.

“Tian Kui, grab him!”

On the Battleship of the Jiashi Shenguo, Sun Xiang’s tiny eye slits suddenly gave birth to a trace, and shouted.


call out

On the Battleship of Daqing Shenguo opposite Sun Xiang, he suddenly shot a golden glow and went straight to Zhao Fang.

The golden glow is extremely fierce, and the aura that is scattered outside is not weaker than the cloak of just now.

Zhao Fang is just a warning sign, a shining knife, like flashing from Void, instantly coming.

Looking at its appearance, I intend to split Zhao Fang into two.

“damn it !”

Zhao Fang is annoyed.

One after another, being provocative, being treated as a weak chicken, whoever will be angry.

“Father doesn’t make a fuss, really when I am a sick cat?”

Zhao Fang in the eyes flashed a slap in the face, the heaven and earth phantom flashed, and a golden glow blessed him.

“Oh, I dare to use heaven and earth in front of this, overestimate one’s capabilities !”

The icy voice of Senran was introduced into the same time at Zhao Fang’s ear. The knife slid across and rolled inside the heaven and earth. He looked at him and saw that he had to crush the inner and earth inside Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang shot out in an angry manner. After the heaven and earth blessings in the royal product, he contained a shot of dark energy. In the all of a sudden, he stopped the Wandao knife.


In the crisp, there is a loud noise of Myriad Beasts roaring.

Sparkling, terrifying, reversing, sweeping Starry Sky.

All of a sudden.

Originally because Zhao Fang and the cloak of the big man hit, the barely reserved stars, at this moment, were completely ground and crushed into powder.

In addition to the rays of light scattered outside the green glow, the green glow star is protected from damage. The green glow star circumference within a billion miles, and the rest of the stars become Starry Sky dust.


Zhao Fang was once again shaken out and spurted in the mouth.

But the injury was not as serious as it used to be, and HP, which has just recovered from Life, just lost half of it.

And his opponent.

The General of the Armor from the Great Qing Kingdom also flew out.

In his breastplate above, there was also a striking gunshot mark with blood stains on it.

Armor General is injured!

Yu Wendong Chau stayed.

The cloak of the big Han Tiankui is also the eyes miniature.

As an old opponent, he naturally knows the difficulty of the General, and also knows the other side’s blow, no reservation!

Even if you are yourself, hard, you have to pay a lot of money.

And the White robed Youth, which was supposed to be seriously injured, not only did not die, but also became the situation of this bone suffer.

“The road was just gray…”

The cloak big man remembered the abnormality of just now God Slayer Spear and slightly narrowed his eyes.

“Primal Chaos Divine Strength ?”

Compared with the cloaked big man who is far away from the battle, he feels the attacking armor General. It seems to be guessing what is going on, his expression is shocked, and some incredulously cried.

“You trivial God Initial Stage, how can it be have Primal Chaos Divine Strength that is not available in most Ancestral God Powerhouse?”

Primal Chaos Divine Strength ?

Dark energy!

Zhao Fang already is not the first time to hear the word.

At this moment, he also implicitly understands that he is killed too early to trace a Remnant Spirit, the dark energy of the obtain, not the power of common.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to make the Ancestral God Powerhouse so shocked.


“Primal Chaos Divine Strength ?”

Hearing the low roaring sound of the General of the Armor, the robes of the robe man changed slightly, and suddenly looked at Zhao Fang, such as the wild beast-like eyes, revealing an incredible, and delightful look.


Zhao Fang noticed the greedy eyes of the cloak.

More Sense to the other side’s eager to move.

call out!

The cloak of the big man ran across and went straight to Zhao Fang.

“Tian Kui, he is the general, you give me away!”

Armor General angered and stopped the cloak.

The two Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse great wars are awe-inspiring and horrifying.

Zhao Fang was even more affected by this force and shocked to the edge of the green glow star. The injury was even more serious.

“This brat is weird, take him first, then we share!”

The two Powerhouses knew Zhao Fang not simple, and they didn’t want to be guilty.


When the two Powerhouse eyes were locked to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang smiled coldly. In the shocked eyes of the two Powerhouses, a tear of the green glow star was broken, and the whole person turned into a meteor and broke into the green glow star and disappeared.


The two Powerhouses are approaching, and the cracked cracks are instantaneously restored. They are kept out.

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