The first thousand five hundred 50 three chapters one palm!


Cloak robert man Tiankui figure such as electricity, one breath drifting over the mountains.

Speed ​​is fast, no one in the new Martial World!

In the past, Space has collapsed and almost collapsed.

The new Martial World’s World rating is too low, even though Heavenly Dao is integrated into the Myriad Domain Territory, but because Time is too short, the new Martial World has not yet undergone a qualitative change, and can’t afford the Ancestral God Powerhouse like Tiankui.

“Got you!”

Tiankui looked at the wilderness in the wilderness, not far from the wilderness.

In the center of the rolling mountain, there is a mountain that is straight like a sword and goes straight into the sky.

When I saw the all of a sudden of Jianfeng, Tiankui’s eyes burst into a bright glow.


Tiankui suddenly descended to Jianfeng, terrifying aura like a storm, crushing the mountain.


The mountains in the wilderness, as well as the quiet and quiet Demonic beasts in the mountains, did not even have the chance to react. They were directly killed by the terrifying aura on the spot.

In addition to Jianfeng, all around the mountains, in an instant, collapsed into powder, raising the sky and dust.

The rolling smoke is rushing, and the imposing manner is amazing.

When all the smoke fell and disappeared, there was still a bare sword peak in the wilderness, still standing straight.

It seems to be protected by a mysterious force, not to hurt.


Tiankui sneered, squatting and squatting, squatting and clenching his fists, and the whole body Divine Strength poured into the double fists, and burst into the moment when he stepped forward.


The Jianfeng trembled, the rock broke and shattered, and the smashed down.

At the front end of Jianfeng, there is a fist hole that does not know how many deep.

Tiankui’s punch was not completely close to Jianfeng.

This is just the aftermath of the boxing emits.

A fierce punch comes, like to crush the sword edge in front of you.

This punch is so unpredictable.

The hundreds of thousands of miles of creatures feel the terrifying power of this fist, and they are so sad that I don’t know how many people are scared of timidity.


Just in this punch, it will be raging at the sword edge, which will bring unspeakable trauma to the new Martial World.

Jianfeng was interrupted and he suddenly found a palm.

The palm is not a palate, but is purely made up of World Law.

The first one appeared.

The Law line in the palm print shines brightly and turns into a path of divine sword, masculine to the fist.



The fist was suppressed and could not be deposited.

“Law? World’s Law, are you refining the domain core of this small world?”

Tian Kui is indifferent, with a trace change.

But still don’t care much.

As mentioned earlier, the pattern of small world is too low to threaten him with the Ancestral God Powerhouse.

Unless, Zhao Fang refining the domain core of Myriad Domain Territory.


Sky dark clouds, black cloud pressure city.

In the blink of an eye, one does not know how many thick clouds appear on the top of Tiankui.

The clouds abyss, the lightning glow flashes, and the aura is amazing.

“I want to stop me by this?”

Tiankui glanced at him and his expression was still indifferent.

Kā cā !

A sunny day burst into flames, holding a new strike from the new Martial World, and slamming in the boxing, the fists have a tendency to collapse.

Kā kā kā !

With dozens of Berserk intensive lightning strikes, the boxing power was weakened to the lowest point.

When the bomb is on the sword edge, the destructive power caused is only equivalent to the strength when it is at its peak.


The middle part of the sword edge was blasted into a big hole.

“Not yet?”

Tiankui looked at the broken sword edge of the rock, his eyes narrow and quiet, and laughed.

“In this case, let you taste the power of my iron fist!”

Tiankui lightning-like punches, every time the fist shadow appears, the power of the Thunder of the small world will come to Berserk.

But it is a pity.

The two sides are not a magnitude at all, and Thunder might seem terrifying, but it can’t stop the Tiankui boxing.

Later, it was later.

The free Ability between the new Martial World heaven and earth.

Such as flame, Cold Ice, the power of Five elements

Turning round, barely weakened Tian Kui’s boxing.

In just a moment, the new Martial World has been saved for years.

The new Martial World, Spirit Mountain Daze, began to be barren and dry.

The former Cultural Holy Land is changing towards the ordinary mountain range.

at this point.

Not to mention the ordinary Martial Artist, even the average person, is clearly aware of the dramatic changes in this heaven and earth.

Think of just now that the world’s terrifying aura, one by one.

More Martial Artist is mad, involuntarily killing people around him, chaotic.

“I have to see, how long can you hold on!”

Tiankui sneered, his fists were like hammers, and he kept pounding at Jianfeng.

The power of the new Martial World, after all the use, barely blocked the opponent’s dozens of punches.

After ten strokes, there is no barrier between Jianfeng and Tekken.


The iron fist fell, the sword edge was like a red iron, knocked by Iron Hammer, the distortion of the constant deformation, and the endless sparks.

Blink, the sword edge is broken!

Although it has not yet been completely exploded, it is only a matter of Tiankui.

“break for me !”

Tiankui behind, indifferent to a huge hood with a cloak.

Heavenly Dao !

Tiankui finally used his strongest means!

The cloak Heavenly Dao is heavily smashed, this new Martial World’s heaven and earth, instantly twisted and broken, completely out of existence, countless Space squirting out, sweeping out to the eight wild, towards the new Martial World abyss Space Spread away.

With this space, the turbulent flow is terrifying, but no one can be survived by anything that is affected by it.

more importantly.

The iron fist fell and fell from the top of Jianfeng.


Jianfeng inch inch burst.


Just when it was completely blasted.

From the rolling dust, the sudden emergence of a huge palm.

This palm is unpretentious. It is nothing strange except for the big one.

But this palm, in the all of a sudden with the iron fist of Heavenly Dao in the cloak, is a breeze, then the opponent’s fist is taken down, so that it can not be stored in the little bit.


Tian Kui’s indifferent look finally changed and his expression was shocked.

“Who gives you the right, dare to make trouble in my place, live impatient?”

The icy sound of all of a sudden seems to contain some kind of mysterious power.

The Space storm that swept the new Martial World, the new Martial World, which was turbulent, and the Martial Artist, who were slaughtered each other, were quiet.

“Who is this is?”

“He said that the new Martial World is his site. Is it the Palace Lord Sir who never appeared in the Kowloon Palace?”

Many people seem to have seen hope and excitement.

There are also some people who still show despair.

The pressure that Tiankui brought to them was too strong and shocked.

In comparison, they do not believe that the Palace Lord of the Nine Miles can suppress this Rank Powerhouse.

The gap between the two sides is too big!

In Starry Sky.

Sun Xiang also heard the sound of the new Martial World echoing, and the smile was cold. “It’s all dead, so arrogant. In this case, this Prince will fulfill him, let everyone in the entire small world come to witness his Death. !”


Sun Xiang threw out Xuan Huojian.

The Xuan Huo Jian is standing still, the mirror end points to Zhao Fang’s position, and the other end is directed to Void.

Void immediately appeared a huge picture.

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