The first thousand five hundred and forty-six chapters

Zhao Fang turned around.

I can even see the banter of two people in the eyes.

He looks cold.

Thinking about the countermeasures of cracking.

“Don’t kill him.”

Yu Wendong Zhou looked at at the back, suddenly said.

“Is it really like me as a fish on a chopping board?”

Zhao Fang eyes are cold.

“Your Strength is indeed a bit special. If you haven’t crossed Ancestral God to rob Powerhouse, I’m afraid it’s not your opponent at all, but unfortunately, you are met with us, two ready to cross the real Ancestral God of Ancestral God.”

The general two people surrounded Zhao Fang, and the smile was cold.

“Ancestral God robbery?”

Zhao Fang startled, then suddenly realized.

I finally understand that the robe man two people obviously is just 1-Star Ancestral God, why do you have such a tyrannical Strength.

“Tell him what to do, in the environment of Myriad Domain Territory, it is impossible to create Ancestral God.”

Cloak Dahan Tiankui indifferently spoke.


The Armor General laughed and smiled like a cat and mouse, showing deep confidence.

“damn it !”

Zhao Fang complexion Shen Shen, “The tiger is not angry, really when I am a sick cat?”

I am going to be angry

A huge shadow shrouded in silence.

Followed by.

Zhao Fang found that his body was somewhat uncontrollable toward the shadow abyss.

Wait until Zhao Fang looks up.

The huge shadow is a mouth of a huge Vicious Beast.

“damn it, was it eaten?”

This is Zhao Fang The only thought before being swallowed.


Tiankui, the generals of the armor, have sacrificed the treasure, resisting the powerful suction of the shadow emits, barely being sucked in.

That move is to anger the huge shadow.

A huge claw, wrapped in a scorpion aura, traversed, imposing manner terrifying.

Even the two Powerhouses didn’t dare to pick them up, but they had to escape.

Yuwen Dongzhou and others at the rear also saw that something was wrong and fled backwards.

After escaping a distance, I realized that Vicious Beast didn’t catch up. This made me settle down and asked, “What’s going on?”

“I didn’t expect that there is still a living ancestor in this place.”

“The ancestors passed through Ancestral God, as if they were sealed here. Although Strength is greatly reduced, it is also terrifying!”

“damned ancestors.”

I think that the eyes look at Zhao Fang, but because of your ancestors, leading to a loss, Yu Wendongzhou and others are very depressed.

“Since the fellow was eaten by the ancestors, the ending is not clear, and our calculations will be lost.”

Sun Xiang sighed and said immediately, “Begin to find something like that. If you can find it in time, surrender to the beast, it is not impossible.”

In the belly of the ancestors.

Zhao Fang looks at all around Creepy bloody meat wall, complexion some gloomy.

How could he guess that he was swallowed by Vicious Beast.

But what makes him depressed is.

No matter how he attacks, he can’t break the little bit of bloody meat wall.

“damn it, isn’t father really trapped here?”

Zhao Fang Some not willingly.

When I think about it.

The sound of Tao Haiyan sounded.

The ancestors within the body Space, very large, Zhao Fang roughly perceived, not inferior to a Domain, so when he heard the sound of the waves, he did not care much.

But very soon.

He suddenly woke up.

“Vicious Beast within the body. There is no sea, such a big wave, is it blood or stomach juice?”

The place where he is, some strange, the blood seems to be sealed in the bloody meat wall.

Therefore, what can be rolled up at this moment is likely to be gastric juice.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang complexion is not very good looking.

Vicious Beast’s gastric juice is generally very powerful and has a corrosive and digestive effect. If it is caught in the stomach juice, even if you have more cards, you will not hear even a water ring.


Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation, fled to the front.

Going ahead.

He found a lot of Tier-7 Vicious Beast.


These normally Vicious Beast, which is awesome in Outer World, is now aura, half dead.

Zhao Fang wanted to make up the knife and earn the Experience Value.

The waves of behind can’t be chased too tightly, and in an instant, a wave of green is poured directly.

Zhao Fang has no chance to take action.

Those Tier-7 Vicious Beasts were all drowned by the waves.

Until the green wave receded, Tier-7 Vicious Beast had no bones left.

This scene.

Zhao Fang looked at the heart and jumped.

The next Time, he is used to escape.

The Space inside the ancestors was too big. Even though the Zhao Fang speed was amazing, I couldn’t walk around in the short Time, but I found that there was a place where the stomach juice could not be reached.

Zhao Fang came to that place.

Surprised to find that Scatter has a lot of skeletons on the ground.

Even though the skeleton master has been dead for many years, there is still an amazing aura in the skeleton.

“These are who?aura is so strong!”

Zhao Fang is a little scared.

He can be sure that the master of this skeleton will be Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse.

Moreover, it is still the Tiankui, the General of the Armor, and the Ancestral God Powerhouse by Ancestral God.

The skeleton of the horizontal and vertical is like a mountain road that is skewed and curved.

Zhao Fang constantly climbed the slope, there was no danger in the middle, waiting for him to come to the end of the skeleton, finally understand why there are so many Powerhouses here.

At the end of the skeleton, a circular crystal is suspended.

At first glance, I can’t see the clues.

Once close, you can see that this circular crystal is a miniature version of the Myriad Domain Territory.

Zhao Fang, who refining the domain core once, recognized at a glance that the circular crystal is the domain core of the Myriad Domain Territory.

“The domain core is actually in the body!”

This result is somewhat unexpected.

But more, still happy.

Zhao Fang The purpose of this trip is to come for this thing.

“The blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings, ha ha really!”

Zhao Fang laughs.

Even Little Linzi admired Zhao Fang’s Destiny, which actually found the domain core.

“This domain core is not simple. It is not so easy to completely refining,” Little Linzi reminded.

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes.

This is a complete nonsense.

If simple, there will not be so many bones on the ground.

“I will succeed!”

Zhao Fang expression is determined to step into the domain core.

After having experienced the refining domain core, the refining Myriad Domain Territory domain core, after a little unfamiliar at the beginning, quickly entered the state and was familiar.

“According to this, I want to completely refining, at least for a hundred years.”

Zhao Fang frowns.

He can’t wait for such a long Time.

“Progress acceleration card!”

Zhao Fang has a micro-motion, and Exchange has several accelerator cards.

But what made him feel awkward and depressed.

The accelerator card used on the refining domain core is less effective than the normal 10%.

The card that could have been accelerated by a hundred times, the actual effect, only accelerated ten times.

No way, Zhao Fang can only spend a lot of supreme coins, and Exchange accelerates the fastest card.

Huang Tian pays off.

After three days of entanglement, a striking stripe appeared on the surface of the domain core.

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