The first thousand five hundred 50 Chapter Two Ancestral God is coming to the new Martial World!


The General of the Armor is as fast as Thunder.

As soon as he appeared, he did not say anything, and he applied Thunder means to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang did not let the wild boar, the abyss two big Legion to stop.

Because it is useless!

The gap between the two sides is too big, the two big Legion take action, just as cannon fodder, can not get blocked.


Zhao Fang In front of him, Thunder blasted, and the general armor appeared, his face was cold, and he took action.


Zhao Fang expression solemn, does not retreat, mentions the idol of the prison knife, and squats.



Shake the sound of Starry Sky and burst into it.

Cultivation base The weak Martial Artist, when hearing the sound of all of a sudden, immediately collapsed, Bleeding from Seven Orifices, seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The first hit, Zhao Fang barely blocked.

The Armor General was a little surprised, and glanced at the statue of the prison knife. The surprise in the eyes was more intense.

“Tier-8 Divine Weapon? The knife is very good, but unfortunately, with a waste master like you. Or give it to this General!”

The armor General said that he would take the knife.


Zhao Fang Divine Strength Vibration, long hair, the power of the ancient gods and Divine Strength, a strongest knife.

A knife out, a phantom like the stars, suddenly emerged.

The idol suddenly looked up, and the neck was long, full of Pressure’s Might domineering image, turned into a countless knife, and turned to the armor General.

Countless The power of the knife, on the armor General, blasted at the same time.


Armor General can’t take care of it.

Was shocked to thousand zhang, barely stabilized figure.

On the armor in front of him, there was a deep crack.

That is the rift drawn by the idol prison knife.

Cracked abyss, and even a trace of scarlet gushing.

Armor General is injured!

This is beyond everyone’s expectations.

The Lord of Six Great Influences is even more fortunate.

Even the generalest of the Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse, have been smashed by a knife, their pseudo-Ancestral God, if you are shackled, isn’t the injury more serious?

The Armor General did not expect that he would be injured.

He looked down at the knife marks on his chest, and when he looked at Zhao Fang again, it was as cold as iron, full of chilling.

“Small you, but this should be your last time.”

The Armor General said that with the body has a rays of light, a phantom similar to his face, stepping out from his with the body.

Phantom has no entity, but the expression is more indifferent than the general.

What is even more shocking is that there is no life sign on phantom, but aura is abnormally terrifying.

“Heavenly Dao !”

Zhao Fang eyes Micro coagulation.

He has had a lot of conversation with Heavenly Dao, the first new Martial World Heavenly Dao, the bloodthirsty Heavenly Dao, and the other Ancestral God’s Heavenly Dao…

But there has never been a Heavenly Dao aura, stronger than the phantom!

“The battle between Ancestral God, the fight is the comprehend of Heavenly Dao, the respective Heavenly Dao. Only the use of Heavenly Dao is the real battle.”

“That is to say, he took action on you before, and he just did it.”

Little Linzi start to talk.

When this Venerable is separated from Clone, the Coiling Dragon ring is also handed to Clone by this Venerable, and Little Linzi is naturally around Clone.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang frowned.

Without the reminder of Little Linzi, he can also perceive that the aura of phantom Heavenly Dao is not comparable to the bloodthirsty newborn Hearty Dao.

If you say, bloodthirsty Heavenly Dao is just a young child.

The shadow in front of Heavenly Dao is a youth.

The disparity between the two sides is huge, and it is no longer on one level.

“kill him!”

Armor General stretched his finger to Zhao Fang.


The shadow Heavenly Dao instantly disappeared in place.

Zhao Fang complexion solemn, clenched the image of the prison knife.

But it can’t capture the trace of the enemy.

Clone doesn’t have a System and can’t lock the enemy.


The shadow Heavenly Dao appeared suddenly, and a fist hit Zhao Fang and Zhao Fang at the moment when the boxing wind hit, the knife was quite equal.

But when Heavenly Dao’s power, through the blade, into the Zhao Fang within the body.

This Clone, carefully cultivated by Zhao Fang, collapsed and died on the spot.

“Zhao Fang !”

Jia Lan, Touba Guan Feng and others exclaimed.

Although immediate expects Zhao Fang to lose.

I did not expect that he would be so defeated, and the defeat is so miserable!


Their exclamations suddenly came to an abrupt end.

A familiar silhouette, abruptly appeared on the side of Yuwen Dongzhou, holding a black dagger in his hand and reaching his throat.

“Do not move!”

It is not the Lord of Heaven that is the best aid for the whole audience.

It is a Zhao Fang wearing a black robed.

Everyone is amazed!

Everyone saw that Zhao Fang was directly killed by the shadow Heavenly Dao. How come out again?

“Do not impulse!”

Yuwen Dongzhou really did not move, start to talk, “I was killed, is Clone?”

“It’s Clone, not only him, but also Clone!”

Black robed Zhao Fang Light start to talk.

“Let Seventh Imperial Prince!”

The general of the armor, the voice indifferently said: “Do you think that you can slap this General? You are too small to squat General!”

The shadow Heavenly Dao disappeared in place.

Black robed Zhao Fang expression As usual, cold eyes, staring at the armor General, indifferently said: “In addition to me, there is Clone hidden here.”

“If you have confidence, you can kill me, kill Yuwen Dongzhou, kill me!”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Upon hearing this, the general armor frowned, and the gaze of the eyes passed over the crowd, but did not move on.

“brat, you still can’t see the situation until now? Slowly put Seventh Imperial Prince, this will let you go, otherwise, your subordinate, and this group of people, will die!”

The generality of the armor General is indifferent, single finger to the wild boar abyss Legion, and the people of the Tuoba family, Sen Ran.

…New Martial World.

“brat, quickly surrender the domain core, otherwise, my Jiashi Shenguo will level this small world!”

The sound of dignity, from Starry Sky, is like a strong wind, spread throughout the new Martial World.

The new Martial World’s Martial Artist, and the average person, are heard.

For a moment.

Everyone looked up at the sky and reacted differently.


After the attack of Liu Batian, the Martial Artist of the new Martial World has obviously had some experience in the attack of strong enemies.

Most of the Martial Artists are calm and hopeful.

There are only a few average person, fidgeting and fearful.

Jiuyi Palace.


The old man Tian Ji, which is being promoted, is like a backlash. It spurts blood, and the body is like mud. It is soft and soft.


On the side of Zi Shan Nan Gongling, the charming face changed slightly.

There is a maid to lift Old man Tian Ji.

Old man Tian Ji smiled awkwardly. “The two goddesses, now the new Martial World situation, is even more dangerous than the Liu Batian invasion. At this time, even if the new Martial World is broken, it cannot threaten the enemy, the only one. The opportunity is the Emperor!”

“But the most dangerous is also the Emperor of Heaven, the group of people outside, will certainly not sit and watch the Emperor continue to cultivate.”


Old man Tian Ji When the voice is down, there is an opura full of oppression, sweeping the new Martial World.

Followed by.

A robot man wearing a cloak, over the Jiuyi Palace, swept away from Zhao Fang this Venerable hiding place.

“not good!”

Old man Tian Ji complexion is ugly, “he found the Emperor hiding his position.”

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