The first thousand five hundred 50 five chapters of crazy Baturu!


“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed King level Sun Xiang, obtained 60 million experience points, 6 million Divine Strength value, 6 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain Xuan Huojian, Sakura Starship, Jiashi Country Lord Godlike…”


Sun Xiang and others are silent.

It is like a leaf sinking into the bottom of the river, without causing any waves.

After waved obliterate Sun Xiang and others, Zhao Fang blinked in place.

Jianfeng three million li outside.

An ordinary Battleship carrying Zi Shan, Nan Gongling, Old man Tian Ji, Zhao Yun Dian Wei and other high-rises of the Jiuyi Palace, approaching Jianfeng.

They are not Tiankui, impossible in the blink of an eye, crossing the distance of tens of millions of miles.

In the sense that Tian Kui appeared and rushed to Zhao Feng’s Jianfeng, Zhao Yun and others, who had long respectfully led the battle, went to Battleship and came to protect the car.

But they speed, it’s too slow!

“how much longer?”

Zi Shan is no longer calm, the charming face is full of worried expression.

The same as her, there is Nan Gongling.

Zhao Yun turned and was about to start to talk, Battleship over, and suddenly a silhouette appeared.

Zhao Yun was shocked. Long spear almost pierced. When he saw the appearance of someone, he even got a gun. The vigilance on his face was cold and instantly turned into a surprise look. “Lordship?”

Zhao Yun called this, and the other people in the Battleship have come over.

“Sure enough, Lordship!” Looking at the white dress, Zhao Fang, who is more casual, Dian Wei is also overjoyed.

“pays respect to Your Majesty !”

The group army on Battleship has been kneel down, and the violent drink resounded through the sky.

“You are finally back!”

Zi Shan Nan Gongling two people, when Zhao Yun start to talk, noticed that Zhao Fang, always staring at the latter, at this moment, whispered.

“Palace Lord !”

Old man Tian Ji is slightly covered.

“You have worked hard!”

Zhao Fang nod, “You don’t have to go anymore, the foreign enemies have gone, you have to prepare, I will take you to Myriad Domain Territory!”


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Zhao Yun Dian Wei, and those group army, even including Zi Shan Nan Gongling and others, did not expect that Zhao Fang would actually take them to the dangerous Myriad Domain Territory at this time.

Only the Old man Tian Ji expression is slightly moving, but not much surprised, as early as the early guess.

“Palace Lord, with our Strength to Myriad Domain Territory, is it a bit…”

Old man Tian Ji was a little hesitant, but he didn’t finish the words, but everyone understood what he meant, and he gradually recovered from the shock, and his expression became solemn, and even some helplessness and sorrow.

The new Martial World is a well compared to the Myriad Domain Territory. As a Martial Artist, they naturally yearn for a higher heaven and earth.

But they are too weak, and they can barely dominate in the new Martial World, but once they reach the Myriad Domain Territory, they will break into the bottom of World and be precarious.

Eye-catching, in front of everyone, Celestial Realm Powerhouse, and only one old Man Tian Ji.

Not to mention Divine Martial Realm Heavenly God Realm.

This Strength, placed in the Myriad Domain Territory, has no qualification for cannon fodder.

However, this is not a problem for today’s Zhao Fang.

He grabbed it with his hand and had a burst of light bursting.

This rays of light is not the sun, but the light produced by the conflict of heaven and earth law.

“How much can you upgrade? Just look at your creation!”

Zhao Fang has a slap in the face, and the heaven and earth law suddenly poured into the body.

among them.

The heaven and earth law that poured into Dian Wei Zhao Yun two people within the body, almost half of all Law.

Everyone is overjoyed and they feel the opportunity of breakthrough.

Zhao Fang waved again and everyone disappeared.

On the vast Battleship, only Zhao Fang and Zi Shan Nan Gongling three people are left.

“Young Master.”


The two people noticed the glare of Zhao Fang and could not help but bow down.

Zhao Fang took the second woman into her arms, said with a laugh, “Go, I will take you to see the sea!”


Starry sea.

“brat, let’s put Seventh Imperial Prince, otherwise, your friends and subordinates will be buried here.”

The armored Ancestral God looked coldly at Zhao Fang, who was holding Yuwen Dongzhou, and his voice was cold.

“Zhao Fang, you don’t care about us. You kill Six Great Influences so many people, and you can take revenge for the Violet Chamber of Commerce. Even if you die at the moment, I will never hate you.”

Jia Lan shouted and rushed to the armored Ancestral God.

“My Tuoba family doesn’t regret it!”

Touba Guan Feng whispered, followed.

“damn it, are you not afraid of death?”

Armored Ancestral God complexion gloomy.

With a single blow, Jia Lan and others, who attacked the moth, were seriously injured.

He did not kill them.

Once he did this, he completely lost the bargaining chip with Zhao Fang.

After suppressing Jia Lan and others, Ancestral God once again stared at black robed Zhao Fang, saying, “Let him!”

“Let’s go? What a joke!”

Zhao Fang shook his head, and the dagger was close to the throat of Seventh Imperial Prince, and he was lightly stroked in the shocked eyes of the armored Ancestral God and other Six Great Influences.


The savage blood light, rising into the sky, soaked everyone’s eyes and mind.

They were shocked.

Shocked can not be added!

“He, he actually dared to kill Seventh Imperial Prince!”

War God Palace is not calm.

He thought that Zhao Fang was holding Yu Wendong, just to get rid of Ancestral God, and he didn’t dare to go down Assassin.

Today it is today.

He discovered that he was wrong and he was wrong!

Zhao Fang Real damn dare to do it!

Moreover, damn never keeps hands!

The Seventh Imperial Prince whole body is covered with a layer of divine light, and the whole god is mixed, as if there is no trace crack.

Only the neck, there is a flaw!

The Seventh Imperial Prince has long known but is not prepared.


Still Seventh Imperial Prince is too proud and confident.

I don’t believe that someone can get close to yourself through the armor of Ancestral God.

Do not believe that the person can detect the loopholes of the gods.

Don’t believe it, this little Myriad Domain Territory can hurt your own blade!

But at the moment he was dying.

He believes!

But all this, all already late!

The Daqing Shenguo Wenzhi martial arts are the Seventh Imperial Prince of Prince. They did not die in the Battlefield against the enemy. They did not die on the road of the Qing Dynasty. They conversely turned the boat in the gully of Myriad Domain Territory. Got your own life!

Seventh Imperial Prince in the eyes is not unwilling, only anger, and the killing intent that wants to smash the Zhao Fang.

“you court death !”

Looking at the separated Seventh Imperial Prince, the armored Ancestral God Batulu was angry and angry.

The shadow Heavenly Dao instantly approaches black robed Zhao Fang, and the cold killing intent instantly engulfs it.

Black robed Zhao Fang, dead!

Followed by.

The shadow Heavenly Dao disappeared again.

When the next moment appeared, one person was holding in his hand.

Red dress Zhao Fang!

Shadow Heavenly Dao’s palm is violently gripped, and the red dress Zhao Fang is dead!

Even so.

The shadow Heavenly Dao still has no signs of stopping, his silhouette, passing through the wild boar, the abyss Legion.

Passing through Ancient Clan



Two large Legion, Ancient Clan, body uncontrollably popped, bloody rain, and Starry Sky.

“Myriad Domain Territory, everyone is going to die!” In the shadow of Heavenly Dao, there was a chilly killing intent.

“With you, there is no such qualification.”

A flat voice sounded.

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