The first thousand five hundred and forty-seven chapters will come back!

The striped aura is exactly the same as Zhao Fang’s aura.

Once the stripes are spread over the domain core.

On behalf of, Zhao Fang completely refining the domain core.

Three days later.

The surface of the nuclear surface of the domain has increased by hundreds of channels, but the distance from the domain core is still a lot worse.

And this day.

Zhao Fang The last thing that happened is happening.

“Look, there is something weird here.”

Have a familiar sound.

Then, a few sky-splitting sounds came and plunged into the position of Zhao Fang.


Yu Wendongzhou, Sun Xiang, Tian Kui, the silhouette of the general and others of the armor, appeared at the bottom of the bone.

“They actually came!”

After controlling some of the domain cores, the Zhao Fang divine sense perception range is significantly stronger than before.

When Sun Xiang and others appeared, they noticed it.

His brow, suddenly became screwed up.

“I hope they are just passing by!”

However, his idea is obviously a delusion.

“Look, there is”

Suddenly, Sun Xiang pointed to the domain core at the top of the bone, excited to want to say something, but saw Zhao Fang.

Not only him.

Yu Wendongzhou, Tiankui and others, also saw Zhao Fang.

Everyone has a strange expression.

There are some flaws on the court.

No one thought that Zhao Fang would appear here.

I didn’t even think that he was daring to go to the refining domain core.

“court death, that’s my domain core!”

Sun Xiang in the eyes smoldering, roaring.

“It’s this Prince’s.”

Yuwen Dongzhou also started to talk, the sound is cold.

Same as Time.

Tian Kui and the general at the same time rushed out, like two long-awaited shells, rushing to Zhao Fang.

“brat, your life is really big, you are not dead in the heart of the ancestors, but actually found the domain core!”

“I said that I can’t find it outside, but I am here!”

Two people are stunned and full of cold killing intent.

This time.

They have to completely kill Zhao Fang, not giving him a chance to breathe.

“damn it, the tiger doesn’t make a fuss, take me to be a sick cat.”

Zhao Fang has a cold eyes.

He can’t move now, but he has to control some charms and cards, but there is no problem.

“Hell Dao Lord Card!”


Hell Dao Lord descended with the thunder, imposing manner unparalleled.

“én? Is there a helper?”

“However, with his trivial God Lord Realm, you can’t save you!”

Zhao Fang naturally knows that the Hell Dao Lord is not the opponent of the two people.

But now he has no choice.

He refining the domain core and can’t be disturbed. Now that he has been discovered, he can only do his best to leave the two people.

Even if you can’t stay, it’s good to drag a point!



However, Strength has not yet been revealed, and it has been suppressed by Tiankui and Panjia.

“This is the peak of the Myriad Domain Territory? Divine Strength is not bad, but unfortunately it has not been through Ancestral God, it is not enough to see Ah!”

Armor General shakes his head.

Having said that, with Hell Dao Lord’s amazing Divine Strength aura, it’s a single fight, even if the General Armor wants to clean up him, he has to pay for it.

But now.

He is faced with two people who have crossed the Ancestral God to rob the Powerhouse. It is not an opponent at all. It is slammed all the time and will be crushed at any time!


Zhao Fang violently, there are two groups of rays of light appearing.

Hell grabbed the two groups of rays of light by the power of the flyback.

It was a dark tower and a soul.

Town soul tower!

Ten Ten Thousand Ghost soldiers.

Shuangbao is in the hand, Hell Dao Lord in the eyes 迸 shot a sharp chill.

“Just let’s see and see, and my Hell’s reincarnation is amazing.”

Wen Yan, the generals of the armor, disdain, “trivial a Ghost Cultivator, but also nicknamed the reincarnation of Heavenly Dao, really a joke!”

Hell Dao Lord no longer speaks and speaks directly.

The double treasure is in hand, and the source of the ghost soldier is constantly appearing. The Hell Dao Lord is not in the same difficult situation as before, but it is still being pressed.

“Hell Dao Lord won’t last long, you have to make plans early.” Little Linzi reminded.

Zhao Fang brows deeply.

Today, domain core refining is just over half.

At least four or five days to fully refining, and Hell Dao Lord can only support a day.

“damn it! It’s really time for you to come!”

Zhao Fang is dark.

He wants to think about it. In the end, there seems to be only one solution.

Back to the new Martial World!

“My divine sense Divine Strength is all above the domain core and I can’t match it. Once Hell Dao Lord is killed, I am the lamb to be slaughtered.”

“The only thing that can save me is the new Martial World. The new Martial World is my World. As long as I have Heart Thought, I can return. But once I leave, it is equal to giving up the domain core of Myriad Domain Territory. I am absolutely unacceptable. !”

It’s hard to go to this one step, the eye looks at the success, but we have to give up the results.

It is hard to accept who you change.

“System, is there a way to remedy this?”

At a critical moment, you still have to ask for help from the omnipotent System.

“Two suggestions for Player.”

“One, abandon the Myriad Domain Territory domain core, leaving the green hills, not afraid”

After the System has not finished, Zhao Fang is ruthlessly interrupted, “The second one.”

“The second is more risky. System allows the Player to bring the domain core to the new Martial World. The new Martial World World is too weak to withstand the pressure of the domain core.”

“More importantly, once the domain core leaves the Myriad Domain Territory, the Myriad Domain Territory will collapse and eventually become a Starry Sky dust.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang’s brows were deeply wrinkled.

“That means. If I forcibly take away the domain core, it will not only ruin the new Martial World, but also completely annihilate the Myriad Domain Territory and become history?”


“Fuck, are you omnipotent? Is this the solution you provided?”

“There is still a compromise.”

“Hurry up.”

“Player can integrate the new Martial World into the Myriad Domain Territory. Once the new Martial World is integrated, it is not a separate entity, but part of the Myriad Domain Territory. At that time, the Player wants to pull back into the new Martial World, don’t worry. It will hurt the new Martial World.”

“But I don’t have Time!”

Integrating a small world into the Myriad Domain Territory becomes an integral part of it.

This is a very complicated and complicated job.

And what Zhao Fang lacks at the moment is Time!

“This is very simple, just need Player to integrate the new Martial World’s Heavenly Dao into the domain core, and the two can be combined.”

Wen Yan and Zhao Fang are no nonsense. Heart Thought moves directly to Heavenly Dao, who just grew up in the new Martial World.

Then, when the other party has not reacted.

Plug it into the domain core of the Myriad Domain Territory.


The domain is trembled.

The new Martial World Heavenly Dao encounters a domain nucleus, like an ice cube encountering a volcano, ruthlessly melted into the core of the Myriad Domain Territory.


Hell Dao Lord, riddled with scars, was punched by the general.

“brat, this time you see what arm help you have!” The general armor of the armor is cold and strides toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes and stared at the General and others, complexion ice-cold. “Sun Xiang, Yu Wendong Zhou, this Palace Lord remembers you, and when the Palace Lord returns again, he will take the dog.”

“Return? You don’t have this opportunity!”

Tiankui and the armor, you at the same time take action, a sharp killing move, banging Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang behind A deep whirlpool appeared and swallowed it directly.

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