The first five hundred and forty-eight chapters of the curtain opened!

New Martial World.

At the beginning.

Zhao Fang and Tyrant Blade Sect The main Liu Batian’s broken battle makes Martial World quite influential.

Simply, in the years that followed, Heavenly Dao was born, with Zhao Fang’s mind as the guideline, shepherding the world, and continuing to recuperate.

The new Martial World Law is slowly patching up, and the world of heaven and earth, and even the Spiritual Qi of this heaven and earth, are gradually becoming more and more rich.

The wind of Martial Dao is thriving.

Following this rhythm, after 1000-year, the new Martial World will not be able to revert to the period of the 100-year-old Powerhouse in the ancient period, but it is not far behind.

But it’s just now.

The entire new Martial World trembled fiercely.

Scorpio above, there is a deep crack, like being smashed by a giant sword, and like a pair of huge palms.

The palm of the hand grabbed it inside, and a life body like a disc appeared in the scorpio above, and immediately disappeared.

At the moment the Life Disc disappeared, the new Lampial World’s Peak Powerhouses felt it.

One by one, it’s amazing!

Heavenly Dao was taken away without any resistance…

The Law in the new Martial World, instantly smashed, all kinds of natural disasters, and kept on stage.

These senior Old Monsters have turned their attention to the guardian of the new Martial World, the erected heaven, the immortal, emits the solerifying aura’s Palace.

Jiuyi Palace.

“Empress, it is the Emperor taking action.”

A blind old man, looked up, and looked at the Void at the top of the head with the pair of eyes that couldn’t see things, muttering.

In front of him.

Standing two beautiful and glamorous beautiful women.

The beautiful woman wearing the purple robes on the left is the first killing god of the new Martial World, named Zi Shan, and also the palace lady of the Jiuyi Palace.

The clothes on the right side of the color skirt, the temperament of the women, is the new Martial World first Alchemist Master, Nan Gongling.

“The Emperor took action? What exactly did he climb over Crisis, and he took the new Martial World Heavenly Dao?”

For Heavenly Dao being taken away from the new Martial World, Zi Shan and Nan Gongling are not too concerned, they are more concerned about the safety of Zhao Fang.

The old man Tian Ji, who blinked, took out a piece of compass and muttered something in his mouth.


He laughed.

“The two goddesses don’t worry, the Emperor is temporarily innocent, and, he…”

The words are not finished.


A great Thunder, the abrupt appearance in the new Martial World, without any warning, the terrifying Thunder fluctuation, swept the world.

In an instant.

All areas within the new Martial World, all Martial Artists, have heard and felt the thunder of the thunder and the terrifying Majestic aura of the emits in the thunder.

“The Emperor is back!”

Zi Shan Nan Gongling Sense After the aura, there was a pale face, but there was an unspeakable joy.

For outsiders, the aura is like a God, and it makes people look up and revere.

For Zi Shan and Nan Gongling, the aura is their life, the one they are waiting for, the one who has been waiting.


Myriad Domain Territory.

Starry sea.

As long as there is a goal, even if it is slower, there will be a moment to arrive at the destination.

Tuoba family Clansman, led by Zhao Fang Clone, finally came to the sea of ​​stars after wading through the mountains of Yueshan.

But it is not the sea.

It is composed of countless glowing stars. Densely packed, like a string of beads, straight to the starry sea.

The number of stars here is not counted!

The power of the stars is unusually magnificent!

It was shocking to see even Zhao Fang’s power in the stars.

“Do you want to move forward?”

Someone asked.

Zhao Fang shook his head.

“This place is already the heart of the stars and the sea. Going forward, that is the scope of the stars and the sea. If anyone wants to die, he can go.”

“You have retired thousands of miles and watched me come to destroy the stars!”

Zhao Fang with Jia Lan, Touba Guan Feng These people come over and don’t expect them to work hard in the battle.

God King, Divine Emperor…

This Rank If the power is placed in the Heaven Gathering Territory world, it can be called the Peak Powerhouse in any of the Domains.

Can be in the battle of the second gold influence.

This kind of Strength can only do cannon fodder!

Jia Lan, Touba Guan Feng and others, are all friends and old knowledge of Zhao Fang. He managed to save them from the strains of other Factors, and how to bring them to death?

and so.

In this battle, they are just spectators.

The real main force, or the only main force, is only Zhao Fang!

The reaction of the stars and the sea is extremely fast.

Or, the Star City Powerhouse has been waiting here for a full moon.

At this moment, see Zhao Fang to kill people.

One month, anxious and depressed, both saw Zhao Fang’s all of a sudden, turned into endless joy and cold killing intent.

Especially when I saw Jia Lan and others.

In this killing intent, there is another anger that is humiliated and ridiculed.

“This fellow is too mad, and I came to my starry sea with a bunch of Heavenly God. There aren’t even a few Divine Emperor!”

The Star City Powerhouse is furious.

I feel that the star of the sea is the dignity of the eight golden events, and has suffered a serious provocation.

He didn’t know.

When Zhao Fang decided to cut the stars, their dignity was immediately ordered by Zhao Fang to under the foot.

Xisky xiū’s sky-splitting sound sounds.

There is a Star Ocean Powerhouse, and the network is coming.

These aura, one is stronger than one strong terrifying.

No one is lower than the Divine Emperor.

The weakest is also the god level.

Even a few are God Lord Realm.

This discovery made the complexion of Jia Lan Touba Guan Feng and others unusually pale.

God Powerhouse, they have not seen a few in this life.

The Powerhouse, which God has seen today, is more than what they have seen in their lifetime.

“Zhao Fang, you are too crazy! Dare to dare to challenge the dignity of Xinghai!”

A full of dignity, oppressive aura, spread out from the abyss ayss.

The sound came from the sound.

The entire star sea, like a powered light bulb, split second lights up.

The dazzling rays of light illuminate the darkness of Starry Sky, where its brilliance shrouds almost one fifth of the Myriad Domain Territory.

Faced with the glory of life and death, Jia Lan and others are close to their lips and look at solemn.

Zhao Fang waved his hand at extreme despising, like a fly.

“Hidden heads and tails of the mouse, want to scream, so you should stand in front of this Palace Lord, hiding in the crowd is what’s going on? Or do you think that hiding in the chain of stars in the chain, the Palace Lord will not kill you ?”

“Hey, let’s make a mystery, you have the ability to kill me Ah!”

The voice sneered.

But listening to it, he did not dare to appear in front of Zhao Fang, extreme wariness.

“Idiot. Hell Dao Lord, how is the owner of the land? It is also at the core of the Sect, protected by thousands of disciplines, not dead in my hands.”

Zhao Fang shook his head, cold and quiet sound, like the wind, smashed through the stars.

Xinghai abyss suddenly dumb fire, did not dare to answer, as if afraid of irritating Zhao Fang.


This embarrassing calm did not last long and was broken by a solemn and magnificent voice.

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