The first thousand five hundred 50 four chapters of the Kingdom of God? It’s not killing!

The screen is wide on Starry Sky.

Everyone in the new Martial World, even an unexplored average person, can look at everything in the picture as long as they look up.

In the picture.

The silhouette of the cloak Heavenly Dao is particularly eye-catching.

Even if the picture is formed, the countless people still feel the coldness of the cold and bloody hood of Heavenly Dao, in the eyes with a terrifying look.

In front of the cloak Heavenly Dao, it is a huge palm.

The palms are white, except for the larger ones, which look like a young man’s palm.


The young man’s palm was holding the cloak of Heavenly Dao and slamming the terrifying punch of Jianfeng.

The picture freezes!

Everyone looked at it with a blank face.

Only a very small number of people faintly guessed the identity of the huge palm.

Sun Xiang’s big eyes and sharp voice: “How can it be? That palm is who, can actually block the power of Heavenly Dao?”

The voice is falling.

Then I saw the huge palms grip hard.

Looking at the look, I was actually trying to crush the fist of the cloak Heavenly Dao.

Sun Xiang’s face immediately appeared sarcasm. “Heavenly Dao’s power, 岂 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔

Kā cā !

Just heard a burst of noise.

The fist of Heavenly Dao in the cloak was instantly pinched, and the shocking picture immediately shocked everyone who saw this scene.

Including Sun Xiang.

He stared at his eyes, his mouth could be stuffed into a fist, his face was shocked and incredible.

White jade hand palm squat, a palm cloak on Heavenly Dao.

Heavenly Dao, which was regarded by Sun Xiang as an invincible cloak, was like a thin paper under this palm, and was instantly smashed.


“how can it be?”

Sun Xiang has a sharp voice and the body is shaking.

In the eyes, ridicule and ridicule, at this moment, turned into endless shock and stunned.

He has never seen anyone, who can slap Heavenly Dao.

Even in the Primal Chaos universe of Wangu, I have never seen it!

The cloak Heavenly Dao collapsed, a white silhouette, coming out of the sky.

The silhouette stepped out slowly, the pace was very slow, very heavy, but every step step down, affecting the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

The youth took the hand out, the heroic, the eyebrows, the plain eyes, the indifferent look of the same shocked, the body trembled.


The cloak of Heavenly Dao was destroyed, and the Tiankui of his life, Dual Cultivation, was already healed and could no longer play Ancestral God Realm.

With the gaze of Zhao Fang, he only felt that hundreds of millions of swords had been cut, and he had to avoid all the attacks.

Tiankui body trembles, with the body, hōng hōng muffled, and reversing dozens of steps, each step step down, his aura will weaken a point.

When retreating to the thirty-ninth step, Tiankui’s body suddenly spewed hundreds of Blood Swords.

At this time.

His body surface also has hundreds of terrible scars.

“You, are you refining the domain core of Myriad Domain Territory?”

Tian Kui glared at his eyes and tried to ask this sentence.

“of course!”

Zhao Fang is holding hands and the sound is taken for granted.

I heard this.

Tiankui smiled awkwardly. “In just a few days, I successfully refined the domain of Myriad Domain Territory. I was so sinful that I was blinded by the eyes. It’s no wonder that God is going to die!”


The Tiankui body suddenly fell apart and smashed and died.

Its flesh and blood and Divine Strength soak the earth.

This land is also undergoing dramatic changes!

After several hundred years, even if the new Martial World is integrated into the Myriad Domain Territory, this place has become a sacred place. There is a countless Powerhouse to come to the Aura of Ancestral God Realm. Although there is no breakthrough to Ancestral God Realm, it has gained a lot.


“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed Lord Level bss Ancestral God, with an experience of one billion, Divine Strength worth 100 million, Super Divine Skill Proficiency 100 million.”

“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed Lord Level bss Tiancun Ancestral God, obtained Heavenly Dao.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain fights the konjac, the holy dragon knife fragment 500, the raft tower fragment 500”



“congratulations Player level up , promotes to 3-Star God Lord Realm.”


“Palace Lord wins?”

Everyone in the new Martial World is hard to believe, this scene.

The terrifying invincible existsence was shot by the White Palace Lord and killed on the spot.

What is the terrifying level of the White Palace’s Strength?

The new Martial World is shocked and excited.

If Sun Xiang’s face is gray, his look is ugly.

“quickly go ,quickly go !”

Strongest Fighting Tiankui is dead, Sun Xiang really can’t think of it, and he has any means to deal with Zhao Fang.

Sparkling rays of light on the Cherryship Battleship, carrying Sun Xiang, will disappear into the new Martial World’s Void.

“When you want to come, just want to go, what is your new Martial World?”

Zhao Fang, dressed in white, appeared in Starry Sky and appeared on the front of the cherry blossom Battleship, sticking out the white jade hand palm and stopping at the cherry blossom Battle before.


A muffled sound came out.

The cherry blossom Battleship is like a dumb fire, with black smoke on both sides, and the dense Space Law, which instantly disintegrates.

“come out !”

Zhao Fang takes a look.

A pure and majestic aura, from his palm, acts on the cherry blossom Battleship.

The originally locked Battleship large gate, as this force broke out, broke directly.

The silhouette of Sun Xiang and others was shocked and slammed on the ground at the front of the Battleship.

At the moment, Sun Xiang, with a look of panic, a difficult situation, no more in the direction of the Initial Entry Myriad Domain Territory, the spirit of the wind, the whole person is like a cockroach, screaming his head and hiding in a corner.

He is very hopeful that Zhao Fang has forgotten himself.

But this is obviously impossible.

Zhao Fang’s gaze, I saw Sun Xiang in an instant.

“You, what do you want to do?”

Seeing the coldness of Zhao Fang in the eyes, Sun Xiang was nervous, staring at Zhao Fang, solemnly shouted.

“I, I am the Prince of the Kasbah, if you dare to kill me, don’t say that you refining the Myriad Domain Territory domain, even if you become Ancestral God, it is not our opponent of the world.”

“I know, let me go, otherwise”


Zhao Fang waved his hand and slapped it. Sun Xiang, who was guilty and guilty, was shot and flew out.

When I got up again, it was blood, and the difficult situation reached the extreme.

That pair of small eyes, at the moment, screaming hard, seems to be in the Warning Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang laughed. “Jia Shi Shen Guo? It’s awesome? I have dared to kill Yu Wenxuan in the Qing Dynasty. Do you think I will be afraid of you?”

“Yu Wenxuan is killing you?”

Hearing this sentence, Sun Xiang is like a deflated ball, can no longer hold on to disguise, in the eyes first exposed fear.

He didn’t even think about it, took out a Jade Talisman and just got into Divine Strength.

“In front of me, playing this little trick, is it interesting?”

The words fall.

A dilute Divine Strength, surpassed Sun Xiang and others.

Sun Xiang and others are like papers that have been blown by fire. In the hot wind, they dissipate a little, and there is no chance to struggle.

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