The characters behind the first thousand five hundred 50 chapter Six Great Influences

Look at the minced meat that has been sprayed from Armour.

The scene was quiet in an instant.

No one thought that the owner of the grand heaven court, Rus of Supreme in the Assassin world, was like this, being taken to the public!

Zhao Fang frowned slightly.

I didn’t see the flesh and blood sprayed inside Armour, but looked at the direction of heaven.

Rays of light flashes.

A group of black shadows appeared in the Assassin of the Three Thousand Heavens.

At this moment, the Lord of Heaven, there is no gold Armour in the whole body, the whole person is like a ghost, covered under the black robe, erratic.

The pale face, when looking at Zhao Fang, reveals a cold and flamboyant flavor.

Looking at it in detail, it is not difficult to find that this coldness is accompanied by a little shock and wariness.

Everyone is startled again.


“It’s Clone!”

At this time, they understand this.

“Mom, scared me a big jump, I thought that fellow, really so strong!”

“However, the fellow is really a mess, and it is easy to suppress the Clone of the Lord of Heaven!”


“Heaven, how do you feel?”

Scorpio Four Saint Sect’s main lips with a touch of thin smile, the sound is a little playful.

“I feel very bad, I am in a bad mood now, you give me be careful, Scorpio!”

The voice of the Lord of Heaven is cold.

Scorpio Four Saint Sect is very cold.

“The strength of this fellow is indeed not to be underestimated. However, our Six Great Influences are not vegetarian, let them see the backgrounds and means of our respective Sects!”

The Eight-pole Union Lord interjected and broke the confrontation between Heaven and Heaven.

“Yeah.” Too ignoring Priest nod.

“War God Wei, attack!”

War God Palace is more direct.


The 3,000-year-old War God Palace Powerhouse, wearing a golden armor, transforms into a golden ocean, sweeps the storm and crushes it.

The three thousand stars of the Stars and Seas were uniformly dispatched, and they were crushed, followed by culling.

The eight poles of the Eight Pole League are ranked third.

Then there is the Four Spirit of the Four Saints Sect of Scorpio, who is too eager to teach.

As well as the Assassin group that hides in the dark and takes action at any time.

Six Legion at the same time, loud, and terrifying.

“Home, actually Divine Emperor…”

Tuobaman complexion is extremely unnatural.

None of the 18,000 people in the six Legions is lower than Divine Emperor Realm.

In terms of monomers, they are not very strong.

Can be combined, this force is strong, even the owner of Six Great Influences, hard to beat them, have to pay a price.

“Do you want to bully?”

Zhao Fang smiles coldly, “Legion, I have it too!”

The words fall.

Void Hand.

Heavenspan Tower appears.

4th layer large gate activate .

Wild boar Legion, the abyss Legion took the lead.

Although on the number level, the two Legion are inferior to Six Great Influences.


Among the two Legiones, the Emperor Powerhouse came forth in large numbers, suppressing four Influence Legions in succession.

If the Assassin is not in the dark, it is good at sneak attack, and it hurts two big Legion Powerhouses. Even if it is too strong, it may be crushed.

“This fellow!”

“Sure enough, carry Legion!”

The power of the wild boar and the abyss Legion made the owner of Six Great Influences shocked and wariness.

Six Great Influences can get together with a team of nearly 20,000 Divine Emperor. Thanks to their deep background, Zhao Fang is shallow, but can pull out two of the six Legion’s Influences.

How can this not surprise them.


The explosive power of these two big Legions is extremely strong, and they are jealous.

Where do they know.

These two big Legion are not products of Myriad Domain Territory.

The wild boar Legion comes from the Great Qing Kingdom of the Primal Chaos universe.

The abyss Legion is an alien from the emptiness.

The six Legion in the Myriad Domain Territory can be rampant and overbearing.

But the strong self-owned strong hand, encounter the wild boar abyss Legion, they are also relatively bad luck.

“However, with these two big Legion, we are trying to compete against our Six Great Influences. This fellow is too small to us.”

The owner of the Xinghai, the eyes are cold and quiet.

“Xinghai, don’t forget Ancient Clan. He has brought so many Ancient Clans from nothingness, and he can make a piece of Legion.”

Forget the Priest road too.

“Of course I haven’t forgotten Ancient Clan. However, they were so miserable when they were beaten, they entered the emptiness of the emptiness, and they were eaten by aliens. Now, if there are five thousand, it is doubtful. Can they also separate Legion? ”

The owner of Xinghai is starting to talk.

Heavenspan Tower 4th layer, one of the Ancient Clan warriors who revealed Ancient Clan aura, sneaked out.

There are not many soldiers.

There are only four thousand people.

The four thousand people of the Eight Ancient Clans are the elite of their family, most of them Divine Emperor.

The Lord of Six Great Influences looks at each other with a complex, cold-blooded scarf.

The Eight Ancient Clan Powerhouses, who saw the Six Great Influences Powerhouse, seemed to be mad at the killing of their enemies.

With the addition of 4,000 Ancient Clan, the number of Legion Powerhouses on the Zhao Fang side is still far less than that of Six Great Influences.

But the situation has clearly changed.

At least, the two Legions on Zhao Fang’s side are no longer being squandered by Six Great Influences, but gradually reduced by Zhao Fang.

The battle lasted for two days.

Nearly 30,000 people in Battlefield.

After 2 days, there are only less than 10,000 left.

among them.

The wild boar Legion is less than two thousand, the abyss Legion is only one thousand, and the ancient Clan is equally suffered heavy losses, sharply reduced to two thousand.

The Six Great Influences who fought with them were almost killed.

There were 18,000 people who had just appeared in the war, and now there are not even 5,000 people left.

Apportioned to Six Great Influences, there is no remaining for every one thousand people in the Influence.

The reason why the battle is so fierce.

It is completely blamed on Zhao Fang’s instructions to win without defeat.

The wild boar Legion, the abyss Legion, belong to the alien Legion, and Zhao Fang also organizes them temporarily. Even if it is lighted, he will not have much sadness.

He can be desperate, even if they use their lives, in exchange for more enemy’s Death!

This is also true.

The result of the battle will be so fierce!

“damned, is this fellow crazy, so playing down, his Legion will die.”

“Our Six Great Influences Powerhouse will die one step first, and this is the calculation of the fellow!”

“It’s really heartbreaking!”

The owner of Six Great Influences, even if it is always quiet and incompetent, Priest, at this moment, Zhao Fang’s cold and heart-wrenching.

But at the same time.

More shocked opponents.

Obviously, Six Great Influences crushed Zhao Fang, but it was taken by two Legion plus Ancient Clan to create a scene that is evenly matched today.

Said to be evenly matched.

But the heads of Six Great Influences know that they can’t take each other in the prime of their numbers, not to mention the fact that the numbers on both sides are almost the same.

Continue to fight for it, the defeat will be Six Great Influences.

“It seems that you have to bring out the Sir!” War God Palace is a secluded lord.

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