The first thousand five hundred 50 seven chapters!

Snow-covered collar.

War God Palace old nest.

“Sacrifice, please Old Ancestor!”

The slightly deserted War God Palace, a sudden and decisive voice.

“It’s Palace Lord!”

“Please Old Ancestor?”

War God Palace Some Mid Level management, I feel puzzled by the words of War God Palace.

“When did War God Palace have an Old Ancestor?”

Only the high-level Powerhouse staying at War God Palace knows the implications of this sentence.

“Open array!blood sacrifice Old Ancestor !”

War God Palace abyss, when the old voice sounded, a sacred array of War God Palace, led by the heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, appeared in front of the world.

The disciples who stayed behind War God Palace saw the arc that they had never seen before, for a moment.

But the next moment.

Array broke out with absolute kill.

The War God Palace, shrouded in an array, is like a beast in a cage, and can’t break free.

More amazing is.

After the array was launched, the entire War God Palace seemed to be out of the Myriad Domain Territory.

Even if Zhao Fang noticed the abnormality of War God Palace, it was too late to stop.



A huge black shadow appeared, War God Palace in front of him, the small is not worth mentioning, directly swallowed by it.


Huge black shadows, as well as War God Palace, all disappeared!

On the original site of War God Palace, there is only one ruin.


The same scene, in the forgotten teaching, the Four Saints Sect, the heavens, the eight poles, the stars and the sea, as well as the Void Temple, bloody sea.

“The big Palace master is not good, and the death of the arion appears to be phenomenon, that thing, I am afraid it will come out!”

Void Temple Grand Palace master heard this, it seems to have been expected, but the complexion is still deep, “transmission, all Void Temple discipline, all go to the emergency transmission array.”

“Second brother, it seems that Six Great Influences this time, it is really forced to the road! Do not hesitate to burn the jade, but also summon out that terrifying existence!” The big Palace master looks abnormal solemn.

The object of his speech is a silver-haired youth who is slender and has a hand on the window and looks flat.

Silver hair is superior to the group, obviously not easy to master.

The silver hair of the shawl, such as the Milky Way, added a few Divided Spirit secret colors to him.

This person, it is the same day to send Zhao Fang into the void of the Void Temple Second Palace master, breaking the horizon!

“That thing is always a scourge. It will hurt Myriad Domain Territory sooner or later. If it breaks out today, simply solve it completely!”

The temperament of the world is indifferent, even if faced with the big Palace master, there is not much harmony.


Not waiting for the big Palace master to answer, he splashed the layer of Space ripple in front of him, and the whole person disappeared in place.

The Grand Palace master saw it and shook his head gently. “Resolve it. You said it is easy, but it is too early. If you really want to start a war, you must first assign a strategy. It is really anxious Ah!”

Bloody sea abyss.

On the same day, Zhao Fang was stunned by the placenta object, madly sucking the blood of the sea and watching it look like it was intended to drain the blood.

As the bloody sea is poured in, the appearance of the placenta becomes distorted again.

After a while.

A bloody Monster Beast, which is bigger than dozens of stars, appears in a position where the bloody sea once stood.

The original bloody sea has long since disappeared!


Scarlet Monster Beast is suddenly born roared.

The strange laughter, resounding through Starry Sky, “Ancient, this holy is coming back. This time, this holy is going to see, who else can stop this holy and swallow your World,”

Starry sea.

“Sacrifice, please Old Ancestor!”

The words of War God Palace fell, and the remaining hundreds of War God Palace Powerhouses plunged to the side of the War God Palace.

One by one, with blood as the guide, the essence of life, all infused into the stars abyss.

Other Influence Powerhouses are like this.

After the interest rate.

These were not abyss Legion, Six Great Influences Powerhouse, which was not used by Ancient Clan to kill, and died by self-destruct.

Hōng hōng

The starry sea trembles fiercely, and the stars floating on it are like the ripe grapes on the grape vines. They swing around in the swaying hunting style and fall off at any time.



The stars burst one after another.

Followed by.

A huge arm of the heart between the stars, from the stars of the sea ayss.

Instantly hold the Lord God of the War God Palace.

Six people were integrated into the arm of the meat and grew out of the arm again.

But the ready is no longer human.

It is a demon that is covered with a spur, and can be moved to unhindered.

See this scene.

Ancient Clan, Tuoba family, everyone can’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air, in the eyes full of shock and incredible look.

Ancient Clan is okay, they have experienced the Battle of Ancient, and it is no stranger to this terrifying and huge existence.

But the Tuoba family is not good.

They even see Ancestral God as the first time, let alone this very rare, but terrifying abnormally too early.

When seeing the terrifying arm, many people were suddenly fainted.

Zhao Fang saw it and just waved his hand and took the Tuoba family into the Heavenspan Tower.

“You also go in.”

Zhao Fang told Ancient Clan Powerhouse.

“We have to fight with you and revenge for our ancestors!”

Knowing that it is invincible, Ancient Clan still has not retreated.

Ancient battle, Ancient Clan In order to eliminate cockroaches, I don’t know how many Powerhouses were annihilated.

Ancient Clan’s hatred of blasphemy is irreconcilable until death, how can it be unwilling.

Zhao Fang saw that the persuasion was invalid, and he did not persuade.

Just with the Law of Myriad Domain Territory, blessing them, amplification their strength and defense.


Starry Sky echoes terrifying beasts.

Six strands of terrifying aura, plunging from the different directions of the Myriad Domain Territory.

After the six auras approached, they merged with the arms.

Gradually, the prototype of a weird Vicious Beast began to appear in Zhao Fang’s line of sight.

“It actually came!”

Zhao Fang noticed that one of the aura was familiar, and looked carefully at both eyes to make sure that it was the transformed placenta in the bloody sea.

“Besides being suppressed by the Void Temple array, and the corpses hidden in the Myriad Domain Territory Ancient Clan, the remaining corpses should be here!”

“But it seems that something is wrong Ah!”

“The corpse of the cockroach, divided into nine sections by Ancient Clan, suppressed in nine different places, killing the broken world is one of them, but today, these corpses are actually gathered by the Influence such as War God Palace, those Ancient Clan What?”

“Is it true that they have been killed by Influence such as War God Palace?”

Even as the owner of the Myriad Domain Territory, Zhao Fang is not omnipotent about the Myriad Domain Territory.

In the end, it’s because the time you control is too short.

“It’s true that there is a little bit of War God Palace. I didn’t expect that they could still call out the beginning of life. Fortunately, the Great Array is suppressing a part of the corpse, so don’t worry about it re-aggregating.”

“Otherwise, I am not sure I will completely destroy it!”

Zhao Fang looks cold and looks at this huge and terrifying super existence.

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