The first thousand five hundred and forty-five chapters Xuan Huojian

“what’s going on?”

Sun Xiang and Yu Wendongzhou are close to each other and look at the two Powerhouses.

The two people hesitated a little, “That brat is weird, trivial God Lord, even master Primal Chaos Divine Strength!”

“Primal Chaos Divine Strength? is the creative power that Ancestral God Powerhouse controls?”

Sun Xiangyu Wen Dongzhou asked.

“Yes.” Tiankui nod.

“This power is not something that every Ancestral God can have. Once it is owned, it will far exceed the rank rank Ancestral God and even crush the same level Ancestral God.”

Armor War God added.

“What are you waiting for, hurry in and grab the brat and ask for it.”

Yu Wendong Zhou Sun Xiang could not sit still.

Once you have ordinary Ancestral God and have Primal Chaos Divine Strength, the overall strength of the two great kingdoms will be turned over. This is an irresistible fatal to the decision makers of the two great kingdoms, and the ordinary Ancestral God. within Temptation!

“This Restriction is a bit weird. It’s just because of our Ancestral God power, it’s impossible to shred it. That brat was easily drilled in!”

Tiankui frowns, more and more feeling Zhao Fang mysterious.

“I come.”

Sun Xiang blinked his eyes and came to the green glow Star Restriction.


Green glow The interior of the star, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, the green grass is shaded, and the gods are amazing.

In a mountain range.

“so close!”

Zhao Fang is backed by old trees, complicatedion pale, coughing blood and gasping.

“The strength of these two Ancestral Gods is too strong, and the Hell Dao Lord is a slightly stronger God of Divine Strength… there is no comparability at all.”

“Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise, once I was surrounded by two people, I would be arrogant.”

Despite the dark energy, Zhao Fang was not sure, and he was able to survive in the hands of the two Ancestral Gods.

The strength of these two Ancestral God is too strong!

After taking some Pill Medicine and letting the injury recover, Zhao Fang has a mood and looks at the environment around.

This star range is not large.

But not too small.

Looking around, the mountains and lakes desert plains and floating islands have everything you need.

It’s all sorts of weird things.

not only.

The Vicious Beast on the stars is also quite different.

Not only is it strange, but even aura, it is also very different from Zhao Fang’s common Vicious Beast.

“Besides the unusually impressive Divine Strength, it seems to be no different from Outer World. Is there really a domain core?”

Zhao Fang frowned and slowly got up.

At this time

The sky at the top of a star mountain suddenly appears a huge energy vortex, and in the vortex, emits is extremely powerful.

For that Fluctuation, Zhao Fang is no stranger.

He entered this place from Outer World, and this energy is accompanied.

somebody is coming!

Zhao Fang complexion is a bit ugly.

At the moment, I can still enter here, except for the two great Powerhouses, I am afraid that there will be no second people to choose.

“This damned fellow.”

Zhao Fang whispered a few words, but still caught aura and hid it.

He still doesn’t want to be hard-hitting with the powerhouses of the two great kingdoms.

In particular, I don’t want to be a hard-hitting Ancestral God Powerhouse with the cloak big man and the armor General.

There are dozens of silhouettes in the vortex.

Sun Xiang, Yu Wendongzhou, Tian Kui, the silhouette of the general and others of the armor, appeared in the sky above.

Everyone is behind, very far-sighted, like searching for something.

There was no fruit for a while.

Yu Wendongzhou looked at Sun Xiang and said: “You should take action.”

Sun Xiang spread his hand, some helplessly said: “Yu Wenxiong, you have to take it for granted? Restriction is broken here, and now I want I’ll go to find the little fellow, even if you want to be ready-made It doesn’t have to be so obvious.”

“There is no way, who makes me clear that the kingdom of God is not good at Refining these strange things. If Prince has these things, it will not start to talk to you.”

Yu Wendongzhou is indifferently said.

“Of course, after finding the brat, Sun Xiong is a heads-up, and it is a big deal for you to search for his memory first.”

I heard this.

Sun Xiang laughed.

“Since Seventh Imperial Prince said so, it was such a pleasant decision!”

In fact, he is waiting for this sentence.


Once Sun Xiang was on the side, he was eager to grab Zhao Fang, and he did not do anything in the Qing Dynasty, but he came up to pick the peaches.


He can’t stop the other side, at most it’s a confrontation, then both side suffer.

It is naturally excellent to be able to reach an agreement after an appointment.

Sun Xiang took out a large bronze mirror from heaven and earth.

The bronze mirror is very simple, but emits the ancient aura.

What is even more bizarre is that standing in front of the bronze mirror, Yuwen Dongzhou has a feeling of being snooped.

just like.

Everything in his own life is invisible in front of this bronze mirror.

Yu Wendong’s eyes flashed, raising his hand, and the jade’s chest was emits rays of light, blocking it and hiding all his information.

He calmly looked at the bronze mirror, indifferently said: “This is, can show all the Law, let everything hidden, there is nothing to hide the Xuanhuo?”

“hehe, Seventh Imperial Prince!”

Sun Xiang chuckled and slammed it, and Xuan Huo suspended the air. The mirror of the original, suddenly a lot of golden glow.

Golden glow Sprinkles the stars.

The flowers and plants in the stars, the Earth Vein spirit mine, and the hidden array Restriction are all exposed in the mirror.

It’s really nothing.

The only regret is that Zhao Fang was not found.

Sun Xiang raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not worry, but increased the scope of the ray of light.

After a while.

The ray of light of the rays of light is already approaching Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang has a slight heart and hides deeper.

But he still has some underestimation of the power of Xuan Huojian.

When the bunch of faint golden light slid down at the same time, Zhao Fang’s hidden figure was completely exposed in Xuan Huojian.

“damn it !”

Zhao Fang whispered and turned and left.

“Got you!”

“brat, you can’t escape!”

Almost in Xuan Huojian, Zhao Fang’s at the same time, the cloak’s Dahan Tiankui, and the Armor General were all rushed over, and the situation was as thrilling as it was.

“Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!”

Zhao Fang didn’t look back, grabbed a dozen of the charms, and slammed back, but he couldn’t stop listening to Boom.

But these are just a few of the two Powerhouse speeds, and they can’t hurt them.

More terrible is.

Xuan Huojian’s rays of light, always chasing Zhao Fang, no matter where he fled, he will be in the for a moment, feedback to Xuan Huojian.

Zhao Fang is a little depressed.

I can’t wait to smash the mysterious fire.

I can’t get rid of the two Powerhouses, and I can only think of nothing more in my heart.

“You can escape once, this time, I have to look at it, how can you escape!”

“obediently surrender.”

“Hand over the secrets of Primal Chaos Divine Strength, perhaps, you can still leave a whole body for you.”

The two Powerhouses are cold and ridiculous.

After a period of chasing, the charm of Zhao Fang’s hand basically consumes almost, they are not too close to Zhao Fang, conversely like a cat-like mouse, hanging tightly on his behind.

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