The first thousand five hundred 50 six chapters sacrifice!

“Myriad Domain Territory, everyone is going to die!”

In the shadow of Heavenly Dao, there is a chilly killing intent.

Wen Yan.

Not only is Jia Lan Touba Guan Feng and others complexion ugly.

Even Six Great Influences Powerhouse is no exception.

They did not expect that things would evolve to this one step.

Not even thinking, Batulu actually involved anger to their allies.

Split second.

Six Great Influences Powerhouse complexion gloomy, each other, the light is cold and flickering.

“With you, there is no such qualification!”

At this moment, a plain sound like the spring breeze, smashed through the swaying Battlefield, and passed through everyone’s mind.

The people who were uneasy and calmed down because of this sentence.

A white silhouette, wearing two beautiful women, appeared in the field.

“Zhao Fang !”

Seeing someone comes, everyone in the eyes is shooting an incredible look.

“So many people have died Ah!”

Zhao Fang, who just came to the Myriad Domain Territory from the new Martial World, swept a little and understood the scene that happened before. The relaxed look is a trace of ice.

Zi Shan and Nan Gongling, the second woman, also saw Myriad Domain Territory at first time.

Not only was the heart of the Myriad Domain Territory so shocked, but the aura of this group of Powerhouse emits was shocked.

Both people clung to Zhao Fang, like the little younger sister of the market, snuggling in the arms of Zhao Fang.

“This is this Venerable, or Clone?”

“If it’s Clone, this means it’s too strong, even this Sir can’t see clues.”

“He is obviously not as good as Ancestral God. Why do you want to appear? Is it not fast enough?”

Six Great Influences Powerhouse Eyes fretting, Heart Thought flash.

“You, this is Venerable!”

The shadow Heavenly Dao turned around and stared at Zhao Fang. His eyes were cold. “It’s good to kill you and pay homage to Seventh Imperial Prince’s soul in heaven!”


The shadow Heavenly Dao moves slowly, and the momentum that can be swooped is very fast and terrifying.

Zi Shan Nan Gongling was whitish by the complicatedion of this imposing manner, clutching Zhao Fang’s arm.

Zhao Fang didn’t go to see the shadow Heavenly Dao, comforting the two women: “Don’t be afraid, he can’t hurt you.”

No one believes in this.

The shadow of Heavenly Dao’s terrifying, just now has been revealed.

Even if Zhao Fang this Venerable comes, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

But the scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Zhao Fang, who comforted two women, turned coldly and stared at the shadow of Heavenly Dao, suddenly sinking: “Roll!”


Baleful qi The shadow of Heavenly Dao, when he heard the sentence at the same time, was hit by a slamming munition.

Everyone was shocked.



Even Batu Lu himself is a big-eyed man with an incredible look.

With a snoring sound, you can fly and even heavy injury your own shadow Heavenly Dao…

Even if you pass the 2-Star Ancestral God of Ancestral God, you can’t do this one step.

Zhao Fang did it.

Why is this?

“Is it…”

Batulu thought of one kind possible, “You, you refined the domain core?”


Zhao Fang gave him a squint. “Unfortunately, it is not alive!”

Wen Yan.

Batulu complexion drastic change.

That cold face, rare expression of panic.

He knows that once the other party really masters the Myriad Domain Territory, he must not be an opponent.

“impossible, this Sir doesn’t believe it, it’s just a few days, how can you be refining the domain core!”

Batulu shook his head and refining the domain core for a few days, not to mention the Myriad Domain Territory. Even if it is a domain domain of small world, it is impossible to succeed.

Zhao Fang did not explain.

Just extend a hand and hold the Void.

Bang bang bang

The power of the various attributes that detached from the Myriad Domain Territory Space, like the summon, came from all sides of the Myriad Domain Territory to the hands of Zhao Fang.

in a blink.

This terrifying aura, which holds the power of various attributes, slowly condenses an abnormal terrifying powerful fist.

“This… you, you actually refined the domain core!”

Even Batu Lu, under this fist, felt great oppression.

Zhao Fang smiled and fell heavily, slamming into Batu Lu.

All of a sudden.

Terrifying aura is diffuse.

The strong in the eyes look stunned, lest the fists burst open, the spread of aura, the disaster itself.

But it is beyond everyone’s expectations.

Heavy punching, imposing manner terrifying, but all the might, but they are all condensed a little, heavily bombarding Batu Lu.

Batulu did not want to go.

Since the other party refining the domain core, the combat power is not comparable to itself.

When the heavy punch fell, he escaped!

It’s a thousand miles.

But he did not count a little.

Zhao Fang refining the domain core, the owner of the Myriad Domain Territory, the entire Myriad Domain Territory is his World, in the world of Batulu, where can I escape?

In the blink of an eye, Batulu escaped a few million li.

But behind the punch, never moved away from the little bit, but it is getting closer.

“Do not!”

Batulu roared and burst into a dazzling golden glow.

Actually intend to burn Heavenly Dao to fight.

But he missed the best fighter.

Heavy punches fell.

Countless abandoned stars, blasted into slag in an instant.

Batulu can’t die anymore.


“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed Lord Level Batolu, own billions of experience points, 100 million Divine Strength value, 100 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ,obtain shadow Heavenly Dao.”


“Ancestral God, is it like this?”

The owner of Six Great Influences, at the same time, was also disturbed by a trace.

Even Ancestral God is not the opponent of Zhao Fang, the entire Myriad Domain Territory, who else can hold him?

“Next, it’s your turn. Unfortunately, such a beautiful Xinghai has never been seen again.”

Zhao Fang looks at the owner of Six Great Influences in Xinghai, indifferently said.

“Zhao Fang, we are willing to surrender to you!”

War God Palace is the first to start to talk.

Zhao Fang laughed. “Grand Lord of the First House, surrendered to me, are you unwilling?”

“Even Ancestral God is not your opponent. Now, you have a refining Myriad Domain Territory. It is a veritable Master of Myriad Domain Territory. I am surrendering to you, and there is nothing that will not.”

War God Palace is calm and listens, he doesn’t seem to be reluctant.

The other five Great Influences are hesitant, and they are starting to talk to surrender.

“If you are a normal Martial Artist’s Influence, it’s okay to leave a path for you. But unfortunately, you must die. Otherwise, this Myriad Domain Territory will become a nutrient for the resurrection, sooner or later!”

Looking at the smile, Zhao Fang, the owner of Six Great Influences, only feels that the back is cold and the complexion is extremely ugly.

“how do you know?”

The eight-pole Union Lord has just exported, and immediately consciousness, and he said nonsense.

Since the other party refined the domain core, everything in the Myriad Domain Territory is naturally beyond his perception.

“You want to kill us, we don’t want you to be better!”

War God Palace’s main voice is cold, “Sacrifice, please Old Ancestor!”

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