The first thousand five hundred 50 chapters are not scattered

Starry Sky outside the new Martial World.

A giant great warship like a fortress, through the layer of Void, jumped to Starry Sky outside the new Martial World.

Battleship is extremely large, in terms of area, almost occupying 10% of the new Martial World.

In addition to the peculiar shape, Battleship is the most eye-catching, with a swaying cherry blossom pattern on both ends of the Battleship.

As the Battleship progressed, the cherry blossom pattern emits out of the ray of light, and the rays of light turned into a seemingly fragile hood that enveloped the Battleship.


This seemingly fragile hood, but let the Battleship encounter the Space storm, it can also be intact.

As the friction sounds, it sounds.

Battleship’s large gate activate.

A few silhouettes came out from the inside.

Headed by a fat man with a smile and a cute look, but his eyes are extremely annoyed and depressed.

“damn it, it has been tracking for so long, wasting so much resources, if it is not, it will kill Myriad Domain Territory!”

The fat man is squatting.

The muzzle is not like a joke, it is very cold and calm.

It’s like killing Myriad Domain Territory for him, just a matter of doing things.

It is like the billions of creatures of Myriad Domain Territory, in their eyes, all of them are mole cricket and ants-like existence, the expression is indifferent and calm, without the slightfluctuation.

Fat behind, standing with a dark-colored cloak robert man.

The robust man has a large eye, like an old ox, but the rays of light in the eyelids are more like two knives, sharpness and terrifying.

“If Secret Art is not wrong, then this place should be where the fellow eventually fled.”

The cloak robert man voice is stuffy.

“Tian Kui, do you think that such a broken small world, that fellow will hide here? Don’t say anything, just the aura outside the refining domain, I am afraid I can tear this small world…”

“damn it, it seems wrong again!”

Fat man.

Then he turned and said: “Crush this place to the ground, then go back to Myriad Domain Territory.”

Tiankui did not answer, his eyes, calm and focused looking at the small world not far away, suddenly browed.


A spa that he is familiar with from the small world.

This aura is not obvious.

But his Sense is here.

Not only him, but the fat man also noticed it, turned and looked at the small world, and some horrified shouted: “Fuck is not, really here!”

The fat man who had a cold face and a face was immediately full of smiles.

“Ha ha finally found, or found him in the Qing Dynasty. If Yu Wendongzhou knows it, I don’t know what it will look like, but if you want to come, the expression will be very interesting!”

The fat man laughed and his eyes almost squatted together.

But the tiny eyes are not revealing, and some are just the cold killing intent.

… starry sea.

Legion battles, Six Great Influences from advantage to disadvantage.

This makes them very unrecognizable.

Together with the stretching of Zhao Fang’s previous exhibition and the shock of the idol prison knife, the owner of Six Great Influences decided to ask for help after a little hesitation.

“Their what kind of identity, even if Myriad Domain Territory is overturned, it’s a small thing in his eyes, not to mention killing today?”

“Although so, but don’t try to know how to do it.”

“And, I always feel that this fellow is not like the Myriad Domain Territory, maybe that Sir would be very interested.”

After the agreement was reached, the owners of Six Great Influences forced their own aura, merged into a six colors light sword, and broke into Void.

Zhao Fang calmly looked at this scene and did not stop it.

in contrast.

He also needs some Time.

If you can continue to drag on, it is a good thing for him.


His vision, with the return of the light sword, became a beautiful dream that passed away in the spring breeze.

Light sword is back.

Also brought a group of people.

A group of people who seem to be out of place with Myriad Domain Territory Native Influence, a native Powerhouse.

For the first person, the posture is slender, the instrument is imposing, the drow is unconventional, and the gesture is full, revealing a noble and proud from the bloodline.

The youth is very handsome, and the divine light is like a god, making people revere.

The most eye-catching, there are several tourmalines on both sides of youth.

Added a few Divided Spirit secrets to him, powerful temperament.

Beside the youth, there is still a sergeant General, General Yingwu anomaly, the light is restrained, but the killing intent is like a sea of ​​waves, can not stop leaking.

Especially after seeing Zhao Fang.

This killing intent, angry and daring, becomes more terrifying and even more amazing.

Zhao Fang is stunned.

He did not expect that he would be here, met the Seventh Imperial Prince of Daqing Shenguo, Yuwen Dongzhou.

Yu Wendong Zhou was equally astonished. He didn’t expect to turn the Myriad Domain Territory over to the fellow that was not found in the sky. It was in the sea of ​​stars.

“ha ha… It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s all without any effort, and I quickly hand over the domain core. This Prince makes you die!”

Originally, because I couldn’t find Zhao Fang, the complexion of Yuwen Dongzhou, after seeing Zhao Fang, suddenly burst into laughter, the whole person’s look has also become a lot easier.

As he discovered, Zhao Fang did not succeed in the domain core.

Even on his body, there is no aura of the domain core.


Yu Wendong’s Heart Thought flashed, and after thinking of this possibility, his face was more smiling.

The owner of Six Great Influences after the Respectful Salute of Yuwen Dongzhou suddenly stopped.

They were originally ready to be prepared and reprimanded by Yu Wendong.

After all, it is a sin to use such a small matter to disturb Prince Your Majesty.

The development of things can be greatly unexpected.

From the current situation, they were surprised to find out.

Yu Wendongzhou and Zhao Fang had previously taken photos and there was a conflict.

They even suspected.

Yu Wendong has been searching for the target in Myriad Domain Territory, which is Zhao Fang.

“Since the person you are looking for is found, you can withdraw our people and concentrate on dealing with this fellow.”

The Lord of Six Great Influences glanced at each other and laughed.


Their hearts are heavy.

Because, domain core!

Zhao Fang actually found the domain core that disappeared countless years, and, in the process of refining, how can it be?

The main expression of Six Great Influences is as usual, but there is a storm in the heart.

“Yu Wendongzhou, are you really a ghost in the Qing Dynasty?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

But soon recovered as usual, faintly said, “domain core, is the domain core of Myriad Domain Territory, has nothing to do with your Qing Dynasty, not to mention you, even if your Lord of God is coming, I still want to take it from me. go!”

“Big words!”

Yu Wendong’s voice was degraded.


A thundering sound of a thunder rang.

The General of the Armor, who has been standing on the side of Yuwen Dongzhou, disappeared.

No one on the court saw how he disappeared.

No one saw his moving silhouette.

Only the cyclone that has not been completely dispersed in the original place shows the trace of his previous existence.

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